Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 06, 2010, Minority and Small Business Week 2010 special coverage issue, Page 13, Image 13

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    O ctober 6, 2010
Minority & Small Business Week
Page 13
Present Laughter, an audacious
com edy dealing w ith a m a n ’s co m ­
plicated m id-life crisis, opens this
w eek in the M ago H unt T heater on
the U niversity o f Portland cam pus,
5000 N. W illam ette Blvd.
Perhaps N oel C ow ard's m ost au ­
tobiographical play, Present L augh­
ter has been revived frequently both
in N ew Y ork and London.
G arry Essendine, a popular and
pam pered actor, is busily m aking
preparations for an extended over­
seas tour to Africa with devoted sec­
retary, M onica. H ow ever, Garry, bat­
tling a m idlife crisis, finds his plans
are com plicated first by D aphne, a
beautiful stage- struck ingénue, then
by a fatuously ardent aspiring play­
w right, R oland M aule. W ith the ad­
dition o f a good friend's seductive
w ife, Joanne, the classic C ow ard
vamp, Garry's life becomes more com ­
plicated than even he w ould wish.
O nly his devoted wife, Liz, can help
rescue him from h im self and others.
Perform ances are T hursday, O ct.
7 through Sunday, O ct. 10 and again
next w eekend, T hursday, O ct. 13
through Sunday, O ct. 15. A ll show s
are at 7:30 p .m „ except for the S u n ­
day perform ance, w hich is at 2 p.m .
A dm ission is $10 for adults and $5
for students and seniors. For reser­
vations, call 503-943-7287.
Produced b y Feld C n terto in d len t
Danielle Larson (from left) Connor Bond, and Maddie Eberhard
star in Present Laugher, a comedy dealing with a m an's mid-life
crisis, opening Thursday at the University o f Portland’s Mago Hunt
L et’s Cabrate!
Walmart Zoo
The O regon Z o o ’s S econd T u es­
days program has a new sponsor.
W ith a partnership from the W alm art
F oundation, the zoo offers visitors
$4 adm ission on the second T u es­
day o f each m onth. A s alw ays, ch il­
dren 2 and under are adm itted free o f
“ D uring these tough econom ic
tim es, the price o f regular adm ission
can som etim es be a b arrier,” said
K im Sm ith, zoo director. “ T hrough
W alm art’s generous support, the
zoo is able to offer S econd T ues­
days — a critical program that helps
us convey our im portant co n serv a­
tion m essages to a w id er and m ore
diverse au dience.”
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