Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 06, 2011, Page 22, Image 22

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A pril 6, 2011
gests, it’s free - and you can fill it
out online at www.fafsa.ed.gov, or
at your local community college
cam pus’ financial aid office. The
FAFSA is quite literally the gate­
by A lgie C. G atewood
dufing the summer to re­ way to financial aid; the information
As President Obama
ceive an extra term ’s that students provide is used to
and the Congress nego­
worth o f grant funds. evaluate their eligibility for aid from
tiate the terms of the next
E lim inating the year- a whole array of sources - federal
federal budget, one fact
round Pell is just wrong. and state governments, educational
institutions, and independent schol­
stands above the rest -
It is especially during
arship funds.
the purse strings are
times of economic duress
Once a student submits a com­
tight, and many things
that students need the
that Americans hold dear
continuing support o f pleted FAFSA, it is usually only a
short time before he or she receives
may be targeted for re­
government investment
duction or elimination. Education, in education. It is especially in times confirmation from the federal gov­
sadly, is no exception.
of limited employment prospects ernment. And then, depending on
As a community college campus that students need to continue pur­ need and eligibility, a whole range
president, it behooves me to pay suing their education and training. of aid becomes available, including:
close attention to the educational
The Pell Grant is, simply put, a • Pell Grants: As I mentioned above,
decisions made in Washington. But wonderful tool for democratization; the Pell Grant is one of the best kinds
in the midst of challenging economic it is an investment in ourselves, an of financial aid, because it doesn’t
times, when access to education expression of our society ’ s commit­ need to be repaid. As much as $5,550
can make the difference between ment to fostering and nurturing our per year can be available to full-time
earning a good living or not, I be­ collective talent and drive. The grant students.
lieve it behooves the general public is perhaps the most effective means • Supplemental Educational Oppor­
as well.
for students to overcome the pri­ tunity Grants (SEOG): Like a Pell
For millions of college students mary barrier to higher education - Grant, a SEOG doesn't need to be
who depend on Financial aid, the cost - and it deserves to remain fully repaid. The maximum amount avail­
able each year varies by educational
federal Pell Grant is their bread and funded.
butter. Pell Grants are readily avail­
Whether you’re a student or not,
able and - best of all - don’t need to I encourage you to call or write to • Federal Work Study: Work study
be repaid. Unfortunately, Pell Grants your representatives in Congress dollars allow students to work a
are among those programs targeted and urge them to not just continue part-time, on-campus job for pay,
for reduction. To his credit, Presi­ to fund the federal Pell Grant pro­ while helping to cover educational
dent Obama has expressed a desire gram at its current level, but to in­ costs at the same time. The maxi­
to see the grants’ maximum allow­ crease funding for Pell Grants and mum amount available each year
ance remain at $5,550 per year.
for education in general. And if you varies by educational institution.
However, in a nod toward the are a student, and you haven't yet • Federal Perkins and Stafford
necessity of belt-tightening, it has taken advantage of the Pell Grant, Loans: Low-interest federal loans
that students must repay after leav­
been proposed that the so-called now is the time.
“year-round Pell” be eliminated. The
The first step is to fill out a Free ing school. The maximum amount
year-round Pell system allows full­ Application for Federal Student Aid available each year varies by educa­
time students who elect to study (FAFSA) form. As the name sug- tional institution. In my personal
opinion, however, I recommend
avoiding loans if at all possible.
• Institutional or external aid: Schol­
arships and grants issued by a
student’s college or by an outside
organization. In many cases, a stu­
dent can find scholarships that are
specifically targeted toward his or
her background or educational
As I m entioned above, subm it­
ting a FAFSA is the first step
toward receiving financial aid -
but hardly the only one. I highly
recom m end visiting the financial
aid office at your local college
cam pus and talking to a financial
aid advisor. He or she can assist
you with com pleting the FAFSA,
and help you to find and apply for
sources o f aid for which you are
eligible. In addition, many institu­
tions — like Portland Com m unity
College, for exam ple - hold peri­
odic workshops and orientations
on filing the FAFSA and applying
for financial aid.
The bottom line is that there is
APRIL 23, 2011 @ 3:30PM
more financial aid available than
many people realize, and it’s easier
to obtain than one m ight think.
There is enough, perhaps, to make
higher education a p o ssib ility
even in dire econom ic tim es such
as these.
Pell Grants Invest in America
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Algie C. Gatewood, Ed.D., is
president o f Portland Community
College’s Cascade Campus.