Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 07, 2010, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4
ihl' P o rtlan ò ODhscmer
Nationwide Grows Local Roots
A local insurance agency is grow ing
som e strong roots in the m ulticultural
H um boldt neighborhood.
A ndrew s A gency LLC , representing
N ationw ide Insurance, becam e a part o f
the N orth P ortland com m u n ity in M ay
2008. Jean T arver, a long tim e local resi­
dent jo in e d the agency as an associate
agent in A pril 2009.
B ozena “ B o” A ndrew s, the ow ner, has
been a N ationw ide A gent since 2004 and
has a second office in Tigard.
“ I'm proud to be affiliated w ith such a
strong and diverse com pany as N ation­
w ide, offering a full range o f insurance
pro d u cts,” A ndrew s said. “A t m y agency,
w e spend tim e getting to know o u r clients,
their needs and goals, and tailor coverage
ju st for them . T h e re ’s no lo n g era ‘ty p ical’
insurance custom er, so w e concentrate
on offering flexibility to keep up with
c o n su m er dem and for ch o ice, c o n v e ­
nience, and co ntrol.”
For a personalized quote and local ser­
vice, visit A ndrew s A gency at 722 N.
K illingsw orth St, w hich is across the street
from Portland C om m unity C o lleg e’s C as­
cade C am pus, o r call 503-595-5229. The
a g e n c y ’s regular office hours are M on­
day - Friday from 9 a.m . to 6 p.m . and on
S aturdays from 10 a.m . to 2 p.m.
photo by
M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
Nationwide Agency Owner Bozena ‘Bo ’ Andrews (right) and Associate Agent Jean Tarver
welcome customers to the Andrews Agency office at 722 N. Killingsworth St.
April 7. 2010
W ells Fargo has bestow ed a national
h o n o r on one o f its local em ployees for
supporting and prom oting diversity at
W ells Fargo and in h er local com m unity.
D oris Rush w orks as a hom e equity
sales specialist at W ells Fargo's B arnhart
L o a n C e n te r in
B e a v e rto n . S h e
w a s o n e o f 10
W ells Fargo em ­
p lo y e e s , n a tio n ­
w ide, honored.
A sked w hat fu­
els h er passion for
v o lu n te e rin g ,
R ush said: "M y
parents instilled it
in me. W e w ere alw ays taught to help and
share and pitch in. I've alw ays done it. It's
part o f w ho I am ."
R ush has V olunteered for diversity-
related events for m any years both at
W ells Fargo and in the com m unity, in ­
cluding serving as ch air o f the annual
P ortland Ju n eteen th celebration.
Last y ear she v olunteered m ore than
145 hours, m aking her one o f the top
W ells Fargo volunteers in O regon. She
recently jo in e d the boards o f the Sickle
C ell A nem ia Foundation o f O regon and
the Passin' A rt T h eater G roup in Portland.
PCRI is Breaking New Ground!
Announcing affordable and sustainable
new homes developed by PCRI.
Available for purchase this fall.
Affordable rentals available now.
Portland Community Reinvestment Initiatives
6329 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 288-2923
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