% April 6, 2011 ®*!* $Iortlanò ©bserucr HOUSING special edition Page II Inspections Bring Value, Comfort W hether you are thinking o f provides is based on an objective y o u r hom e. b u ying a new hom e o r selling assessm ent o f the hom e's condi­ “C u sto m er service is a high yours, hom e inspections will take tion. T he report can also serve priority for m e. I alw ays do the the gu essw o rk out o f this im por­ you in the future by identifying best jo b I can for each and every tan t tra n sa c tio n . Y ou'll have m aintenance tasks to ensure the client, and I am alw ays available peace o f m ind, know ing that an continuing value and com fort o f to an sw er y o u r q u estio n s,” he A; Á(Mt fcMÍ W W W said. In addition to his p rofessional ex perience doing hom e in sp ec­ tions and rem odeling, M ey er is a m em ber o f the A m erican S o ci­ ety o f H om e Inspectors, and a 5 bo ard m em b er o f the O regon A sso ciatio n o f H om e In sp ec­ tors. For information, call Ken M eyer 503-997-4120 or visit his website porticohomeinspection.com . tv SS® ...r Ken M eyer ex p erien ced professional hom e in sp ector has exam ined every co m ponent o f your hom e, and is looking out for y o u r interests. Ken M eyer o f Portico H om e Inspection, a locally ow ned and o p erated com pany, takes pride in perform ing hom e inspection reports that are thorough, d e ­ tailed, and custom ized. He said the inform ation he Home Equity Une ot Credit 2. L egal N otices % APR Introductory Rate for 9 Months | A Rates As Low As Need to pub lish a co u rt document or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e- mail your notice for a free price quote! Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: classlfleds@portlandobsetver.com The Portland Observer ■Advertise with diversity in ^ P o rtla n d Observer Just picture what you can do with a rate this low. Cook up a new kitchen. Say “ I do” to the perfect wedding. If you can picture it, you can do it with a U.S. Bank Home Equity Line of Credit. Apply today at your local U.S. Bank, usbank.com or give us a call at 888-444-BANK. G o ahead. Bring your dreams to life. You’ve got the strength of U.S. Bank behind you. All of fTpl serving you* C all 503-2X 8-0033 adsOportlandi >bserver.e( >m n^bank usbank.com | 888-444-BAN K (2265) fWwed. The interestlate will he (wed al2.99% during the 9-mwith introductory period A m Is 2.99% After the mne-montti introductory perori, the APR will vary with Prime Rate as published in the Wall Street «4* i t NOtH XTLL'------ - " '-'»"trr- ■ ■«■«■wo o tcMutivu umlaut your tax advisor regarding the deductibility ot interest Some restrictions mavanniv Home Eomtv loans and i mpc nt Credit are offered through U.S. Bank National Association ND. 02011 U.S. Bancorp AH rights reserved Member FDIC. LOanS 1,188