^ortlanh QDbsertier Page IO January 19, 2011 ENTEONMtNT SHOW DOGS GROOMING SALON AND BOUTIQUE The Imaginary Invalid TREAT VOUR DOG OR CAT FOR THE NEW YEAR CALI AND SCHE DOLE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY 5O 3 -2 8 3 -E E 7 7 9 2 6 N . LOM BARD Argar? (David Margulies) attempts to lay a big smooch on his less than enthusiastic wife, Beline (Christine Calfas) in The Imaginary Invalid, a skewering of a health care crisis from an entirely different century, now playing on the Portland Center Stage Main Stage through Feb. 6. Advertise with diversity z/t "H* Portland Observer Call 503-288-0033 COMING TO PORTLAND W IM ’an^^BH G racefu l N am es A rt E x­ hibit -- “G raceful Nam es, in and .X art exhibit at the L ittm an W hite G alleries at Portland State Uni versity, will feature the w ork o f locally based artist K anaan K anaan and highlights the 99 nam es o f A llah (G od) as titles, each w ith intricate detail and vibrant color. Show continues all m onth. L ast P olar B ear exhibit - At the W orld Forest C en ter D is­ covery M useum , photographer Steven K azlow ski docum ents the d evastating urgency o f g lo ­ bal w arm in g ’s im pact on the A rctic in the ph o to exhibit, The Last Polar Bear: Facing the Truth o f a W arm ing W orld. Show runs through A pril 3. 7 W O M A N * 7 STOOLS The staçeptiyof the journey of ? diverse women from pani to pinnacle! A tun * N orm an S ylvester B and - B oogie C at N orm an S ylvester and his band perform s Friday, Jan. 21 at T illic u m ’s; Saturday, Jan. 2 2 at M ac’s Place Silverton; Friday, Feb. 4 at the W est Linn Saloon; and Saturday, Feb. 5 at the T op S h e lf in V ancouver. C h ocolateF est - A n anticipated 75 vendors are e x ­ p ected to be at C hocolateF est, a W orld Forestry C en ­ ter fundraiser fo r educational program s that m oves this year to the O regon C onvention C enter. T he o p en ­ ing night prem iere is Friday, Jan. 21 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m .; and the celebration continues S aturday and Sunday, . Jan. 22-23 from 10 am. to 5 p.m. V isit chocolatefest.org. from t tw b d y w ho brought you * 503-287-6050 M el Brow n Live ~ Portland jazz giant M el B row n perform s at Salty ’ s on the C o lu m ­ bia every Friday and S aturday night. Known as the “G entlem an o f Jazz,” Brown has a career spanning o v er 4 0 years. Chili C ook O f f - Bethel Church, 5828 N.E. Eighth Ave., w ill host a C hili C o o k O ff on Saturday, Jan. 29 from Slou gh C eleb ration — O n Friday, Feb. 4 ,6 - 9 pm , the C olum bia Slough W atershed C ouncil invites the co m ­ m unity to the 12th A nnual Slough C elebration and fundraiser; includes dinner, drinks, silent auction, aw ard presentations, creative videos, and live m usic. M elody B a llro o m , 6 1 5 S .E . A ld e r St. F o r tic k e ts, v isit colum biaslough.org o r call 503-281-1132.