April 2, 2014 $.1 orí latió (Dbscrüer IN S ID E TheWeek Review This page Sponsored by: Page 3 Fred Meyer What's on your list today?, page 2 O pinion pages 8-9 C alendar Publishers Pick Portland page 7 Black new spapers group to hold annual convention here T he nation's 250 black p u b lish ­ ers w ill head to Portland this sum ­ m er for the N ational N ew spaper Publishers A ssociation 2014 co n ­ vention. In.past years the convention has visited Atlanta, Ga., N ew York, N ash­ ville, T enn., C hicago and Seattle. T his y ear for the first tim e the co n ­ vention w ill be hosted in O regon. “T he P ortland O b serv er and I are very fortunate to host this d istin ­ guished gro u p ,” said B ernie Foster, The S kanner N e w s’ p u b lish er and Bernie Foster Mark Washington fo rm er vice ch air o f the N N P A F o u n d a tio n ’s b o a rd . “ W e h a v e m em bers com ing from all o v er the U n ite d S ta te s a n d e v e n fro m T oronto, C an ad a and the C arib ­ b e a n .” T he convention, w hich runs from Ju n e 25— 28, w ill be lodged at T he N ines H otel, in dow ntow n Portland. M ay o r H ales and o th er local leaders w ill w e lc o m e th e g r o u p to Portland.T he gathering will include a prayer breakfast, w orkshops and an aw ards gala, as w ell as o p p o rtu ­ nities for netw orking, sightseeing and shopping in northeast Portland anA lm ost everyone w ho has p re­ diabetes goes on to develop type 2 continued 'W ' on page 5 M ETRO Norman Sylvester will front Saturday’s annual Inner City Blues Festival to benefit healthcare for all. Healing the Healthcare Blues tNIfDIAINMtNI Inner City Blues Concert aims for health care for all pages 12-16 R eligion C lassifieds F ood pages 19-20 page 16 page 18 It is often said that the “third tim e ’s a ch arm ” and w ith y e ar num ber three o f the annual Inner C ity F es­ tival “Healing the Healthcare Blues,” artists from around the state are certainly hoping this will be the case. T he concert is headed by H ealth C are for All- O regon, a non-profit group w hose m ission is to get the O regon under a publicly funded, non-profit sin g le­ p ay er healthcare system . T he Saturday, A pril 5 event will bring the issue, along w ith other health-related topics to the forefront under the backdrop o f live blues and ja z z pouring out o f the M elody B allroom , located at 615 S.E. A lder St. M usic providers o f the night will include T he Duffy B ishop Band, l l i e M ad as Hell D octors, and for the third y ear in a row the “ B oogie C at” h im se lf N orm an S ylvester and his band, accom panied by L aR honda Steele and Janice Scroggins. M asters o f C erem onies for the evening are Paul K nauls, a northeast Portland businessm an and c o ­ o w n er o f G e n ev a ’s hair and beauty salon; and R enee M itchell, a poet and author and form er O regonian colum nist. C o -sp o n so red by the C ascade Blues A ssociation and K B O O C om m unity R adio, proceeds w ill go to support the w ork o f H ealth C are for A ll-O regon. T he show starts at 6 p.m. and is scheduled to extend until m idnight. For m ore inform ation, visit hcao.org or contact Ken C ropper at b lu esies@ q .co m . Tickets are available online at tickettom ato.com and can also be purchased at M usic M illennium , G e n ev a ’s Shear Perfection, and M usicians Local Union 99. Prices are $ 15 in advance and $20 at the door.