Page 4 ihl' P o rtlan ò ODhscmer Nationwide Grows Local Roots A local insurance agency is grow ing som e strong roots in the m ulticultural H um boldt neighborhood. A ndrew s A gency LLC , representing N ationw ide Insurance, becam e a part o f the N orth P ortland com m u n ity in M ay 2008. Jean T arver, a long tim e local resi­ dent jo in e d the agency as an associate agent in A pril 2009. B ozena “ B o” A ndrew s, the ow ner, has been a N ationw ide A gent since 2004 and has a second office in Tigard. “ I'm proud to be affiliated w ith such a strong and diverse com pany as N ation­ w ide, offering a full range o f insurance pro d u cts,” A ndrew s said. “A t m y agency, w e spend tim e getting to know o u r clients, their needs and goals, and tailor coverage ju st for them . T h e re ’s no lo n g era ‘ty p ical’ insurance custom er, so w e concentrate on offering flexibility to keep up with c o n su m er dem and for ch o ice, c o n v e ­ nience, and co ntrol.” For a personalized quote and local ser­ vice, visit A ndrew s A gency at 722 N. K illingsw orth St, w hich is across the street from Portland C om m unity C o lleg e’s C as­ cade C am pus, o r call 503-595-5229. The a g e n c y ’s regular office hours are M on­ day - Friday from 9 a.m . to 6 p.m . and on S aturdays from 10 a.m . to 2 p.m. photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Nationwide Agency Owner Bozena ‘Bo ’ Andrews (right) and Associate Agent Jean Tarver welcome customers to the Andrews Agency office at 722 N. Killingsworth St. April 7. 2010 Diversity Champion W ells Fargo has bestow ed a national h o n o r on one o f its local em ployees for supporting and prom oting diversity at W ells Fargo and in h er local com m unity. D oris Rush w orks as a hom e equity sales specialist at W ells Fargo's B arnhart L o a n C e n te r in B e a v e rto n . S h e w a s o n e o f 10 W ells Fargo em ­ p lo y e e s , n a tio n ­ w ide, honored. A sked w hat fu­ els h er passion for v o lu n te e rin g , R ush said: "M y parents instilled it in me. W e w ere alw ays taught to help and share and pitch in. I've alw ays done it. It's part o f w ho I am ." R ush has V olunteered for diversity- related events for m any years both at W ells Fargo and in the com m unity, in ­ cluding serving as ch air o f the annual P ortland Ju n eteen th celebration. Last y ear she v olunteered m ore than 145 hours, m aking her one o f the top W ells Fargo volunteers in O regon. She recently jo in e d the boards o f the Sickle C ell A nem ia Foundation o f O regon and the Passin' A rt T h eater G roup in Portland. PCRI is Breaking New Ground! Announcing affordable and sustainable new homes developed by PCRI. Available for purchase this fall. Affordable rentals available now. » Portland Community Reinvestment Initiatives 6329 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 288-2923 * « i « « « i i « • » i » • t i « i • •