Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 06, 2011, Page 11, Image 11

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April 6, 2011
®*!* $Iortlanò ©bserucr HOUSING special edition
Page II
Inspections Bring Value, Comfort
W hether you are thinking o f provides is based on an objective y o u r hom e.
b u ying a new hom e o r selling assessm ent o f the hom e's condi­
“C u sto m er service is a high
yours, hom e inspections will take tion. T he report can also serve priority for m e. I alw ays do the
the gu essw o rk out o f this im por­ you in the future by identifying best jo b I can for each and every
tan t tra n sa c tio n . Y ou'll have m aintenance tasks to ensure the client, and I am alw ays available
peace o f m ind, know ing that an continuing value and com fort o f to an sw er y o u r q u estio n s,” he
A; Á(Mt fcMÍ
In addition to his p rofessional
ex perience doing hom e in sp ec­
tions and rem odeling, M ey er is a
m em ber o f the A m erican S o ci­
ety o f H om e Inspectors, and a
bo ard m em b er o f the O regon
A sso ciatio n o f H om e In sp ec­
For information, call Ken M eyer
503-997-4120 or visit his website
porticohomeinspection.com .
Ken M eyer
ex p erien ced professional hom e
in sp ector has exam ined every
co m ponent o f your hom e, and is
looking out for y o u r interests.
Ken M eyer o f Portico H om e
Inspection, a locally ow ned and
o p erated com pany, takes pride
in perform ing hom e inspection
reports that are thorough, d e ­
tailed, and custom ized.
He said the inform ation he
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