Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 23, 2011, Page 6, Image 6

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^lortlanh (Dbsemer
November 23, 2011
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Ending Unfair Mandatory Sentences
Bring fairness
to reforms
J udge G reg M athis
In 1986, as part of the
“war on drugs,” Congress
established minimum sen­
tencing laws for drug offenses.
The sentencing guidelines re­
moved the judge’s ability to con­
sider the defendant’s personal
history and the circumstances
that may have led to the crime.
In ste a d , the se n te n c e w as
handed down based on the na­
ture of the offense and the type
o f drug being sold.
Those who supported man­
datory minimums believed they
would lead to a drop in drug-
related crim es if defendants
knew they’d be facing certain
and lengthy jail sentences. They
were wrong. Mandatory mini­
mums have nearly tripled the
number of federal prisoners in
the last 20 years and have grossly
overcrow ded federal prisons.
Federal mandatory minimum
laws have caused black men to
be incarcerated at disproportion­
ate rates.
According to a report
recently released by the
United States Sentencing
Commission, federal man­
datory m inim um se n ­
tences are not only ex­
cessive; they are applied un-
that carries a mandatory mini­
mum penalty. The racial dispari­
ties are not news to the African
American community. We have
long been leery of the criminal
justice system and often believe
that people who look like us rarely
receive a fair hearing in court
and are sentenced more harshly
Instead o f sentencing these
individuals to prison, the court
system should look at ways to
rehabilitate them and show them
how they can use their street
business skills in the workplace.
Judges aren’t too fond of man­
datory minimums, either. In a
survey done by the Commission
last year, 62 percent of federal
trial court judges said the m an­
datory minimums were too high,
while only 38 percent found them
If the m en and w om en
charged with handing down
these sentences don’t see their
benefit, then it is time to reform
the mandatory sentencing laws.
than those of other ethnic back­
If we are to have a system
that we believe and trust in, we
Even if the sentencing was must reform the system in a way
equal across racial lines, m an­ that is fair. If we don’t, the crimi­
d ato ry m in im u m s are still nal justice system will always be
flawed and far from just. 75 regarded in a way that is just
p ercen t o f those co n v icted that: criminal.
under the laws are drug of­
Judge Mathis is a longtime
fenders, many of whom lived advocate for equal justice. His
in poor areas and hoped the life story o f a street youth who
drug trade would provide some rose from ja il to judge has
sort o f econom ic relief.
provided hope to millions.
According to a report recently released
by the United States Sentencing
Commission, federal mandatory minimum
sentences are not only excessive; they are
applied unfairly and inconsistently.
fairly and inconsistently.
It is not unlikely that the same
drug offense could carry a two-
year term for one offender, while
another receives 10 years. These
sentencing disparities are most
v isib le w hen v iew ed w ith
through a racial lens.
A cc o rd in g
Commission’s report, black and
Latino offenders are more likely
to be convicted of an offense