The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 23, 1902, PART FOUR, Page 31, Image 31

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    5SPx r " ",!.' sr ;
ND so there were no lafryers m
Wolfvllle," I said. The Old Cat
tleman filled his pipe, lighted it, and
puffed experimentally. There -was a hand
ful of wordless moments devoted to pipe.
Then, as one satisfied of a smoky suc
cess, he turned attention to me and my
"Lawyers In "Wolfvllle?" he repeated.
"Not in my day: none -whatever. It's
mighty likely, though, that some of 'em's
done come touttln' In by now. Then Jurists
is a heap persistent, not to say diffusive,
and, soon or late, they shore trills Into
every camp. "Which we'd have had 'em
among us long ago, but nacherally an
as far ar argyments goes, we turna 'em
off. Se'f preservation is a law of nacher,
an these yere maxims applies to com-
tnnnnlriM ns much as ever thev does to i
x . -mi ... -.u ...-
genis, pereoimu "", M.t.c. ,
we-all notices a law wolf scoutln about
tryln to get our wind, we employs our
talents for lyin', fills him up with falla
cies an teaches him that to come to
"Wolfvllle is to put down his destinies on
a dead kyard, that a-way; an' he thar
upon abandons whatever of plans he's
harborin' ag'in us plumb prompt, seeln
nothln' tharin.
"It's Jes b.efore I leaves for the Bast
when one of these yere coyotes crosses
up with Old Man Enright In Tucson, an
submits the idee of his professional in
vasion of our camp.
" 'Which I'm in the Oriental at the
time,' says Enright, when he relates about
this adventure, 'an this yere maverick
goes to Jumpin sideways at me in a
friendly mood. Beln' I'm easy-mannered
sport with strangers, he has no trouble
gettln acquainted. At last he allows
that he sort o alms to pitch his teepee
in Wolfvllle, hang out a shingle' an'
plunge Into Joorisprudence. "I was think
in','" says he "of openln' a Joint for the
practice of law. As a condition prior ad
vised by the barkeep, an one which also
recommends itse'f to me as dictated by
the commonest caution, I Aggers on gain
in your views of these yere steps."
"You does well," I replies, "to consult
me on them p'ints. I sees you're shore a
Jo-darter of a lawyer; for you handles the
language like a mule-skinner does a black
snake whip. But jest the same, don't for
one moment think of breakln' in on "Wolf
vllle. That outfit don't practice law none;
she practices facts. It offers no openln
for your game. Comin' to "Wolfvllle onder
any conditions Is ever a moment of grav
ity, an' onles a gent is out to chase cat
tle, or handle kyards, or proposes to array
himse'f in the ranks of commerce by
foundln' a s'loon, "Wolfvllle would not
guarantee his footure any positive re
ward." " ' "Then I Jest won't come a whole lot,"
says this low sharp. "Whereupon we en
gages In mootual drinks an' disperses to
our destinies.'
" 'What you tells this sport,' says Texas
Thompson, who's llstinln' to Enright,
"echoes my sentiments exact. Anything to
keep out law! It ain't alone them Jedg
ments for divorce which mv wife Krabs
off over in Laredo, but it is the frootcs i
of a experience which his been as wide as
it has been plenty soon, that law Is only
another word for trouble in most egreo
pious forms."
" 'So I decides,' retorts Enright. Still,
I'm proud to be Indorsed by as good a
Jedge of public disorder an its preventives
as Texas Thompson. Sech approvals ever
tends to stiffen a gent's play. As I states,
I reverses this practitioner an heads him
t'other way. "Wolfvllle is today the home
of friendly confidence; the throne of yoon
Ity an fraternal peace. It must not be
Jeopardized. "We-all don't want to incur no
resks by abandonln' ourse'fs to real shore
enough law. It would debauch us; we'd
get plumb locoed, an' take to racln' wila
an clmmaron up an' down the range, an
no gent could foresee results
Tf 9rt nn AH Tr , 1
.,iT: t.Z, ;C-7 r" . . " "",
r..i. l4&v 0Uji in iciuis, mai a. :
snarp packs his blankets Into Yellow City
an puts it up he'll practice some law. No;
he ain't wanted, but he never does give
no gent a chance to say so. He comes
trackln' In onannounced, an' the first we
all saveys, thar he Is, sign a-swlngln,' an'
assurin' the sports of Yellow City of the
presence of
" 'Nobody gets excited; for while we-all
agrees to prevail on him to shift his camp
a heap, the sltyooatlon don't call for noth
ln' precipitate. In fact, the Idee of him
or any other besotted person turnln' loose
that a-way in Yellow City, strikes us as
Quality. Scrape them and carefully remove
the bones, but keep whole: stuff them
with mushrooms, chopped fine and sea
soned with pepper, salt, thyme, sweet mar
joram and parsley, blendbd together with
a little cold brown sauce. Wrap In paper,
fasten the ends well and put them In the
oven Just long enough to heat. The brown
sauce Is made by allowing the butter
to become a dark color before adding the
flour. To vary the sauce for this and oth
er "savories" use in place of milk a very
strong beef extract, seasoned by boiling
up In it a little onion, parsley, thyme and
corrot. This is a simple method of making
a sauce that holds a very high place in
dainty cookery. A few drops of burnt su
gar should be used, If necessary, to pro
duce a rich shade of brown.
Fried Celery.
For toothsome morsels that fairly melt
In the mouth, celery, cooked as follows,
has the first place: Boll until partly
cooked, but drain while still firm, cut in
convenient lengths; when cool dip in- but
ter, then cook to jl golden brown In deep
boiling fat. There is a secret, concerning
the batter used for immersing purposes,
that is not generally known: expensive
cook books have a provoking way of com
manding "make a batter" and not one
word in the whole book to tell how. Crou
tons, French toast, egg and oyster plants,
bits of cold cooked cauliflower and the
like have a crlspness and flavor all their
own when the batter is properly made,
and aa the process is simple and the in
gredients inexpensive the following should
be patted up In every kitchen: Beat the
yolks of two eggs and add to them a half
cup of cold water; use this to stir a cup of
tlf ted flour Into a smooth batter. If rath
er thick -ase more water, add half a tea
fpoonful of salt and without fall, a table
tpoonful of olive oil, beat briskly, then
stir In the otlffened whites and pu aside
for a few hours, for although it would
spoil over night. It will not give proper
satisfaction If used at once, which is part
oi me secret, Kemember that half a cup
of water will be too little for the average
brand of flour. A scant cup seems nearer
right, but flour differs so much that "Judg
ment" must be used.
Ilovr to Avoid Slna of Omission aad
No food, is so easily spoiled in the prep
aration for the table as eggs, and few
things are so easily made good and whole
some. Skill is required, even In the sim
ple process of soft-bolllng eggs, which
plumb loodicroun. Thar'o nothing for av
law-gent to do. I've met up with a heap
of camps in my day; an I've witnessed the
work of many a viglance committee; but
I'm yere to state that for painstakin' ar
dor an a energy that never sleeps, the
Stranglers of Yellow City is an ven break
with the best. They shore uses up a
bale of half-inoh rope a year; an as for
law an order an a scene of .fragrant
peace, that outfit Is compa.r'ble .only with
flower gyardens on a quiet, hazy, August
" 'This yere Aaron Green who prouncea I
thus on Yellow City, lntendln' to foment
uugauons an' go ropxn' 'round tor iees, is
plumb young; but he's that grave an dig- i
nified that owls is hilarious to him. One
after the other he tackles us in a severe
J an' far-off way, an' saws his professional
xyara into eacn, an tens mm tnat wnen
ever he feels Ill-used to come a-runnin
an have his rights preserved.
the boys meets this law otrson half way.
I,w ,tt, vju 5,tt,.. , him
an' fills him up with fictions, an altogeth
er regyards him as a mighty yoomerous
" 'Also, observin' how tender he is, an"
h!m takln' in their various lies like texts
of holy writ, they names hint "Easy
Aaron." "Which he don't look on "Easy
Aaron" none too well as a title, an' insists
on beln called "Jedge Green," or even
"Squar Green." But Yellow City won't
have It; she sticks to "Easy Aaron"; an
as callln down the entire camp offers
prospects full of fever and uncertainty,
he at last passes up the lnrult, an' while
he stays among us, pays no further heed.
" 'Doorin' them weeks ho harbors with
us a gen'ral taste develops to hear this
Easy Aaron's eloquence. Thar's a dele
gation waits on him, as solemn as prairie
dogs, an' requests Easy Aaron to come
forth a whole lot an' jaake a speech. We
su'gests that he can yootillze the Burnt
Boot Saloon as a auditorium, an' offers as
a subject, "Texas, Her Glorious Past,
Her Glitter-in' Present, an' her Tran
scendent Footurel"
" "Thar8 a topic!" says Shoestring
Griffith to Easy Aaron Shoestririg is the
cha'rman of the cccnmlttee "thar's a
burnln' topic for you! An if you-all will
only come surgln over to the Burnt Boot
right now, while you're warm for the
event, I offers two to one, you makes
Cicero look like seven cents."-
" 'But Easy Aaron waves 'em arrogant
ly away. He's plumb haughty. He de
clines to go barkln' at a knot that a-way.
He says it'll be soon enough to onbuckle
an' swamp Yellow City with a flood of elo
quence when proper legal o'casion on
folds. It's then the delegation puts up a
innocent job on Easy Aaron.
" 'In the room to the rar of the apart
ments, where this yere Easy Aaron holds
forth as a practitioner, thar'a a farobank
as is nacheral enough. It's about second
drink time in the afternoon, beln' a time
of day when the laro game is dead. A
passel of conspirators, with Shoestring
Griffith In the lead goes to this room an
relaxes 4nto a game of draw. Easy Aaron
can hear the flutter of the chips through
the partition the same beln' plenty thin J
where he's camped like a spider in its
L web, waltln for some sports who needs
iu.w ly 2-huyv up. jiay au(uu jj.ii.ens cbb-
ooal an Indifferent to Shoestring an his
fellow blacklegs as they dealB, an antes,
an' raises, on rakes In pots, an' every
body mighty joobilant, as 18 frequent over
" 'Of a suddent, roars, yells, an' recrim
inations usurps the place of merriment.
Then the guns! An' half the lead ectnes
splttin' an' spllttjn' through that inter
vening partition like she's kyard board.
The buHets flies high enough to miss Easy
Aaron, but low enough to invoke a
gloomy an' forebodln' frame of mind.
" This yere artillery practice don't
continue Jong before Yellow City descends
on Shoestring an his band of homicides;
an' when they've got 'em sorted out,
thars Billy Goodnight, too defunct to skin,
an Shoestring Griffith does It.
' Thar'8 no time lost: the Stranglers
convenes in tho Burnt Boot, an exact
Jestlce stands on expectant tiptoe for Its
prey. But Shoestring raises objections.
" ' "Which before ever you-all reptiles
takes my Innocent life," says Shoestring.
1 want3 - lawyer. I swings off in styJe,
or l don't swing. Tou hear me! Send
across for Ensv Aaron. Ymi ,
across for Easy Aaron. You can gamble.
I m going to interpose a defense."
That's but right," says Waco Ander
son, who's thfe chief of the Stranglers.
"Assembled as we be to revenge the on
tlmely pluggln' of the late Billy Goodnight,
still this Shoestring outcast may demand
a even deal. If some gent will sort o ram
ble over an' round up Easy Aaron, aa
Shoestring deBlres, it will be regarded by
the committee an this lynchih' can then
" 'Easy Aaron is onearthed from onder
his desk were he's still qulled up, pale an'
pantln', by vlrtoo of them bullets. Tim
Wise, who goes for him, explains that the
shower is over; an' also that he's In enor-
after all should not be boiled but simply
Jellied In water at the boiling point. Kv
ery cook does not know the secret of
frying eggs so that they will not glire at
you glassy-eyed from a sea of grease.
There are so manv wavii of roolrlntr nnrl
serving eggs that one need never tire !
of them, especially at tho season when
prices are low.
Beanregard Kerets.
Boll five eggs for 20 minutes and scald,
half a pint of milk with a slice of onloil.
Rub two level tablespoonfuls of flour
with two level tablespoonfuls of butter,
add the hot milk after straining out the
onion and season with half a tcaspoon
ful of salt and an eighth of a tcaepoonful
of pepper. Stir and cook until It bolls.
Shell the eggs, separate the yolks from
the whites and chop the latter very fine
before adding to the sauce. Toast five or
six slices of bread, dip them quickly Into
hot water, place them on a heated platter
and cover with the sauce. Put tho yolks
through a vegetable press, scatter over
the top of the sauce, sprinkle with a
little celt and cayenne, place in a hot
oven for a few minutes, garnteh with
parsley and serve at once.
Ham and Eggs a l'Anrore.
Chop cold boiled ham very fine and boll
six or eight eggs 20 minutes. With a
sharp knife cut the egE in quarters
lengthwise, remove the yolks and press
them through a coarse sieve. Lay the
white pieces In warm water. Make a
white sauce of two tabiespoonfulo of but
ter and the same quantity of flour added
after the butter has melted. Cook for a
few minutes, then add slowly two cup
fuls of milk. Stir constantly to a smooth
sauce and season with, salt and white
pepper. Moisten the hani with a little of
the sauce, heat and placo In the center of
a hot dish In the form of a mound. Pour
the sauce over It, sprinkle the top thick
ly with yolk crumbs and border It with
the white plccca.
Eggx Milanese.
Boil for 20 minutes as many eggs as
you wish to serve When they are cold
remove the shells and cut Into halves
carefully lengthwise." Remove the yolks
and put the two halves of each egg care
fully together, so they may not get
mixed. Mash the yolks. And for every
half dozen add a teaspoonful of aoft but
ter and a few drops of onion Juice; to
this add one-half as much minced chick
en, veal or lamb, seasoned to the taste
with salt, pepper, made mustard and
chopped parsley, and mix the whole well
together. Fill the whiteB with the mix
mous demand to save Shoestring for beef- t
In' Billy Goodnight. At this, Easy Aaron
gets up an' coughs 'round for a moment
or two, recoverln' his nerve: then ho but
tons his surtoot. assooms airs of deep sa
gacity, tucks the Texas -Statootes onder
his arm. repairs to the Burnt Boot an'
allows he's ready to defend Shoestring
from said charges.
" "But not onlesa nay fee la paid In
advance," says this yere Easy Aaron.
" 'At that we-all passes the hat and each
chucks In a white chip or two, an' when
"Waco Anderson counts up the results. It
shows well-nigh eighty-five dollars. Easy
Aaron shakes his head like Its. plumb
di,. EZXZ ,X. fT ,n . w3f
small; but he takes It. an casts hlmsef ,
loose. An' gents, he's shore verbose! He
pelts an' pounds that committee with a
hailstorm of observations ontil all they
con do Is set thar an wag their y'ears an
bat their eyes. "Waco Anderson himse'f al
lows, when dlscussln' said oration later.
that ho ain't beheld nothln' so muddy an'
so 'much since the last big flood on the
" 'After Easy Aaron holds forth for two
hours, Waco preevalls on him with a six-
shooter to pa,use for breath. Waco's tried
0 timrs to get Easy Aaron to stop long
efforts with scorn and rides him down like j
he. Easy Aaron, Is -a bunch of cattle on a '
stanmede. Tbar's no headln' or holdln s
him ontll Waco, In desperation, that a-way j crowdin along toward the time when him
takes to tyrannlzln' at him with his gun. j an his clients adjourn over to that coun
" ' "It's this," says Waco, when Easy j ty seat an' give Easy Aaron the oppor
Aaron's subdooed. "If the eminent gent tunlty to write his name on the deathless
will quit howlln right yere, an' never an- rolls of 'fame a lot.
other yelp the committee Is wlllin' to ' " But black disappointment gets Easy
throw this villain Shoestring loose. Every- , Aaron squar In the door. One mornln he
one of us is a slave to dooty, but nacher-J reopalrs to the calaboose to consult with
ally we pauses before personal destruction ho felons on whose Interests he s rldln
in a awful form. Billy Goodnight is gone: I Horror seizes him; he finds" the
nniinnhf vi Tnitri4w ihnuM Tcin thA i cells as vacant as a echo.
doom meted out for aw-h atrociti.: but
a .,. W4 i !
-rt!i on tn h r; tn Hth tn t Mm. I
charge. Yellow City makes no sech de-
j - ,. i. v-.- t .
peats, that if this yere Easy Aaron sits
where he Is, plumb mute, we agrees to cut ,
Shoestring's bonds an' restore him to that 1
freedom whereof he makes sech vivid use." I
'At this, Easy Aaron stands up. puffs
out his chest, bows to Waco, an' the oth-
nn- .vA -m a nntmnitin r.nir
.4r..i.. ,. vm. mT, 1. .11-j m,A '
string Griffith is saved.
'Doorin' the subsequent line-up at the
bar which concloods the ceremonies. Easy
Aaron waxes Indignant an' is a heap har
rowed to observe Billy Goodnight im
bibln with the rest.
" ' "I thought you-all deadl" says Easy
Aaron. In tones of wrathful reproach.
' "Which I was dead," says Billy, sort
o apol'getlc, "but them words of Are
brings me to. Tou can gamble, sech elo
quence simply raises the dead."
" 'Easy Aaron don't make no answer, but
as he jingles the fee, the sour look relaxes
an you-all can see that while he contemns
the Jest, he shore does not despise its
sliver Jlnm none.
" 'But as I remarks. Easy Aaron ain't
with us over long. Yellow City Is that
much worse off than Wolfvlllo that she
has a little old 'doby calaboose that's been
built since the old Mexico days. Thar's
no shore-enough Jedge an' Jury ever comes
to Yellow City; an' If the kj-ards had so
come that we has a captive or two which
the Stranglers deemed beneath 'em, they
would have to be drug "way off yonder to
some county seat. It's but fair to say
that no sech contretemp presents Itse'f up ,
rt tYio olr-ftrit- fT T?nev Afifftn nr villn I
thar's now an then a .small accoomula-
tion of felons doorin' sech seasons as the
boys la off on the ranges or Jiusivwlth the
round-ups, thar never falls to come a
clean-up In plenty of time. The Stranglers
comes back; Jestlce resoomca her sway,
an' the calaboose is ag'in as empty as t
" 'It befalls, however, that jdoorin' the
four or five weeks to follow the .acquittal
of that homicide Shoestring, an' while
Waco Anderson an' a quorum of the
committee is away pesterln' about In
their own affairs the calaboose gets I
filled up with two white men. and either
fnnr nr flv XfAxrnnT. em't mv thi
last for shore, as I ain't got a good I
mom'ry for Mexicans. These parties Is I
held for divers malefactions, from shootln' .
up a Greaser dance hall to stcalln a
cow over on tho Honeymoon. To his Joy,
Easy Aaron Is reetalncd to defend this
crlm'nal herd. It's shore pleasant to
watch 'him. I never sees tho sport who's
that proudly content. Easy Aaron visits
these yere clients of his every day, an'
when he has tlmo he walks out onto the
plains so far that you-all can't hear his
tones, an rehearses the speeches "he's
almln' to make whon he gets them cut-
throats before a jury. We-all could see
hlm prancln up an' down, tossln' his
hands, an' all In the most locoed way.
ture, smooth, and press the two halves i
of each egg together, being careful to put !
them together Just as they were cut.
Tie each egg together with a thread;
spread what filling there wao left on a
shallow plate, lay tbe stuffed eggs on this,
cover with a whlto sauce, sprinkle but-
tered bread crumbs over the entire sur
face and bake until they are brown. If
you desire the eggs to be eaten cold, when
you have got them filled and tied up, roll
each egg In crumbs, then In beaten egg.
again In crumbs, place In a f rylng-basket
and fry a deep brown. The latter ere
very nice for a luncheon dish.
Custard SohAc.
Beat two scant tablespoonfuls butter to
a cream, add two full tablespoonfuls of
flour. Pour over It one cupful of hot
milk. Cook eight minutes In a double
boiler, stirring often. Separate tho yolks
and whites of four eggs. Beat the yolks
to a hatter and add two tablespoonfuls
of eugar and etlr Into the milk mixture
and set aside to cool. Half an hour before
serving beat the whites stiff, cut and
fold them lightly Into the yolks. Bake
In a moderate oven one-half hour, and
serve immediately with any sauco pre
ferrcd. Omelets.
As a rule a small omelet can be roadi
more successfully than a large one. Al
low one egg to a person In making an
omelet, and limit the sl?e to four egge.
Omelets are called by the name of what
Is added to give them flavor, as minced
ham. oysters, salmon, etc All omeletes
should be served the minute they are done
and great care should be taken that they
are not overdone.
Plata Omelet.
Beat four eggs, the .whites to a stiff
froth, the yolks to a batter. Add to the
yolko pepper and salt, then Btlr In he
whites lightly. Pour Into a hot frying
pan in which a tableppoonful of butter
has been melted. When browned on the
bottom fold over and set the pan In the
hot oven for a moment to finish cooking.
Shirred Eggs.
Heat a porcelain dish, melt a piece of
butter In It, and break Into the dish the
eggs to be cooked. Sprinkle silt and pep
per over them and cook In the oven four
or five minutes. Minced greon peppers
may be used. This gives a delicious fla
vor. Jelled Eggs.
Put the eggs into a dish with a cover
and pour upon thera boiling water, cover
and set where they will keep hot and not
boll, for six to eight minutes. The heat
of the water cooks tho eggs slowly and
As I states, he's too far off to be heard
none; but he-'a in plain Tiew from the
front windows of the Burnt Boot, an
we-all finds them antics plumb dlrertln.
" "These yere cases," eays Easy Aaron
to zae, for he's that happy an enthoosias"
tic he's got to open up "His confidence on
some gent, "these yere cases is bound to
fix my fame as the modern Demosthenes.
You knows how eloqwent I am about
Shoestring? That won't be a marker to
the oration Vtt frame up for -these mis.
rrnant In tn ralnhiVlSft. Tar whv? 1
Shoestring's time I ain't organized; also.
I'm more or less shook up by tnem dui-
lets.buzzia' an' humraln' like a passel of
Mo ootUe files about my office. But
'different. 111 be ready; an'
rn 4 , M 8ajno a
mood which la excellent, partic'lar if a
gent Is out to break records for rhetoric.
I shore regyards then malefactors- as so
many rungs for my clamberln' lip the
ladder of fame." An' with that this yere
Easy Aaron goes plrootln' forth upon the
oina to resooroe his verbal practice,
"it's mebby a week after this exulta-
tlon of Easy Aaron, an "Waco Anderson
an' the others Is In from the ranges. Yel-
icvr City la onusual vivacious an' lively.
Tou - all may jedge of the happy pros-
twenty thousand dollars. As for :
Aaron, he's goin' about in clouds of
sonal an speshul delight. It's now
" ' "Where's these, yere clients?" asks
Easy Aaron, while his face grows white,
Vamosed!" says the Mexican who
carries the calaboose keys; an with that
u luriii lu liiiKUhjr cuuiuvkcu iv iuu a
""amosed where at?" pursood Easy
,su,uo nuc"' " H" ow" '
7T1, ... , .. t.
prv ,cl Inferno! "says the Mexican;
he's got his cigarette lighted an' Is pu
f.n' a "n ented as hossthleves See
tnar. Amigol goes on the Greaser, lndl-
catln down the street.
Easy Aaron gazes- where the Mexican
pints, an' his heart turns to ice. Thar
swayin an swlngln' like tassels In the
mornln' breeze, an' each as dead as Santa
Ana, he beholds his entire docket hangln
to the windmill. Easy Aaron approaches
an' counts 'em up. Which they're all
thar. The Stranglers shorely makes a
house-cleanln'. As Easy Aaron looks
upon them late clients he wrings his
" ' "Thar haegg fame," says Easy
Aaron; "thar hangs my chance of eml
nence. That eloquence, wherewith my
heart Is freighted, an which would have
declar'd me the Ersklne of the Brazos, is
lynched with my clients.'' Then wheelln'
on Waco Anderson who strolls over. Easy
Aaron demands plenty ferocious: "Who
ever docs this yere daatard deed?"
" "Which this agitated sport," ob
serves Waco coldly, to Shoestring Griffith,
who comes loungin up likewise, "asks
whoever does these dastard deeds? Does
you-all recall the fate. Shoestring, of the
last misguided maverick w"ho gives way
to sech a query? My xnera'ry la never
ackcrate as to trifles, an' I'm confoosed as
to whether he's shot or hung, or simply
burned alive."
" That TK
That prairie dog Is hung a whole
lot," says Shoestring. "Which tho boys
was goin' to burn him, buLon its appearin'
that .he puts the question, jnore J,v Igaor
ance than malice, they softens on second
thought to that degree they merely gets
a rope, adds him to the windmill with the
others an' jets the matter drop."
" '-asy Aaron don't pursoo bis explora
tions further. He can see thar's what
you-all might call a sub-stratum of seri
ousness to the observations of Waco an
Shoertring, an his efforts to solve the
mystery that disposes of every lo-w case
he has an' leaves him to begin life anew
comes to a halt. But It lets pore Easy
Aaron out. Hex boixys a Hoss from the
.corral, packs the Texas Satoots on his
extra shirt In the war bags; an' with that,
the only real law wolf who ever makes .his
lair in Yellow City, p'ints sadly no'th-
ward an' Is seen no more. As he s aoout
to ride. away. Easy Aaron turns to me to
say adlos. He's sort o got the notion I
ain't so plumb bad as Waco, Shoestring
an' the rst, "I shall never return." saya
Easy Aaron, an he shakes his head plenty
disconsolate. "Genius has no show In
Yellow City. The outfit that hangs a
gent'a clients as fast as ever he's retained,
J offers no Jndoocemcnts opens no oppor-
toonltles that a-way to a ammtious Dar-
rister." ' "
J (Copyright, 1S02.)
they are done evenly through and the
taste is much richer than if the eggs oro
Scalloped Eggs.
Hard boll six eggs; slice thin In rings.
Place In a well-buttered baking dleh alter-
nate lsyoro of eggs and. bread crumbs,
seasoned with butter, pepper and salt..
Be sure the top layer Is of crumbs. Ovor
the whoje pour a cupful of cream and
bake In a moderate oven.
Minced Eggs.
Mince five hard-boiled eggs not too fine,
and stir them Into a pint of whits sauce
and pour over small pieces of toast.
Mushrooms added to the sauce gives a
good flavor, or a sprinkle of nutmeg, or
a little chopped parsley.
Poached Eggs Wltb MnslrooraB.
Take one can of mushrooms, place In
a saucepan with a tablespoonful of good
'butter; season with half a teaspoonful
of salt and a email pinch of white pep
per, add a little lemon Juice and cook
for 10 minutes. Now thicken the sauco,
then poach 10 eggs. Pour the sauce on
a platter, neatly lay tho eggs around
the dish, put the mushrooms- In the cen
ter, and serve hot with toast.
It Takes a Shoe JO Smaller Than a
NHraber Six.
A sprightly controversy has been going
on for some time In tho English news
papers relative to the somewhat Intimate
subject of the young Englishwoman's
foot, or rather her shoes. The modern
English girl Is tall, tarl In a sense and
to a degre thit the Gibson cartoons of
the stately American girl do not even
adumbrate. In the aristocratic set, more
often than not, she towers over the heads
of foreign gentlemen. Long generations
of descent from tall fathers and mothers
and vigorous years of outdoor exercise
have mide her what she Is very occa
sionally a six-footer and with hands and
feet in due proportion.
Tho note of alarm has at last been
sounded. It is held that "the daughters
of Anak" are exercising too freely. If they
would wear the dilnty shoes that are
women's traditional adornment. While the
answer Is made that the apparent slse of
tho English girl's foot Is due to' her sensi
ble preference for loose, easy shoes, It Is
admittedly an Incomplete explanation.
Ope reason for the growing popularity of
tho American shoe in London Is that if
looks neater and trimmer and decidedly
smaller than the English shoe of the same
But another reason la that the American
woman resident In London cannot find an
English shoe small enough to fit her foot.
One shopper relates In a London paper
that the smallest sizes she could find in a
Regent-street store were .sixes. The ex
hibition of royal relics recently opened at
the New Gallery furnishes Interesting tes
timony that a generous understanding is
no mere development of the modern Ama
zonian spirit. The boots worn by Queen
Elizabeth as Princess, preserved in the
collection, are almost as capacious as the
slippers worn by George IV. at his coronation.
Babies Mast Xet Be Roelcea t Sleep.
But doctors, are not as a general rule
greatly Influenced by purely sentimental
considerations, and they have Issued the
mandate, "Babies should not be rocked to
sleep." This would at first seem cruel and
arbitrary,, but It Is not a3 unreasonable as
would appear. It is vastly better for the
baby to be undressed and laid down In
the tnlb, with a cool, fresh pillow under
the little head, to drop Into a quiet sleep,
than-, to be held In mother's warm, arms,
close -agalnst her breast, and rocked for
half an hour or Biore. With most babies
a very little training will be sufficient to
induce them to sleep when laid down if
they have never become accustomed to
the rocking. If you are not Spartan
enough to leave the baby while he is vig
orously protesting against this procedure,
sit by the crib and gently pat him to
sleep.. After awhile even this will not be
necessary. It Is not only better for the
child, but also for the mother, as the
rocking habit. If persisted in, soon be
comes a tax rather than a pleasure. Ar
thur W. Yale, M. D., In Woman's Home
Heaaeaeld Hints.
Salt water is a fine tonic for the hair.
To take fish odor from pans, wash with
strong soda water.
Glass covers for platters are sometimes
used instead of metal.
Lamp wicks should be pinched and
rubbed smooth, not cut.
Nice little cold-meat forks, which are
really most useful things, cost only 75
if s the
of all
and I repeat
what has oft
"The a an
who would
not be satis
led with the
lerricc of the
would not be satisfied with anything ot
Minneapolis, St Paul and Chicago
use the Norta-Westcrn Line
and be assured of getti:; the
Best of Everything.
Call or write for information.
W. H. 2TEAD, General Agent,
248 Aider Street. PORTLAND. ORE
If you will kindly tell me the
name and address of any friend you
desire to como to tho Northwest in
March or April, while the rates are
low, I'll have our representative
call, furnish advertising- matter, re
serve bertha and Insure a quick and
comfortable trip.
A postal card will do It.
T1MTCT OFFICES Cor. Third an Sterk 3 to.
SI. W, Foatw. TUkot Agent.
P. 8. The St. Louis Special Is tho
only train that takes you from Port
land through to Kansas City and St.
Louis without change.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Depot Fifth nnil
I Street.
For Maygers, Rainier.
Clatskantt. Westport.
Clifton. Astoria, War-
rcnton, Flavel. Ham.
mosd. Fort Steven.
Gearhart Pk.. Seaside.
Astoria and Seusbort
Astoria Express,
lldSA. M.
11:10 A.M.
TrtP. M.
9:40 P. M.
Ticket office 363 Morrison su and Union Depot.
3 C. MATO. Gb. Pass, Agt., Astoria. Or.
Fast Twin-Screw Passenger Steamers
sailing weekly from Boston, Portland and
Montreal to Liverpool, also Boston to
Mediterranean ports. Send for booklet,
"Mediterranean Illustrated." For rates, etc.,
apply to local agent or company's office.
6 Dearborn St., Chicago, III
Salem, Independence, Albany
Corvallis and McMinnville.
Steamer POMONA, for Corvallls. leaves 0:45
A. M. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday.
Steamer ALTONA. for McMinnville. leaves
T A. M. Monday. Wednesday and Friday.
Oaicfl asd dock, foot Taylor jU Phone 40.
r'HovL -r''1
Shot line
amb Union Pacific
Tor tha Hut via Hunt.
0:oo A. M.
4-.30P. U.
For Eastern Wi!Us
toa. Walla Wall. Lev
Is ton. Cotur d Altai an4
Ot. Northern Folate.
6:15 P. ac
3:80 K U.
8:10 A. JL
Toc Ua Zut Tli Host-
IS. Columbia
Mar. 8. 18. as.
83. Ota. W. 14f
Mar. S. 13. 23.
AJfca worth
SK30F. U.
8:00 p. M.
war paUiU, connecting
with itr.for Ilwaco and
North Beach, str. Hm
cale. AalviKrMt Dok.
3:00 P.M.
B:00 P. M.
ex. no.
Datlr ex.
Sat. 10
P. M.
way points, steamer
6:45 A. M.
6:00 P.M.
Ruth, Ah-3treetDoclc
(Water pennlfUnjj.j
City and Tomhlii mT.
7:00 A.M.
3:00 P. M.
er poinu. etr. Modoc.
Ash-street Dock.
(Water permlttlsr.)
. N
TICKET OFFICE. Third and "Waahlato
Ttlejkoue. Mala T12.
For Yokohama, and Hon- Kon, calllas at
Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight
via connecting atearaers for Manila, Port Ar
thur and Vladlvoatock.
For rates and full information call on or ad
dress cfflelals or agents ot O. R. 4 N. Co.
Depot Fifth sad I
l streets.
8:30 P. M.
PltEiri THALNa.
tor tialem. Kott
burg, Ashland, Sac
ra ni e n to. Ogden,
San Francisco, Mo
lave. Lea Angeles,
El Paso. New Of
leans and the East.
7:9 A. M.
3:30 A. M.
7:00 T. M.
At Woodb urn
dally except Sun
day), morning train
connects witn tram
tor Mu. Angel, S1I
rtrton. Browns-
.III. Cfi.ln.n.M
and Natron, and
Albany Local for
Mt. Angel and SU-
4 :00 7P.M.
7:50 A. It.
IH:0OP. if.
10:10 A.M.
Albany pass&gtr ...
Corvallls passenger.
Sheridan passenger.
8:50 P.M.
113:23 A M.
Dally. Ill3atlr except Sunday.
Itebato tickets on sale between Portland, Sac
ramento and San Francisco. Net rates JI7.&0
first class and $14 second class. Second class
includes sleeper: first class does not.
Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu
AUSTRALIA Can be obtained at Ticket Of
fice. No. 254. cor. Washington and Third.
Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson street.
Leave Portland dally 7:20 A II., 12:30. 1:53,
3:25. 4:40, 0:25, 3:20 P. M. Dally except Sun
day. 5:30. 0.40 A M.. 5:03. 11:30 P. M. Sun
day only. 0 A. M.
Arrive Portland dally, 8:30, 10:30 A M.,
1:35. 3:10. 4:30. 0:15. 7:40. 10 P. M. Dally ex
cept Sunday. 0:35. 9:30. 10:50 A. M.; except
Monday. 12:40 A. M.: Sunday only, 10:03 A. M.
Leave for Dallas dally except Sunday. 3:03
p. M. Arrive Portland 0:30 A M. Passenger
train leaves Dallas for Alrlle Mondays. Wednes
days and Fridays at 3:50 P. M. Returns Tuea
Ca and Saturdays.
Except Sunday.
City Tkt. Agt.
Gen. FrU & Pass. Agt.
Leaves. Arrives.
Overland Express 2:00P.M. 1:00 AM.
Twin City. St. Loula &
Kan. City Special 11:30 P.M. 7:43 P.M.
Fuget Sound Limited, tor
South Bend. Oray'a
Harbor. Olyznpla, Ta-
coma and Seattle 8:33 A.M. 8:20 P. M,
Two trains dally to Spokane. Butte. Helena,
Mlnneauolls. St. Paul and the East,
AssU General Pass. Art..
533 Morrison street. I-orttand, Or.
Pacific Coast Steamship Go.
For South-Eastern Alaska
Leave Seattle at O P. 31.
Steamship COTTAGE CITr.
OF TOPEKA. Mar. 1, 0, 12.
10. 21. 24. 31.
For San Francisco
Leave SEATTLE at 0 A. M. very fifth day.
Steamers connect at San Francisco Iwlth com
poni's steamers for porta In Southern Califor
nia. Mexico and Humboldt Bay.
For further Information, obtain folder. Right
Is reserved to change steamers or sailing dates.
AGENTS N. PUSTON. 240 Washington St..
Portland: F. W. CARLETO.N', N. P. K. K.
Dock Tacoma: Ticket Office, 113 James st.,
Seattle, M. TALBOT, Comm'l Act.; C. IV.
MILLER. Aset. Gen'l Agt.. Ocean Dock. Seat
tle: GOODALL. PERKINS fc CO.. Qen'l Agt..
San Franclco.
Ticket Office 122 Third St. Phone 680
6:13 P M. . VffiSr g.H A'
Through ralace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining
and BuRet Smoklng-Llbrary Can.
For Japan. China and all Asiatic points wlU
leave Seattle
About March 25th.
-' suHscr -n
lco roStes pi
HII ?2 ill ill'
aiIaH SISiiP
. 'e?P
Rot a dark office la the balldlasff
absolutely fireproof electric lights
and artesian vrater; perfect saalta
tloa and tlioronsli ventllatiea. Ele
vators xaa day aad aisat.
AINSLIS, DR. GEORGE. Physician.... 413-4H
ANDERSON. GUSTAV. Attorney-at-La-w...8ia
ASSOCIATED PRESS: E. L. Powell. Mgr...0
AUSTEN, F. C, Manager for Oregon and
"Washington Bankers' Life Association of
Des Moines. la B02-S0I
MOINES, IA.; F. a Austen. Mgr 603-SW
BEALB. EDWARD A., Forecast Official U.
S. Weather Bureau Bid
BENJAMIN, R. W., Dentist .SU
BERNARD, G Cashier Tontlns Savings
Association 211-213
BINSWANGER, OTTO a. Physician and
Surgeon 40T-4C9
BROCK, WILBUR F., Circulator Orego-
nlan 501
BROWN. MTRA, M. D 818-91
BRUERE. DR. G. E., Physician.... 412-US-41i,
CAMPBELL, WM. M., Medical Referes
Equitable Life TO
CANNING. M. J 602-00
CARDWELL,-DR. J. R., Dentlet 61
CAUKIN, a. B.. District Agent Traveler
Insurance Company ................... --.TIS
COFFEX. DR. R. C, Surgeon 406-tOa
CORNELIUS. C. W., Phys. and Surgeon 2W
COLLIER. P. F.. Publisher; S. P. MoGulra,
Manager ..........................413
DAT, J. G. & L N. 318
DICKSON. DR. J. F.. Physician T13-T14
ETY; L. Samuel, Manager; G. S. Smith,
Cashier 309
FENTON, J. D., Physician and Surgeon..509-10
FENTON. DR. HICKS C, Eye and Ear 511
FENTON. MATTHEW F.. Dentist .503
GALVANI, W. H., Engineer and Draughts
man .....COO
GEART, DR. E. P.. Phys. and Surgeon.... 403
GIEST, A. J.. Physician and Surgeon... 700-710
G1XBERT. DR. J. ALLEN. Physlc!an..401-40a
GOLDMAN. WILLIAM. Manager Manhat
tan Life Ins. Co., of New York 200-210
GRANT. FRANK S.. Attorney-at-Law 617
131 Sixth Street
HAMMAM BATHS. Turkish and Russian..
HOLUSTER. DR. O. C, Physician and
Surgeon 304-303
IDLEMAN. C. M Attorney-at-Law. .416-17-18
JOHNSON, W. C 315-316-317
KADY, MARK T., Supervisor of Agents.
Mutual Reserve Fund Ass'n G04-603
LITTLEFIELD. H. R.. Phys. and Sur 20(J
MACKAY, DR. A. E., Phys. and Sur... 711-713
NEW YORK; W. Goldman. Mgr 203-210
MARSH. DR. R. J.. Phys. and Surgeon.404-40d
MARTIN. J. L. & Co.. Timber Lands 601
McCOY. NEWTON. Attorney-at-Law 713
Mcelroy, dr. j. g Phys. & sur.7ui-702-7oa
McFADEN. MISS IDA E.. Stengorapher....213
McFARLAND. E. B., Secretary Columbia
Telephone Company C04
McGINN. HENRY E., Attonwy-at-Law.311-W
McGUIRE. S. P., Manager P. F. CoUler,
"Publisher 415
McKENZIE, DR. P. L., Phys. and Sur.. 612-1 J
MILLER, DR. HERBERT a. Dentist and
Oral Surgeon ....008-CC8
MOSSMAN. DR. E. P.. Dentist 513-514
, Mark T. Kady. Supervisor of Agents.. (504-003
NICHOLAS, HORACE B., Attorney-at-Law.713
NILES. M. L.. Cashier Manhattan Ltta In
surance Company of New York ......208
OLSEN. J. F-, Stata Agent Tontlna Sav
ings Association 211-213
OREGON CAMERA CLUB 214-215-210-217
Marach, Prop 120 Sixth Street
J. F. Strauhal, Manager .200
Ground Floor, 133 Sixth Street
QUIMBY, L. P. W.. Game and Forestry
Warden 213
REAVI8. DR. J. L.. Dentist 803-80
REED, WALTER. Optician... 133 Sixth Street
RlCKENBACH, DR. J. F., Eye. Ear, Nom
and Throat 701-703
ROSENDALE. O. M., Metallurgist and Min
ing Engineer 013
RYAN. J. B., Attorney-at-Law 513
SAMUEL. L.. Manager Equitable Life 304
SHERWOOD, J. W., Deputy Suprm Com
mander K. O. T. M 517
SMITH. DR. L. B.. Osteopath 400-410.
SMITH. QEORGE rf.. Cashier Equitable
Life 300
STUART. DELL, Attorney-at-Law 017-613
STOLTE, DR. CHAS. E., Dentist....... 704-703
STOW, F. H., General Manager Columbia
Telephone Co GOO
THRALL. S. A.. President Oregon Camera
Club 214
neapolis; J. F. Olsen, State Agent 211
TUCKER. DR. GEO. F.. Dentist 610-61
U. S. WEATHER BUREAU. ...007-008-800-010
DIST.; Captain W. C. Langflltt. Corps of
Engineers, U. S. A 803
C Langfltt. Corps of Engineers. U. S. A..S10
WILEY, DR. JAMES O. C. Phys. ft Sur..70S-l
and Surgeon 304-303
WILSON. DR. GEO. F.. Phys. & Surg..706-"0T
WILSON. DR. HOLT C. Phys. & Surg..5O7-003
WOOD. DR. W. L.. Physician 412-413-414
Ofllces may be bad by applying; to
tbe superintendent of tbe bnlldlas;,
room 201, second floor.
The nrst-class S. S. Portland
will sail for
Leaving San Francisco Aprit 19th
Leaving Seattle April 26th
(Stopping at Unalaska only long enough o
For freight and passage, apply to
W5 Market Street, San. Francisco.
Or Empire Transportation Co., Puget
Sound Agent, Seattle, "Wash.