Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 31, 2010, Page 20, Image 20

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    Page 20
ir,'‘ Fortiani» CObseruer
March 31. 2010
Ingredients for life.
Pepai or 7»UP
Selected earteSM
Hw depoelt to Oregon
Lucerne* Creamery
Fresh or Sateway SELECT*
Easy Whole Wheat
Vegetarian Lasagne
IceC ream
1 5 to 1 75-qt. Selected »arielies.
Club Pnce S2 50 sa
SAVE up lo S? Sit on 2
jfopttaiu c
Sliced I
Club Price i
Limit 2. While supplies last.
R a n c h e r’s R e serve®
B e e f R ibeye R o a s t
1 8 ounce package whole wheat lasagne noodles, cooked
slightly (al dente)
1 9 ounce package frozen raw spinach
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
3 eggs
3 cups low-fat cottage cheese
3 cups pre-made or store-bought pasta sauce
3 cups grated low-moisture part skim mozzarella cheese
Bore In 0t Boneess New
*0ik Stop Boast SAVE up
to $4 00 ib
Club Prie»
Club Prie»
Bone-In. Whole or Half.
Limit 2. While supplies last
Club Price I
S e m i- B o n e le s s
L a r g e R e d K in g
Leg o f Lam b
C r a b L e g s & C la w s
F o lg e r s C o ffe e
16 to 20 Sire. Cooked
SAVE up to $5 00 lb.
27.8 to 34.5-02.
Selected vanities
SAVE, up to S2 50
Imported Or Boneless
l amp Lee. S4 49 to
SAVE up to St 2C lb
Club Pric»
Tropicana Pure Premium
59 to 64-oz Chilled.
Selected varieties
Club Price 52.50 ea
SAVE up to $2 98 on 2
Club P r ie * M i
Club Price
Sw eet
2 - lb. S t r a w b e r r ie s
Club Prie»
SAVE up to 55 OU ea
to-stem bouches'
SAVE up toS1 00
Club Prie»
Club Prie»
SAVE up to S3 00 ea.
2 each Breast Thighs.
Drumsticks and Wings
Club Prit»
Club Prie» I
P o ta t o C h ip s
4.5 to 12-or package.
Selected varieties.
SAVE up to SI 30 ea
10.510 11-oti
Selected varieties
SAVE up to 53.99 on 2
T h o m a s ’ B a g e ls .
O ro w e a t B re a d s a n d
F r a n c is c o R o lls
or Chunk Cheese
Mu n Uascb Srtected sires and
»are« . Cob *1 « 52 50 ea
32-oz Medium only
SAVE up to 50e
count oa iisaatwtuE
Club Prie» U t
Club P rice
Kendall- Jackson VR
C lo s D u B ois o r
or Woodbridge
W il l a m e t t e V a lle y
V in e y a rd s
Selected varietals
SAVE up io 54.00
Selected varietals
SAVE up to S6 00
L u c e r n e * S h re d d e d
750-ml, Kl or
1 5 In Woodtxdge
750-m l
* 750-ml or larger
Always great
That's our
Club Card
N Specials
Calories/Serving: 373 calories/serving
80 08
L a y ’s
Eating Right® S alads
Selected varietals
SAVE up to 58 30
SAVE1O% whenymiM6ormorpb<mifis-<Wwin«wirtTClubCrWl
TbM M N b
Fresh Express or
La Crema
or Erath
Servings: Provides 10 servings
Nutrition: One serving provides approximately: 373 calo­
ries, 33 g protein, 33 g carbohydrates, 3 g fiber, 12 g fat (7
g saturated), 110 mg cholesterol, 142 meg folate, 3 mg iron
and 671 mg sodium.
Club P ric e « ■
. "Jk
IE" f c id
Looking fo r an easy and healthy vegetarian lasagna
recipe? Check out some o f my favorite vegetarian and
vegan lasagna recipes here. Whether you're looking
fo r a traditional Italian main dish or want to experi­
ment with something new, there's a vegetarian lasagna
recipe here that will surely do the trick.
Easy Whole Wheat Vegetarian Lasagna. Make your
vegetarian lasagna just a hit healthier by using this
recipe, which calls fo r whole wheat lasagna noodles
and spinach. Even though it uses whole wheat noodles,
this Italian spinach lasagna is incredibly rich and
creamy as it uses plenty’ o f mozzarella, Parmesan, and
low-fat cottage cheese. Recipe courtesy o f the Wheat
Foods Council.
1. Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees.
In medium mixing bowl, beat eggs; add cottage cheese and
Parmesan cheese. Spray a 13 x 9-inch glass baking dish
with non-stick cooking spray.
2. Put one layer of slightly cooked lasagna noodles flat
across the bottom of the baking dish. Add 1/2 the leaf
spinach, pressing down lightly and evenly over noodles.
Top with another layer of lasagna noodles. Top this layer
oi noodles with the cottage cheese mixture; add the
remaining spinach. Then add the last of the lasagna noodles
laid evenly on top of spinach. Spread pasta sauce evenly
over the top; sprinkle with mozzarella cheese. Press down
3. Cover baking dish with foil, using foil sprayed with
cooking spray and keeping foil off the center of the
lasagna. Secure sides tightly over baking dish.
4. Bake about 1 hour 15 minutes in oven. To lightly brown
the top, remove foil for a few minutes at the end of baking
5. Allow to sit for 10 to 15 minutes before serving.
C lu b Price M l
1 I 2 13 14 I 5
Prices in this ad good through April 6th.
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