Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 21, 2010, Page 2, Image 2

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il’1 iJJortlanii (Dbseruer
Second Recall Falls Short
T he second cam ­
paign to recall Port­
land M ay o r Sam
A dam s has failed,
according to o rg a­
nizer and form er
s ta te S e n . A v el
G ordly. She said
that if the cam paign had m ore fund­
ing, they w ould have sent out one
m ore m ailing to g ather support and
believes that w ould have boosted
them over the required num ber o f
sig n atu res.
Voter Pamphlets Coming
V oter pam phlets for the M ay 18
prim ary election will be mailed out to
O regon voters starting W ednesday.
For m ore than a century, the state
has been publishing the pam phlets
that allow O regonians to m ake state­
m ents on candidates and issues.
Camby Contract Extended
B la z e r
■ J jw .*
M a rc u s
Week in
Thc Review
o f their first-round p lay o ff series.
A p ril 21. 2010
N egro W om en for 4 0 years and was
know n for h er determ ination and
grace — as well as her w ry hum or.
Hooks Remembered
Benjam in L. H ooks,
acham pionofm inori- F^r*
e x te n s io n T u e s-
pound center was
acquired from the
Los A ngeles Clippers on Feb. 16. He
grabbed 17 rebounds Sunday as the
Trail Blazers beat Phoenix in G am e 1
J Cirque to Salute Jackson
ties and the poor w ho ,*T
executive director
D o ro th y
Ire n e
o f the N A A C P in-
I (eight, a pioneer-
mg voice o f the
fF creased the group's
stature w hile q u e ll­
civil rights move-
incut w h o seacti\
: ing fear created by a 1989 firebom ber
ism stretched from
J j w ho targeted his group and officials
in the South, is being rem em bered
the N ew Deal to
the election o f President B arack after his death T hursday. He w as 85.
O bam a, died Tuesday. She was 98. Too fat to fight?
H eight led the N ational C ouncil o f M any A m erican children are so over­
Rights Activist Dies at 98
two-year contract
w eight from being fed French fries,
pizza and other unhealthy foods at
school lunchroom s that they cannot
handle the physical rigors o f being in
the mil itary, a group o f retired officers
say in a new report.
First the B eatles and E lvis, now
M ichael Jackson.
a c r o b a tic
troupe C irque du
Soleil an nounced
T uesday that it will
put on a live to u r­
ing show featu r- I---------------------
ing the songs o f the K ing o f Pop
starting late next year.
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