Page 20 ir,'‘ Fortiani» CObseruer March 31. 2010 SAFEWAY O Ingredients for life. 12-PbckCoka, Pepai or 7»UP E O U * OR LESSER VALUE Selected earteSM Hw depoelt to Oregon Lucerne* Creamery Fresh or Sateway SELECT* Easy Whole Wheat Vegetarian Lasagne IceC ream 1 5 to 1 75-qt. Selected »arielies. Club Pnce S2 50 sa SAVE up lo S? Sit on 2 jfopttaiu c Sliced I Club Price i Bore-ln.0rRurnpHalfHarn$1/l9lb. Limit 2. While supplies last. R a n c h e r’s R e serve® B e e f R ibeye R o a s t Ingredients: 1 8 ounce package whole wheat lasagne noodles, cooked slightly (al dente) 1 9 ounce package frozen raw spinach 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese 3 eggs 3 cups low-fat cottage cheese 3 cups pre-made or store-bought pasta sauce 3 cups grated low-moisture part skim mozzarella cheese Bore In 0t Boneess New *0ik Stop Boast SAVE up to $4 00 ib Club Prie» Club Prie» Bone-In. Whole or Half. Limit 2. While supplies last Club Price I S e m i- B o n e le s s L a r g e R e d K in g Leg o f Lam b C r a b L e g s & C la w s F o lg e r s C o ffe e 16 to 20 Sire. Cooked Fmzeivthiwed SAVE up to $5 00 lb. 27.8 to 34.5-02. Selected vanities SAVE, up to S2 50 Imported Or Boneless l amp Lee. S4 49 to SAVE up to St 2C lb fc Club Pric» m 2$5 Tropicana Pure Premium 59 to 64-oz Chilled. Selected varieties Club Price 52.50 ea SAVE up to $2 98 on 2 Club P r ie * M i Club Price Gias»*'- □ Preparation: Sw eet 2 - lb. S t r a w b e r r ie s C/ubFrke Club Prie» ■ SAVE up to 55 OU ea to-stem bouches' SAVE up toS1 00 Club Prie» Club Prie» SAVE up to S3 00 ea. 2 each Breast Thighs. Drumsticks and Wings Club Prit» Club Prie» I of EVERYDAY P o ta t o C h ip s 4.5 to 12-or package. Selected varieties. SAVE up to SI 30 ea 10.510 11-oti Selected varieties SAVE up to 53.99 on 2 T h o m a s ’ B a g e ls . O ro w e a t B re a d s a n d F r a n c is c o R o lls or Chunk Cheese Mu n Uascb Srtected sires and »are« . Cob *1 « 52 50 ea 32-oz Medium only SAVE up to 50e r»4«»u» -asr count oa iisaatwtuE Club Prie» U t Club P rice Kendall- Jackson VR C lo s D u B ois o r or Woodbridge W il l a m e t t e V a lle y V in e y a rd s 750-ml Selected varietals SAVE up io 54.00 Selected varietals SAVE up to S6 00 13" 1BKÉE L u c e r n e * S h re d d e d 750-ml, Kl or 1 5 In Woodtxdge 750-m l 8" 10" MIX & MATCH * 750-ml or larger Always great Q£3 That's our Club Card Promise! N Specials LO W PRICES Calories/Serving: 373 calories/serving MARCH-APRIL 80 08 L a y ’s Eating Right® S alads Selected varietals SAVE up to 58 30 SAVE1O% whenymiM6ormorpb