QTIfe P age 10 ■Portiani» (Observer N ovem ber 12, 2014 Cafe at Miracles in h iia in b im in the M iracles C lub Bldg. a 4200 NE MLK Jr. Blvd, Portland OR 97212 The legendary Motown super stars The Spinners will headline the annual Spam and Velvetta Holiday event sponsored by well-known Portland entrepreneur RoyJay. Real Southern Cooking 11 NOW OPEN SATURDAYS! SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER Tuesday—Saturday 11:00am—7:30pm Spinners Front Holiday Event Roy Jay’s annual benefit to feature Motown superstars Now cooking PHILLIP JOHNSON O ne o f the b iggest holiday events i for P ortland returns w hen the leg­ I endary M otow n super stars, The I Spinners headline the annual Roy lay S pam and V elveeta H oliday I benefit, on Saturday, D ec. 6 at O r­ egon C on v en tio n C enter. The black tie optional celebration M ost recently Sam sung selected The Spinners’ m illion copy selling attracts m any o f Portland’s w ho’s w ho in business, education and ev- eryw here in betw een. A dinner kicks offthefestivitiesat6:30p.m .prom ptly. song“C o u ld itB eI’m FallinginL ove” asthebackgroundm usicintheir“Next Big T hing” cam paign. A lso com ing to this y ear’s Spam and Vel veeta are A m erica’s G ot T al­ ent finalist, Hart K eene from season 9, com edian Eric Schw artz o f the L aff Factory in Los A ngeles and Portland’s ow n “B row n Sisters.” In previous years, audiences have enjoyed M ary W ilso n o f T h e S u p re m e s , T h e M otow n R eview , H eidi T hom pson as C her and other great entertain­ m en t A ttendees this year will also have an opportunity to w in a 2014 Toyota Prius II for a year, com plim ents o f the Portland M etro A rea Toyota D eal­ ers. Proceeds from donations will benefit Lines for Life, M ulti Cultural I n te g r a te d K id n e y E d u c a tio n , H ighland’s H aven and other com m u­ nity service organizations and pro­ grams. Jay, a Portland business leader and A frican A m erican C ham ber o f C om m erce executive, started the Spam and V elveeta holiday event as an avenue for nonprofit groups to get donations from his friends and asso­ ciates. That was over 6 years ago. T he benefit has taken on a life o f its THROUGH NOVEMBER RMDUCER SPONSORS: Harold Goldstein and Carol Streeter Könnt LaCroute ow n to w here it could no longer be hosted at his house and had to m ove to a m uch bigger venue. Tickets are available by phone at 5 0 3 -2 3 1 - 8 2 5 9 or th ro u g h aftonticket.com ortickettom ato.com . V IP seating includes a full dinner. A lthough the show is nearly a l­ w ays sold out w eeks in advance, there rem ain less than 200 seats for this y e a r’s event. T h e re ’s also a special buy one, g et one free offer on standard seating.