Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 28, 2010, Page 11, Image 11

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    April 28. 2010
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St. Helens Anniversary Turns 30
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Events commemorate
1980 eruption
On May 18,1980 Mount St. Helens erupted for
9 hours, altering 230 square miles o f forest and
killing 57 people. It was an event that made
international news and changed people’s percep­
tions o f the Pacific N orthwest’s volcanoes.
This year, it’s time to look back and remember
that watershed moment that deeply affected
people’s lives. The Mount St. Helens Institute is
hosting many entertaining and educational events
to commemorate the 30th anniversary o f the 1980
May 4: Volcano Views and Brews Public
Gathering. “ Remembering Spirit Lake: A Com­
munity Remembrance.’’ Bring your stories, memo­
ries and photographs to share. 7 p.m. Lucky
Labrador, 1945 N.W. Quimby St.
May 4 and May 18: Volcano Explorers Pro­
gram for students. An interactive video-confer­
ence program connecting 4th-8th graders to vol­
canologists and introducing them to the fascinat­
ing science discoveries taking place at Mount St.
Helens. 1 p.m., Various elementary and middle
May 15: “ It’s a Blast: Volcano Science in Your
Backyard.’’ A day o f hands-on science discovery
at Johnston Ridge Observatory, Mount St. Helens
National Volcanic Monument. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
May 16: Johnston Ridge Observatory Opening
May 18: Johnston Ridge Observatory com­
memoration events with free admission. View
new exhibits and updated facility. Photographers
will present volcano images featured in the May
2010 issue o f National Geographic.
May 18: “The Power o f Nature: Mount St.
Helens 1980 - 2010.” An evening with Gary
Snyder, Ursula K. Le Guin and Jerry Franklin,
7:30 p.m., First Congregational Church, 1126
S.W. Park.
More information about these events is avail­
able at mshinstitute.org.
The Mount St. Helens Institute is a nonprofit
organization dedicated to helping people o f all
ages gain an understanding o f the natural pro­
cesses and cultural heritage o f the Pacific
Northwest’s volcanic landscapes. The institute J
promotes stewardship, science and appreciation
o f the Northwest
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