Page 20 Jïortlanï» (Obstruer A p ril 2, 2014 F ood Spring Peas With 2014 LHJGP Sign-Ups 4 Kick O ff (R e tu r n in g and N ew P articip a n ts) Sunday, April 6th Location: New Columbia, 4625 N Trenton Street — Portland, OR 4:00PM Doors Open 4:30PM Pizza Served 5:00PM Kick Off Begins J I âTlCl 'll 7 1 Walnuts A g e 7 - A g e 18 co n tin u ed Cost: $75.00 fr o m p a g e 19 D rain the peas and plunge into the ice w ater to cool. 2. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet Golf Membership Includes: Uniform (Hat and Shirt) Golf Lessons Leam USGA Golf Rules & Etiquette Transportation (Snacks) Experience Tournament Play Golf Equipment Provided Help Prepare For College End of Season Picnic at Oaks Park Salsa Criolla over m edium -high heat. A dd the shallot and co o k until soft, about 2 m inutes. A dd the w alnuts, dates and cayenne and cook until the nuts are slightly toasted, about 1 m ore m inute. 3. D rain the peas, shaking o ff the A Peruvian Condiment That Should Be a Staple in Your Fridge Ingredients: • • • • • • • • excess w ater, then add to the skil­ let (if using frozen peas, add them here). A dd 1 teaspoon salt and c o o k , s ti r r i n g , u n til h e a te d through, 3 to 5 m inutes. A dd the w alnut oil and toss. A dd m ore salt to taste. I f you hav e any q u estio n s, co ntact: D ebbie Ingram (5 0 3 ) 936 -8 5 6 8 Leisure Hour Jr Golf does not limited participation in Its activities on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, national origin, gender, sexual preference or religious preference. 2 large red onions, sliced p ap er thin Vi cup fresh squeezed lim e ju ic e 1 aji o r ja la p e n o p ep p er sliced into thin m atchsticks 1 teasp o o n v in eg ar (any w hite vin eg ar w ill do) 2 teaspoons ex tra virgin olive oil 4 tab lesp o o n s chopped cilantro Sea salt (to taste but I used probably (4 teaspoon) P epper o r p o w d ered cy an (about 1/4 teaspoon) Instructions: M ix all in g red ien ts to g eth er in sm all bow l. L et m arinate fo r several hours o r overnight. S tir once h a lf w ay through m arinating tim e to m ak e sure all onions g et soaked in the ju ice. N o tes: If y ou don t w ant too strong o f an onion flavor, y ou can rin se the sliced onion in w ater p rio r to m ixing w ith the o th er ingredients. T his is said to give the o n io n s and slightly sw eeter flavor. T ak e out the jalap en o /aji peppers if you w ant a m ild er flavor. JOIN THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND FOR THE 21ST ANNUAL CAREER CONNECTIOS JOB FAIR TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 2014 1 0 :0 0 A M TO 3 :0 0 P M Urban League Of Portland D o u b le T re e H o te l (by Hilton), N e a r L lo y d C e n te r 1000 NE M ultnom ah St, Portland, OR 97232 ____SAVE THE DATE !!! Also Featuring C onstruction Trades & Apprenticeships Home Made Chai Latte' Ingredients: Over 50 Employers Participated and 500 patrons attended last year! 2014 Participating Employers include the fallowing a Many Morel PGE Constructing Hope OR Trades Women Tri-Met City of Beaverton New Seasons Market Life Works Washington County HR Washington County Sheriff OR Dept Human Services OR National Guard ITT Tech Multnomah County Laborers Union NECA-IBEM Kaiser Permanente Family Care Inc. Employers from Health Care, Retail, Construction, Government, Non-Profit, and Corporate Sectors Visit The Urban League of Portland's Career Resource Center for access to: Computers, copying, printing, phone, Job-listings, notary, resume, interviewing, salary, Ex- offender, management/ executive and other We Extend A Special Thank You to Our 2014 Career Fair Sponsors! Presenting Sponsor Gold Sponsors Bank of America --------- COMCAST clearchannel MEDIA + ENTERTAINMENT ( PORTLAND I DtVtLOPMBVT I COMMBWON F o r m o re in fo r m a tio n , P le a s e c o n ta c t th e U rb a n L e a g u e o f P o rtla n d - W o rk fo rc e D e p a rtm e n t 5 0 3 .2 8 0 .2 6 0 0 U L P D X .O R G 10 N R u s s e ll St. P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 1 7 • • • • • • • 2 C. W ater 2 R eg u lar T ea B ags 1/8-1/4 teasp o o n E A C H o f gin g er and cardam om 1 w hole clove 1 cin n am o n stick 6 Splenda packets o r 1/4 cup Sugar 2 1 /2 C. M ilk a Instructions: 1. M ix tea and spices. In a sauce pan, add w ater, spices, and tea bags. B ring it to a boil, and boil fo r 5 m inutes. 2. Boil it up. A fter boiling, it will look like this. D on’t w orry if a tea bag breaks open. Y ou can strain the tea later. 3. A dd the sw eetener. N ow add the Splenda. If you'd rath er you can use 1/4 C. Sugar. 4. A dd the m ilk. N ow add the m ilk, and return it to a boil. T his w o n ’t take long, and if you aren't careful, it w ill boil over. If you take a stick o f b u tter and run it quickly around the rim o f the pan w hen it's hot, the chai w on't b o il over. 5. Strain and E n jo y ! I use a little cup strainer as show n in the picture. This is especially great if a tea bag breaks open. B ut also after boiling m ilk, you can get a scum " on top. So the strainer is nice to have.