Page 2 il’1 iJJortlanii (Dbseruer Second Recall Falls Short T he second cam ­ paign to recall Port­ land M ay o r Sam A dam s has failed, according to o rg a­ nizer and form er s ta te S e n . A v el G ordly. She said that if the cam paign had m ore fund­ ing, they w ould have sent out one m ore m ailing to g ather support and believes that w ould have boosted them over the required num ber o f sig n atu res. Voter Pamphlets Coming V oter pam phlets for the M ay 18 prim ary election will be mailed out to O regon voters starting W ednesday. For m ore than a century, the state has been publishing the pam phlets that allow O regonians to m ake state­ m ents on candidates and issues. Camby Contract Extended B la z e r F ■ J jw .* I i M a rc u s Week in Thc Review o f their first-round p lay o ff series. A p ril 21. 2010 N egro W om en for 4 0 years and was know n for h er determ ination and grace — as well as her w ry hum or. Hooks Remembered Benjam in L. H ooks, acham pionofm inori- F^r* e x te n s io n T u e s- pound center was acquired from the Los A ngeles Clippers on Feb. 16. He grabbed 17 rebounds Sunday as the Trail Blazers beat Phoenix in G am e 1 J Cirque to Salute Jackson ties and the poor w ho ,*T as executive director D o ro th y Ire n e o f the N A A C P in- I (eight, a pioneer- mg voice o f the fF creased the group's stature w hile q u e ll­ civil rights move- ’ incut w h o seacti\ : ing fear created by a 1989 firebom ber ism stretched from J j w ho targeted his group and officials in the South, is being rem em bered the N ew Deal to the election o f President B arack after his death T hursday. He w as 85. O bam a, died Tuesday. She was 98. Too fat to fight? H eight led the N ational C ouncil o f M any A m erican children are so over­ Rights Activist Dies at 98 k two-year contract w eight from being fed French fries, pizza and other unhealthy foods at school lunchroom s that they cannot handle the physical rigors o f being in the mil itary, a group o f retired officers say in a new report. Jj First the B eatles and E lvis, now M ichael Jackson. The a c r o b a tic troupe C irque du Soleil an nounced T uesday that it will put on a live to u r­ ing show featu r- I--------------------- ing the songs o f the K ing o f Pop starting late next year. Full course meal with your choice of Top Sirloin Steak (6 oz.)t Grilled Chicken Breast or Grilled Salmon Filet, includes complimentary dessert to share. JSL S P IM I MOUNTAIN CASINO The Northwest', Premier Entertainment Destination Hwy 18 • Grand Ronde, OR • SPIRITMOUNTAIN.COM Not valid for take out Gratuity and Alcohol not included Offer expires April 30 No substitutions Management reserves all rights Advertise in 'l e Portland Observer 503-288-0033 adstë’portlandob