Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 12, 2014, Page 10, Image 10

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P age 10
■Portiani» (Observer
N ovem ber 12, 2014
Cafe at Miracles
in h iia in b im
in the M iracles
C lub Bldg.
4200 NE MLK Jr. Blvd,
Portland OR 97212
The legendary
Motown super
stars The
Spinners will
headline the
annual Spam
and Velvetta
Holiday event
sponsored by
Real Southern Cooking
Spinners Front Holiday Event
Roy Jay’s annual benefit to feature Motown superstars
Now cooking
O ne o f the b iggest holiday events
i for P ortland returns w hen the leg­
I endary M otow n super stars, The
I Spinners headline the annual Roy
lay S pam and V elveeta H oliday
I benefit, on Saturday, D ec. 6 at O r­
egon C on v en tio n C enter.
The black tie optional celebration
M ost recently Sam sung selected
The Spinners’ m illion copy selling
attracts m any o f Portland’s w ho’s
w ho in business, education and ev-
eryw here in betw een. A dinner kicks
offthefestivitiesat6:30p.m .prom ptly.
song“C o u ld itB eI’m FallinginL ove”
asthebackgroundm usicintheir“Next
Big T hing” cam paign.
A lso com ing to this y ear’s Spam
and Vel veeta are A m erica’s G ot T al­
ent finalist, Hart K eene from season
9, com edian Eric Schw artz o f the L aff
Factory in Los A ngeles and Portland’s
ow n “B row n Sisters.” In previous
years, audiences have enjoyed M ary
W ilso n o f T h e S u p re m e s , T h e
M otow n R eview , H eidi T hom pson
as C her and other great entertain­
m en t
A ttendees this year will also have
an opportunity to w in a 2014 Toyota
Prius II for a year, com plim ents o f the
Portland M etro A rea Toyota D eal­
ers. Proceeds from donations will
benefit Lines for Life, M ulti Cultural
I n te g r a te d K id n e y E d u c a tio n ,
H ighland’s H aven and other com m u­
nity service organizations and pro­
Jay, a Portland business leader
and A frican A m erican C ham ber o f
C om m erce executive, started the
Spam and V elveeta holiday event as
an avenue for nonprofit groups to get
donations from his friends and asso­
ciates. That was over 6 years ago.
T he benefit has taken on a life o f its
Harold Goldstein and Carol Streeter
Könnt LaCroute
ow n to w here it could no longer be
hosted at his house and had to m ove
to a m uch bigger venue.
Tickets are available by phone at
5 0 3 -2 3 1 - 8 2 5 9
th ro u g h
aftonticket.com ortickettom ato.com .
V IP seating includes a full dinner.
A lthough the show is nearly a l­
w ays sold out w eeks in advance,
there rem ain less than 200 seats for
this y e a r’s event. T h e re ’s also a
special buy one, g et one free offer
on standard seating.