Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 15, 2012, Page 24, Image 24

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24_________________________ _
Portland Observer B 13C k H IS t O iy M o il t h
____________________ February
15, 2012
We Welcome Walgreens
Express Scripts Plan Members
fiCT A
Ingredients for life..
w h en you tran s fe r
j you r prescriptions.
• R N M cttow an d M c t a u m « (k *x U« In-«tor»
C u rio m r S w v » or H w iM c a t t o d M f e .
C<M>on good on row n«»l quatf Md pwchMo
o ttW o r m o n d a iin g b d a n M c tM n .
GO ,
are no\w
Rancher’s Reserve®
Boneless Beef London Broil
Pork Shoulder Blade Steak
Bone-In Extreme Value Pack.
Or Boneless Beet Petite Sirloin Steak
Club Price t t
Extreme Value Pack
Nutricious Spicy Mac
Combining the best o f healthy and tasty mac
and cheese recipes, this dish is sure to please
and satisfy.
Pint container
SAVE up to $ 3 .0 0 ea.
Rancher’s Reserve*
Boneless Beef Chuck
Shoulder Cross Rib Roast
Foster Farms
Fresh Whole Fryer
waterfront BISTRO* Jumbo Raw Shrimp
Club Price B
Locally grown. Or Safeway Split Chicken Breasts
Organic Red
Bell Peppers
R e d S e e d le s s G ra p e s
21 to 25-C t. Or Alaskan Snow Crab
Clusters. $ 7 9 9 lb Frozen/Thawed
SAVE up to $ 5 0 0 lb
SAVE up to $1 20 ea
SAVE up to S1 71 lb
C lu b P ric e
1 cup shredded sharp ch ed d ar cheese
2/3 cup fat-free p lain yogurt
1/2 cup canned g arb an zo beans, rinsed and drained
1 p in ch g round nutm eg, o r to taste
1/2 cu p dry b read crum bs
1 tablesppon b u tter o r m argerine
1 cup m ashed sw eet potatoes
salt and pep p er to taste
1/4 cup grated P arm esan cheese
1 (1 6 ounce) p ack ag e w hole w heat elbow m acaroni
1 tablespoon g rated onion
1 teaspoon H ungarian paprika o r cay an n e pep p er
1/2 cup shredded broccoli crow ns (rem ove stem s)
Open Nature * Breads.
Hot Dog or Hamburger Buns
Selected sues and «anetes
CkePna 1250ea SAVEuotoil 98on2
0 Organics'" Salads
Sonya or
Rosalynn Apples
5 to 7 02 Selected varieties
Club Price: 5 2 5 0 ea
SAVE u p t o S t 21 lb
SAVE up to S t 9 8 on 2
Organic Bose
or D'Anjou Pears
SAVE up to 91 1 lb
24 p a c k ,1 6 3
Cereal Club P nce $ 2 5 0 ea.
n w to e .m u tw .w
Plus d e p o s it in O regon
c to k te rto M :
SAVE up to 5 5 9 6 on 4
6 0 5 to 7 5 -o z Liquid
Selected varietie,
SAVE up to $5 99 on 2
O Organics'*
Romaine Hearts
3 count package
Pantry Essentials
or Dairy Glen M ilk
Healthy Choice M eals
Gallon 2 % . 1 % . F a t Free
8.5 to f9-or Selected ranebes
Excluding Stewnen Club Praz $2 50 n
or C re am y Fat Free.
Ckib Pnce $ 3 00 ea.
SAVE up to $1.98 on 2
Charm in Bath Tissue or
Bounty Paper Towels
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12 a 16-Rol Tissue or fi-Rol Towel«
Selectedvanebes.SAVE 10to$1.50
M a k e it
I t a lia n t o n i g h t !
Nabisco Snack Crackers
5 5 to 1 0 -o z .
Selected varieties.
12-Pack Coca-Cola
12-oz. cans. Selected varieties.
Plus deposit in Oregon.
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Gift Cards
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large pot
co lan d er
W hisk
S au cep an
b len d er
9x13 inch dish
1. Fill a large pot w ith lightly salted w ater and bring to a rolling
Arm & Hammer Detergent
Arrowhead Water
2 0 or Or Corn Flakes 12 0 2
E a rn u p t o
'1 p e r g a llo n
in R e w a r d s !
Prices on this page are effective
Wednesday, February 15 thru Tuesday, February 21,2012.
ALL LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY. Selection varies by store.
Prices in this ad are effective 6 AM Wednesday. February 15 thru Tuesday. February 2 1 ,2 0 1 2 In all Safeway stores in Oregon (except Milton Freewater) and S W Washington stores serving Wahkiakum Cowlitz,
dark Skamania and Klickitat Counties Items offered lor sate are not available to othwr dealers or wholesalers Sales of products containing ephedrine, pseudoepbedme or plwiylpropanolamine limited by
law Quantity nohts reserved SOME ADVERTISING ITEMS MAY NOT Bt AVAILABLE IN ALL STORES Some advertised prices may be even lower xi some stores On Buy One. Get One Free ( BOGO ) offers,
customer musl purchase the first item to receive the second item free BOGO offers are not 1Q price sates II only a single Item purchased the regular price applies Manufacturers coupons may he used on
purchased items only — not on tree Items Lsnfl one coupon pet purchased item Customer wkl be responsbie lor tax and deposits as required by law on the purchased and free items No liquor sates m excess
PO-OB of 52 gallons No liquor sates tor resale Liquor sales at licensed Safeway stores only. © 2012 Safeway Inc Availability of items may vary by store Online and In store prices, discounts and offers may differ
boil o v er high heat. O nce the w ater is boiling, stir in the m acaroni,
and return to a boil.
2. C ook the pasta uncovered, stirring occasionally, until the
pasta has co o k ed through, but is still very firm to the bite, about
5 m inutes. D rain w ell in a co lan d er set in the sink, and rinse w ith
co ld w ater until cold; set aside.
3. M eanw hile, m elt 1 tablespoons o f b u tter in a large saucepan
o v er m edium -low heat. W h isk in the flour, and stir until the
m ixture becom es p aste-like and light golden brow n, about 5
m inutes.
5. Preheat an oven to 3 5 0 degrees F (175 degrees C). G rease a 9x 13
inch b aking dish.
6. P lace the g arb an zo beans, yogurt, cay en n e p ep p er (or
H ungarian paprika), nutm eg, salt, p ep p ar and h a lf the broccoli
crow ns into a blender. C over, and b len d until sm ooth. S crape the
puree into a sm all bow l and stir in the P arm esan cheese and m ost
o f the b read crum bs; set aside.
7. W hisk in the sw eet potatoes into the saucepan. W h isk in h a lf
o f the C h ed d ar cheese until m elted. Stir in the m acaroni until w ell
coated w ith the sauce, then p o u r h alf into the p rep ared baking
8. S prinkle the rem aining C h ed d ar cheese overtop, then co v er
w ith the rem aining m acaroni. Sm ooth the top, then d o t w ith the
g arb an zo bean m ixture and the rem aining 2 tablespoons o f
9. B ake in the p reheated oven until the sauce is bubbly, and the
to p is golden brow n, 30 to 4 0 m inutes.
10. S prinkle rem aining breadcrum bs and shredded broccoli on
top. A llow the dish to rest and cool for 5 m inutes before serving.