Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 04, 2010, Page 12, Image 12

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    Page 12
'ri!' jJortlanb (Observer
B arber
B eauty
August 4, 2010
S a
A a ro n P e te rs o n , O w n e r
C o s m e to lo g is t / B a rb e r I S ty lis t
Hrs: 10:30am - 7pm I Mon. - Sat.
5800 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 0721 I
(Next to The Cash Connection)
Your Care
r -•
Mexican Equestrian Culture
Our First
Dr. Marcelitte
T his sum m er, the O regon H is­
tory M useum presents its new est
exhibit A rte en la C harrería: T he
A rtisanship o f the M exican E ques­
trian C ulture.
O ver 300 stunning objects m any
d ating from the late 1800s - offer a
unique view o f the culture surround­
ing the charro, or M exican cow boy
and the artisans w ho create the co s­
tum es, silver, and iron w ork they
. ‘
A lth o u g h erafted to serve a utili-
tarian purpose, these artifacts m erit
, .
c o n s,d eratio n as art objects d u e to
the exceptional craftsm anship o fth e
charrería artisan, w ho takes p ea-
sure in m ak in g each o bject w ith the
. . .
b earer in m ind.
D u n n g the 19th cen tu ry , ch arro s
began to o rg an ize celebrar,o n s to
sh o w case their skills and com pete
, s C t t /A
a Q g ll'l a in
o n no e a 'l n »1 o th
e r. i C ’ h I-» a rre ría
thrives today as the national sport
o fj\qe x jco
J- i
T he articles and co stu m es on
d isp |a y (hro h O c, 24 afe m ore
than sj
|e vestj
o f a n ation.s
r .,,,.. .■
folk tradition; they are rem in ders o f
• u . •„
a rich h eritag e that co n tin u es to this
v js j, o h
for m o re de(aj|s
ab o u tth ise x h ,b ita n d re la te d e v e n ts.
News Archives go Online
We are located at
1716 N.E. 42nd Ave.
Portland, OR 97213
(Between Broadway and Sandy' Blvd.)
• Automobile accident injuries
• Chronic headache and joint pain
• Workers Compensation injuries
Call for an appointment!
Silver inlaid Amozoc-style spurs are among the300 stunning objects from an exhibit surrounding the
charro, or Mexican cowboy and the artisans who created their costumes, silver and iron work.
8028 St Stark St. Portland. Oregon » 503.281.1,80
Free library access
T he M ultnom ah C ounty L ibrary
now features the only publicly avail­
able, co m p lete full-text digitized
arch iv e o f T he O regonian n ew sp a­
Library cardholders can now ac-
cess every article, editorial, illustra­
tion, photograph and advertisem ent
published in The O regonian betw een
1861 and 1972. By the end o f this year,
the archive will includeall editions up
to 1987.
M ultnom ah C ounty Library is the
only source for free access to this
archive and all associated features.
Previously, total access to this vast
resource for O regon history w as avail­
able only by paying a m onthly sub­
scription fee to N ew sB ank, the ser­
vice provider.
The archive can be searched by
date, keyw ord, era and by several
article types. A rticles can be printed,
e-m ailed and dow nloaded - all for
free. A ccess to this resource, like
m ost o f the library’s electronic re­
s o u r c e s , is lim ite d to lib r a ry
cardholders and in-library guests. A
library card num ber and PIN is all that
is needed to access the database
from outside o f a library location.
“T he library is com m itted to re­
m oving barriers to access for our
patrons,” said D irector o f Libraries,
V ailey O ehlke. “ As the only institu­
tion to m ake this invaluable historical
record available to the publ ic for free,
w e believe this resource will benefit
everyone in o u r com m unity, includ­
ing students and scholars, fam ilies
researching genealogy, historians,
sports enthusiasts and the sim ply