Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 02, 2014, Page 20, Image 20

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Jïortlanï» (Obstruer
A p ril 2, 2014
F ood
Peas With
2014 LHJGP Sign-Ups 4 Kick O ff
(R e tu r n in g and N ew P articip a n ts)
Sunday, April 6th
New Columbia, 4625 N Trenton Street — Portland, OR
4:00PM Doors Open
4:30PM Pizza Served
5:00PM Kick Off Begins
'll 7 1
A g e 7 - A g e 18
co n tin u ed
Cost: $75.00
fr o m p a g e 19
D rain the peas and plunge into the
ice w ater to cool.
2. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet
Golf Membership Includes:
Uniform (Hat and Shirt)
Golf Lessons
Leam USGA Golf Rules & Etiquette
Experience Tournament Play
Golf Equipment Provided
Help Prepare For College
End of Season Picnic at Oaks Park
Salsa Criolla
over m edium -high heat. A dd the
shallot and co o k until soft, about
2 m inutes. A dd the w alnuts, dates
and cayenne and cook until the
nuts are slightly toasted, about 1
m ore m inute.
3. D rain the peas, shaking o ff the
A Peruvian Condiment That Should Be a Staple in Your Fridge
excess w ater, then add to the skil­
let (if using frozen peas, add them
here). A dd 1 teaspoon salt and
c o o k , s ti r r i n g , u n til h e a te d
through, 3 to 5 m inutes. A dd the
w alnut oil and toss. A dd m ore salt
to taste.
I f you hav e any q u estio n s, co ntact:
D ebbie Ingram (5 0 3 ) 936 -8 5 6 8
Leisure Hour Jr Golf does not limited participation in Its activities
on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, national origin, gender,
sexual preference or religious preference.
2 large red onions, sliced p ap er thin
Vi cup fresh squeezed lim e ju ic e
1 aji o r ja la p e n o p ep p er sliced into thin m atchsticks
1 teasp o o n v in eg ar (any w hite vin eg ar w ill do)
2 teaspoons ex tra virgin olive oil
4 tab lesp o o n s chopped cilantro
Sea salt (to taste but I used probably (4 teaspoon)
P epper o r p o w d ered cy an (about 1/4 teaspoon)
M ix all in g red ien ts to g eth er in sm all bow l. L et m arinate fo r several hours
o r overnight. S tir once h a lf w ay through m arinating tim e to m ak e sure all
onions g et soaked in the ju ice.
N o tes: If y ou don t w ant too strong o f an onion flavor, y ou can rin se the
sliced onion in w ater p rio r to m ixing w ith the o th er ingredients. T his is said
to give the o n io n s and slightly sw eeter flavor. T ak e out the jalap en o /aji
peppers if you w ant a m ild er flavor.
1 0 :0 0 A M TO 3 :0 0 P M
Urban League
Of Portland
D o u b le T re e H o te l (by Hilton), N e a r L lo y d C e n te r
1000 NE M ultnom ah St, Portland, OR 97232
Also Featuring C onstruction
Trades & Apprenticeships
Home Made Chai Latte'
Over 50 Employers Participated and 500 patrons attended last year!
2014 Participating Employers include the fallowing a Many Morel
Constructing Hope
OR Trades Women
City of Beaverton
New Seasons Market
Life Works
Washington County HR
Washington County Sheriff
OR Dept Human Services
OR National Guard
ITT Tech
Multnomah County
Laborers Union
Kaiser Permanente
Family Care Inc.
Employers from Health Care,
Retail, Construction,
Government, Non-Profit, and
Corporate Sectors
Visit The Urban League of
Portland's Career Resource
Center for access to:
Computers, copying, printing,
phone, Job-listings, notary,
resume, interviewing, salary,
Ex- offender, management/
executive and other
We Extend A Special Thank You to Our 2014 Career Fair Sponsors!
Presenting Sponsor
Gold Sponsors
Bank of America
F o r m o re in fo r m a tio n , P le a s e c o n ta c t th e U rb a n L e a g u e o f P o rtla n d - W o rk fo rc e D e p a rtm e n t
5 0 3 .2 8 0 .2 6 0 0
U L P D X .O R G
10 N R u s s e ll St. P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 1 7
2 C. W ater
2 R eg u lar T ea B ags
1/8-1/4 teasp o o n E A C H o f gin g er and cardam om
1 w hole clove
1 cin n am o n stick
6 Splenda packets o r 1/4 cup Sugar
2 1 /2 C. M ilk
1. M ix tea and spices. In a sauce pan, add w ater, spices, and tea bags. B ring
it to a boil, and boil fo r 5 m inutes.
2. Boil it up. A fter boiling, it will look like this. D on’t w orry if a tea bag breaks
open. Y ou can strain the tea later.
3. A dd the sw eetener. N ow add the Splenda. If you'd rath er you can use
1/4 C. Sugar.
4. A dd the m ilk. N ow add the m ilk, and return it to a boil. T his w o n ’t take
long, and if you aren't careful, it w ill boil over. If you take a stick o f b u tter
and run it quickly around the rim o f the pan w hen it's hot, the chai w on't
b o il over.
5. Strain and E n jo y ! I use a little cup strainer as show n in the picture. This
is especially great if a tea bag breaks open. B ut also after boiling m ilk, you
can get a scum " on top. So the strainer is nice to have.