Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 02, 2014, Page 3, Image 3

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    April 2, 2014
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TheWeek Review
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Page 3
Fred Meyer
What's on your list today?,
page 2
O pinion
pages 8-9
C alendar
Publishers Pick Portland
page 7
new spapers
group to hold
convention here
T he nation's 250 black p u b lish ­
ers w ill head to Portland this sum ­
m er for the N ational N ew spaper
Publishers A ssociation 2014 co n ­
In.past years the convention has
visited Atlanta, Ga., N ew York, N ash­
ville, T enn., C hicago and Seattle.
T his y ear for the first tim e the co n ­
vention w ill be hosted in O regon.
“T he P ortland O b serv er and I are
very fortunate to host this d istin ­
guished gro u p ,” said B ernie Foster,
The S kanner N e w s’ p u b lish er and
Bernie Foster
Mark Washington
fo rm er vice ch air o f the N N P A
F o u n d a tio n ’s b o a rd . “ W e h a v e
m em bers com ing from all o v er the
U n ite d S ta te s a n d e v e n fro m
T oronto, C an ad a and the C arib ­
b e a n .”
T he convention, w hich runs from
Ju n e 25— 28, w ill be lodged at T he
N ines H otel, in dow ntow n Portland.
M ay o r H ales and o th er local leaders
w ill w e lc o m e th e g r o u p to
Portland.T he gathering will include
a prayer breakfast, w orkshops and
an aw ards gala, as w ell as o p p o rtu ­
nities for netw orking, sightseeing
and shopping in northeast Portland
anA lm ost everyone w ho has p re­
diabetes goes on to develop type 2
continued 'W ' on page 5
will front
annual Inner
City Blues
Festival to
for all.
Healing the Healthcare Blues
Inner City Blues Concert
aims for health care for all
pages 12-16
R eligion
C lassifieds
F ood
pages 19-20
page 16
page 18
It is often said that the “third tim e ’s a ch arm ” and
w ith y e ar num ber three o f the annual Inner C ity F es­
tival “Healing the Healthcare Blues,” artists from around
the state are certainly hoping this will be the case.
T he concert is headed by H ealth C are for All-
O regon, a non-profit group w hose m ission is to get the
O regon under a publicly funded, non-profit sin g le­
p ay er healthcare system .
T he Saturday, A pril 5 event will bring the issue,
along w ith other health-related topics to the forefront
under the backdrop o f live blues and ja z z pouring out
o f the M elody B allroom , located at 615 S.E. A lder St.
M usic providers o f the night will include T he Duffy
B ishop Band, l l i e M ad as Hell D octors, and for the
third y ear in a row the “ B oogie C at” h im se lf N orm an
S ylvester and his band, accom panied by L aR honda
Steele and Janice Scroggins.
M asters o f C erem onies for the evening are Paul
K nauls, a northeast Portland businessm an and c o ­
o w n er o f G e n ev a ’s hair and beauty salon; and R enee
M itchell, a poet and author and form er O regonian
colum nist.
C o -sp o n so red by the C ascade Blues A ssociation
and K B O O C om m unity R adio, proceeds w ill go to
support the w ork o f H ealth C are for A ll-O regon.
T he show starts at 6 p.m. and is scheduled to extend
until m idnight. For m ore inform ation, visit hcao.org or
contact Ken C ropper at b lu esies@ q .co m .
Tickets are available online at tickettom ato.com and
can also be purchased at M usic M illennium , G e n ev a ’s
Shear Perfection, and M usicians Local Union 99. Prices
are $ 15 in advance and $20 at the door.