Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 19, 2011, Page 10, Image 10

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January 19, 2011
5O 3 -2 8 3 -E E 7 7
9 2 6 N . LOM BARD
Argar? (David Margulies)
attempts to lay a big smooch
on his less than enthusiastic
wife, Beline (Christine Calfas) in
The Imaginary Invalid, a
skewering of a health care
crisis from an entirely different
century, now playing on the
Portland Center Stage Main
Stage through Feb. 6.
Advertise with diversity z/t
"H* Portland Observer
Call 503-288-0033
G racefu l N am es A rt E x­
hibit -- “G raceful Nam es,
in and
art exhibit at the L ittm an
W hite G alleries at Portland State Uni
versity, will feature the w ork o f locally
based artist K anaan K anaan and highlights the 99
nam es o f A llah (G od) as titles, each w ith intricate detail
and vibrant color. Show continues all m onth.
L ast P olar B ear exhibit - At
the W orld Forest C en ter D is­
covery M useum , photographer
Steven K azlow ski docum ents
the d evastating urgency o f g lo ­
bal w arm in g ’s im pact on the
A rctic in the ph o to exhibit, The
Last Polar Bear: Facing the Truth
o f a W arm ing W orld. Show runs
through A pril 3.
7 W O M A N * 7 STOOLS
The staçeptiyof the journey of ? diverse women
from pani to pinnacle!
N orm an S ylvester B and - B oogie C at N orm an
S ylvester and his band perform s Friday, Jan. 21 at
T illic u m ’s; Saturday, Jan. 2 2 at M ac’s Place Silverton;
Friday, Feb. 4 at the W est Linn Saloon; and Saturday,
Feb. 5 at the T op S h e lf in V ancouver.
C h ocolateF est - A n anticipated 75 vendors are e x ­
p ected to be at C hocolateF est, a W orld Forestry C en ­
ter fundraiser fo r educational program s that m oves
this year to the O regon C onvention C enter. T he o p en ­
ing night prem iere is Friday, Jan. 21 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m .;
and the celebration continues S aturday
and Sunday,
Jan. 22-23 from 10 am. to 5 p.m. V isit chocolatefest.org.
from t tw b d y w ho brought you *<xxh Trying To T«H
You Sonnot hang', 'Thing?. Aint W hat They IK * To Bo'*
M urals Exhibit -- T he exhibit “W alls
o f H eritage, W alls o f Pride: A frican
A m erican M urals,” show casing m u ­
rals from Portland artists and all over
the country takes place at the O r-
egon H istorical Society through Feb.
noon until 4 p.m. A dona-
tio n o f $ 10 w ill be accepted
at the door. F o r m ore in fo rm a­
tion, call 503-288-5429.
T inker T oy Inspiration - T inker toys
are b ig g er than e v er at the P ortland
C h ild ren ’s M useum w here a “ B uild
Y our Im ag in atio n ” exhibit continues
through Sunday, Jan..23. G iant repli-
cas o f
c iassic T in k er toy co n ­
struction set provides fo r fun and
e d u c a tio n a l a c tiv itie s ta rg e te d to
children ages 3-10.
E xplore W hat M akes Y ou T ick -- O M S I ’ s new highly
interactive exhibit “Identity: A n E xhibition o f Y ou”
ex p lo res the physical, p sy ch o lo g ical and social e le ­
m ents in y o u r life and ch allen g es o u r notions o f p e r­
sonal identity.
L ive Ja zz — E very F riday and S atu rd ay from 8 p.m . to
11 p.m ., the T h ird D egrees L ounge at the R iver Place
H otel, 1 5 1 0 S .W . H arb o r W ay. N o c o v er o r m inim um
purchase. For m ore inform ation, visit p d x jazz.co m .
M usic M illen n iu m F ree S h ow s ~ T h e M usic M illen­
nium , 3158 E. B urnside, hosts in-house live p erfo r­
m ances. E njoy free m usic and the o p p o rtu n ity to m eet
artists. C all 503-231 -8926 fo r a schedule.
O ffice W arm in g Party — F reedom S o cialist Party and
R adical W om en invite friends and the activist com m u-
n ity to celebrate their new B read & R oses C en ter hom e,
6834 N .E. G lisan, on Saturday, Jan. 22 at 4 p.m . E vent is
free and open to all.
D iscou nt A d m ission -- O M SI visitors pay only $2 per
person fo r general adm ission on the first S unday o f
each m onth as well as discounted adm ission o f $5 to the
Planetarium , O M IM A X T h eater and U SS B lueback
subm arine.
'Som ebody O ught* ToB God Thank You’ and TJk lake's
'W o m a n Thou A rt I
oomk T
So You Know its Got to bo
AMMO m O M S E R V IC E fees
Call: Nancy Smith @ 503-839-3614
Or Dee Baker <5> 503-287-6050
M el Brow n Live ~ Portland jazz giant M el
B row n perform s at Salty ’ s on the C o lu m ­
bia every Friday and S aturday night.
Known as the “G entlem an o f Jazz,” Brown
has a career spanning o v er 4 0 years.
Chili C ook O f f - Bethel Church, 5828 N.E. Eighth Ave.,
w ill host a C hili C o o k O ff on Saturday, Jan. 29 from
Slou gh C eleb ration — O n Friday, Feb. 4 ,6 - 9 pm , the
C olum bia Slough W atershed C ouncil invites the co m ­
m unity to the 12th A nnual Slough C elebration and
fundraiser; includes dinner, drinks, silent auction, aw ard
presentations, creative videos, and live m usic. M elody
B a llro o m , 6 1 5 S .E . A ld e r St. F o r tic k e ts, v isit
colum biaslough.org o r call 503-281-1132.