Page 12 'ri!' jJortlanb (Observer B arber & B eauty August 4, 2010 Arts X S a FNTFD1 ENIECIAINMENÏ A a ro n P e te rs o n , O w n e r C o s m e to lo g is t / B a rb e r I S ty lis t Hrs: 10:30am - 7pm I Mon. - Sat. 5800 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 0721 I (Next to The Cash Connection) L Your Care r -• Mexican Equestrian Culture Our First Priority Dr. Marcelitte Faillit Chiropractic Physician T his sum m er, the O regon H is­ tory M useum presents its new est exhibit A rte en la C harrería: T he A rtisanship o f the M exican E ques­ trian C ulture. O ver 300 stunning objects m any d ating from the late 1800s - offer a unique view o f the culture surround­ ing the charro, or M exican cow boy and the artisans w ho create the co s­ tum es, silver, and iron w ork they . ‘ , ... A lth o u g h erafted to serve a utili- tarian purpose, these artifacts m erit .. , . , c o n s,d eratio n as art objects d u e to the exceptional craftsm anship o fth e charrería artisan, w ho takes p ea- , . sure in m ak in g each o bject w ith the . . . . J b earer in m ind. D u n n g the 19th cen tu ry , ch arro s began to o rg an ize celebrar,o n s to sh o w case their skills and com pete , s C t t /A ♦rsr*** a Q g ll'l a in o n no e a 'l n »1 o th e r. i C ’ h I-» a rre ría thrives today as the national sport o fj\qe x jco -ru J- i j T he articles and co stu m es on d isp |a y (hro h O c, 24 afe m ore than sj |e vestj o f a n ation.s r .,,,.. .■ , r folk tradition; they are rem in ders o f • u . •„ ... x. a rich h eritag e that co n tin u es to this . day. v js j, o h for m o re de(aj|s ab o u tth ise x h ,b ita n d re la te d e v e n ts. News Archives go Online We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 (Between Broadway and Sandy' Blvd.) • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! Silver inlaid Amozoc-style spurs are among the300 stunning objects from an exhibit surrounding the charro, or Mexican cowboy and the artisans who created their costumes, silver and iron work. (503)228-6140 8028 St Stark St. Portland. Oregon » 503.281.1,80 Free library access T he M ultnom ah C ounty L ibrary now features the only publicly avail­ able, co m p lete full-text digitized arch iv e o f T he O regonian n ew sp a­ per. Library cardholders can now ac- cess every article, editorial, illustra­ tion, photograph and advertisem ent published in The O regonian betw een 1861 and 1972. By the end o f this year, the archive will includeall editions up to 1987. M ultnom ah C ounty Library is the only source for free access to this archive and all associated features. Previously, total access to this vast resource for O regon history w as avail­ able only by paying a m onthly sub­ scription fee to N ew sB ank, the ser­ vice provider. The archive can be searched by date, keyw ord, era and by several article types. A rticles can be printed, e-m ailed and dow nloaded - all for free. A ccess to this resource, like m ost o f the library’s electronic re­ s o u r c e s , is lim ite d to lib r a ry cardholders and in-library guests. A library card num ber and PIN is all that is needed to access the database from outside o f a library location. “T he library is com m itted to re­ m oving barriers to access for our patrons,” said D irector o f Libraries, V ailey O ehlke. “ As the only institu­ tion to m ake this invaluable historical record available to the publ ic for free, w e believe this resource will benefit everyone in o u r com m unity, includ­ ing students and scholars, fam ilies researching genealogy, historians, sports enthusiasts and the sim ply curious.”