Page 24_________________________ _ Portland Observer B 13C k H IS t O iy M o il t h ____________________ February 15, 2012 Attention! We Welcome Walgreens Express Scripts Plan Members SAFEWAY « fiCT A $25 Ingredients for life.. w h en you tran s fe r j you r prescriptions. • R N M cttow an d M c t a u m « (k *x U« In-«tor» C u rio m r S w v » or H w iM c a t t o d M f e . Con good on row n«»l quatf Md pwchMo o ttW o r m o n d a iin g b d a n M c tM n . GO , ORGANIC. PRICES are no\w lower Rancher’s Reserve® Boneless Beef London Broil Pork Shoulder Blade Steak Bone-In Extreme Value Pack. Or Boneless Beet Petite Sirloin Steak EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE Club Price t t Extreme Value Pack Nutricious Spicy Mac Combining the best o f healthy and tasty mac and cheese recipes, this dish is sure to please and satisfy. Organic Blueberries Pint container SAVE up to $ 3 .0 0 ea. Rancher’s Reserve* Boneless Beef Chuck Shoulder Cross Rib Roast Foster Farms Fresh Whole Fryer waterfront BISTRO* Jumbo Raw Shrimp Club Price B Ingredients Locally grown. Or Safeway Split Chicken Breasts Organic Red Bell Peppers R e d S e e d le s s G ra p e s 21 to 25-C t. Or Alaskan Snow Crab Clusters. $ 7 9 9 lb Frozen/Thawed SAVE up to $ 5 0 0 lb SAVE up to $1 20 ea SAVE up to S1 71 lb C lu b P ric e • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 cup shredded sharp ch ed d ar cheese 2/3 cup fat-free p lain yogurt 1/2 cup canned g arb an zo beans, rinsed and drained 1 p in ch g round nutm eg, o r to taste 1/2 cu p dry b read crum bs 1 tablesppon b u tter o r m argerine 1 cup m ashed sw eet potatoes salt and pep p er to taste 1/4 cup grated P arm esan cheese 1 (1 6 ounce) p ack ag e w hole w heat elbow m acaroni 1 tablespoon g rated onion 1 teaspoon H ungarian paprika o r cay an n e pep p er 1/2 cup shredded broccoli crow ns (rem ove stem s) Kitchenware Open Nature * Breads. Hot Dog or Hamburger Buns Selected sues and «anetes CkePna 1250ea SAVEuotoil 98on2 0 Organics'" Salads Sonya or Rosalynn Apples 5 to 7 02 Selected varieties Club Price: 5 2 5 0 ea SAVE u p t o S t 21 lb SAVE up to S t 9 8 on 2 Organic Bose or D'Anjou Pears SAVE up to 91 1 lb ÖftN organic FLAKES Kellogg’s 24 p a c k ,1 6 3 Cereal Club P nce $ 2 5 0 ea. 02 n w to e .m u tw .w Plus d e p o s it in O regon c to k te rto M : SAVE up to 5 5 9 6 on 4 6 0 5 to 7 5 -o z Liquid Selected varietie, SAVE up to $5 99 on 2 O Organics'* Romaine Hearts 3 count package organic I Pantry Essentials or Dairy Glen M ilk or Healthy Choice M eals Gallon 2 % . 1 % . F a t Free 8.5 to f9-or Selected ranebes Excluding Stewnen Club Praz $2 50 n or C re am y Fat Free. Ckib Pnce $ 3 00 ea. SAVE up to $1.98 on 2 Charm in Bath Tissue or Bounty Paper Towels C U M » * 12 a 16-Rol Tissue or fi-Rol Towel« Selectedvanebes.SAVE 10to$1.50 M a k e it I t a lia n t o n i g h t ! Nabisco Snack Crackers 5 5 to 1 0 -o z . Selected varieties. _____ EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE 12-Pack Coca-Cola Triscuif 12-oz. cans. Selected varieties. Plus deposit in Oregon. 0nvwM<<0»MWwOlACMM