O ctober 6, 2010 Minority & Small Business Week Page 13 [Niro Mid Present Laughter, an audacious com edy dealing w ith a m a n ’s co m ­ plicated m id-life crisis, opens this w eek in the M ago H unt T heater on the U niversity o f Portland cam pus, 5000 N. W illam ette Blvd. Perhaps N oel C ow ard's m ost au ­ tobiographical play, Present L augh­ ter has been revived frequently both in N ew Y ork and London. G arry Essendine, a popular and pam pered actor, is busily m aking preparations for an extended over­ seas tour to Africa with devoted sec­ retary, M onica. H ow ever, Garry, bat­ tling a m idlife crisis, finds his plans are com plicated first by D aphne, a beautiful stage- struck ingénue, then by a fatuously ardent aspiring play­ w right, R oland M aule. W ith the ad­ dition o f a good friend's seductive w ife, Joanne, the classic C ow ard vamp, Garry's life becomes more com ­ plicated than even he w ould wish. O nly his devoted wife, Liz, can help rescue him from h im self and others. Perform ances are T hursday, O ct. 7 through Sunday, O ct. 10 and again next w eekend, T hursday, O ct. 13 through Sunday, O ct. 15. A ll show s are at 7:30 p .m „ except for the S u n ­ day perform ance, w hich is at 2 p.m . A dm ission is $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors. For reser­ vations, call 503-943-7287. Produced b y Feld C n terto in d len t OM*£ICE Danielle Larson (from left) Connor Bond, and Maddie Eberhard star in Present Laugher, a comedy dealing with a m an's mid-life crisis, opening Thursday at the University o f Portland’s Mago Hunt Theater. L et’s Cabrate! Walmart Zoo Discounts The O regon Z o o ’s S econd T u es­ days program has a new sponsor. W ith a partnership from the W alm art F oundation, the zoo offers visitors $4 adm ission on the second T u es­ day o f each m onth. A s alw ays, ch il­ dren 2 and under are adm itted free o f charge. “ D uring these tough econom ic tim es, the price o f regular adm ission can som etim es be a b arrier,” said K im Sm ith, zoo director. “ T hrough W alm art’s generous support, the zoo is able to offer S econd T ues­ days — a critical program that helps us convey our im portant co n serv a­ tion m essages to a w id er and m ore diverse au dience.” ' 0 f 4606 NE MLK Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 1 I 503.281.7000 www.candykomer.net 1 Join us for a jam-packed celebration of all your favorite holidays! Tickets Start a t Just $17! OCT. 2 8 - 31 Please join ua at the Portland NAACP Annual Freedom Fund Banquet Thursday, O c to b e r 7, 2010 7 P M - 11 PM World Forestry Center, Miller Hall 4033 ÓW Canyon Doad, Portland, OD 97211 lto$i<ÌAKXH Thu. OCT. 28 Fri. OCT. 29 7:30 PM 7:30 PM Sat OCT. 30 12 NOON 3:30 PM 7:00 PM Sun. OCT. 31 12 NOON 3:30 PM Buy tickets at w w w .r o s e q u a r t e r .c o m , The Rose Garden Box Office or call 1 -8 7 7 -7 8 9 -R O S E T ic k e t P ric e s : Tickets: $50 per person or $450 per table of eight For more information please contact La Verne Atroud at lavemcstroud<§>gmail.com or (503) 431-6362 $ 1 7 • $21 • $ 3 6 V IP • $ 6 2 F ro n t R o w Limited num ber of Front Row and VIP »eat* a v a ila b le . Call or go online for d e ta il*. (Additional fees may apply See rosequarter com for details) w w w .d is n e y o n ic e .c o m ■ t tjerboo* 1