Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 17, 2010, Page 20, Image 20

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    Page 20
'rin jJortlanb (Obstruer
R e c ip e s b y
March 17, 2010
S o u th e rn fo o d s .c o m
tn vnur H om e
Ingredients fo r life.®
Spicy Sausage, Egg,
and Cheese Panini
G e t FREE d e liv e ry
on y o u r V ’ o rd e r!
„to Safeway- com «»
• 1 andouille sausage link (5-inch length)
2 large eggs
• 1 tablespoon milk
• 1/8 teaspoon salt
• dash freshly ground
black pepper
• dash C ajun or C reole
se a s o n in g
• 2 to 3 teaspoons un-
• ***' *
R anch er’s R es e rv e *
Boneless Beef Chuck
Pot or Cross Rib Roast
Cooked or Raw
Loin Pork Chops
SAVt up to S3.9»on 2 IB«
Bon* m 0» C«rt*r Cut Chop«
Extreme Value-Path S2 49fc
SAW up to S2 7 9 on? Ihn
Club Price
C/ub Price MM
51 Io 60 ct C<x*«f<»3l»)4J<i
1 m ? t ta$ Rwonwigtit
SS99® F - j r Hwwwl
W 5 « » 15 00 » 2 - » la«.
salted butter
_ ------------------- :__
• 2 sm all slices M ozzarella cheese
• 2 m edium ciabatta breads (about 3 1/2 to 4-inch squares) or
other sim ilar size bread
P re p aratio n
1. Slice the sausage link in h a lf crossw ise, then slice into 4 o r 5
thin slices lengthw ise. In a sm all skillet, brow n the sausage on
both sides, set aside.
2. W hisk eggs in a sm all bow l w ith the m ilk, salt, pepper, and
seaso n in g .
3. Slice the C iabatta bread horizontally.
4. In a m edium skillet, m elt butter over m edium heat. A dd eggs
and let firm up around the edges. W ith a spatula, form the egg into
a rectangle, letting the liquid egg rem aining flow around it.
5. C ontinue cooking and shaping w ith the spatula until firm
enough to flip. Flip and let the o th er side cook until the eggs are
firm but still m oist. R em ove from heat.
6. C ut in h a lf and divide egg betw een tw o bottom halves o f
C iabatta bread or other bread. T op the egg w ith the thinly sliced
sausage then place a slice o f cheese on top. Finish w ith bread
tops. G rill or cook in a panini press until sandw ich is hot and
cheese is m elted.
Z a c k y F arm s
T urkey B rea s t
8 0 % L ean G ro un d B eef
Or 8 5 *- te a r Extreme Value Pack
SAVE up io S2 99 un 2*tos
Frozen. Dow -In
Or Hoeeysuck* While Turkey Breast
SAVt up to $2 49 on 2
1-lb. Sweet
SAVE up to $4 9 9 on 2
C lub
Butter Top Breads
Club Price
» -»
22 02. White or Wheat
Price MM
Fresh Express
or Eating Right"
Salad Blends
Broccoli Crowns
High in Vitamin C
and Folate!
SAVE up to $1.01 lb
SAVE up to 3 0 e
Club Price KM
Club Price
4 5 to 12-oz package
Sclcciod varieties
SAVE up to S1 30 ea
Makes 2 medium sandwiches.
Breakfast Lasagna Recipe
In gredients
• 1 bag (30 ounces) frozen Southern Style hash brow ns (o r 32
ounce bag shredded), thaw ed
• salt and pepper
• 3 cups shredded sharp C heddar cheese, divided
• 2 to 3tablespoons butter
• 12 ounces thinly sliced C anad ian bacon
• 1 1/2 cups chopped onion
• 1 large green bell pepper, chopped
• 1 large y ellow or red bell pepper, chopped
• 8 ounces sliced m ushroom s
• 2 m edium tom atoes, sliced, optional
• 12 large eggs
----------- ------
• 2 1/2 cup m ilk
4 v
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1/4 teaspoon pepper
* * * *
Club Price KM
Lay’s or
Lay’s Kettle
8 5 to I t 02
Selected varieties.
save up to $? oo
Ocean Spray
Cranberry Cocktail Dnnk
Pure Prem ium
6 4 -0 2 .
Club P rice
89-02 Chilled
Selected varieties
SAVE up to $1 50
Selected varieties
SAVE up to 91C
A&H Laundry
Club Price KM
150 02 2x Liquid
Up to 96 Loads
Selected varieties
SAVE up to S4 00
Gamier Frucbs
Safeway SELECT*
14 25 Io 32.7 02
C fu b P r ic e
6 8 to 17,3-02.
Shampoo nr Gonddioner
Selected varieties
SAVE up to S t 30
Selected varieties
P re p a ra tio n
Spread thawed hash
browns in a deep 11x14-
inch lasagna/roasting pan;
se a so n g e n e ro u sly w ith
salt and pepper. S prinkle h a lf o f the cheese o v er the potato layer.
2. In a large skillet, lightly brow n the C anadian bacon slices in
2 tablespoons o f butter; set aside. In the sam e skillet saute the
onion, peppers, and m ushroom s until tender. A dd a little m ore
butter, as necessary.
3. Spoon vegetable m ixture over the cheese layer. T op w ith sliced
tom atoes, if using. A rrange slices o f C anadian bacon o v er the
vegetables, overlapping if necessary. Top w ith rem aining cheese.
In a m edium bow l, w hisk eggs w ith 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4
teaspoon pepper, and the m ilk; p o u r o v er the casserole. U sing
a spatula, gently press all over to soak w ith egg m ixture. L et stand
for 15 m inutes. M eanw hile, heat oven to 350°.
4. B ake casserole for 35 to 45 m inutes, until set. C ool slightly
before slicing.
Serves 10 to 12.
Hfewo: •
liK t r « * Shr«W«t
Of Chtfflk Cheese
ie w « «me*. ,
c i t»« w n c t
0«e< «K wth Gee Card fc-ww Ì I7rt3 1-73 "A
Law s8 per turacw i*te a« aw » kw Mt#? «pwabe ’xbepat«^ products
rarer-« cf Gwad? S-ct. Peps. 2 feer. 5o6e Ifoww S-a aw P-rce 24-cs
LOW PRICES... You can count on!
club card
Pncet nth« ad good through
S ’” X - Î J
(^*** ^
Stanane and xkMat Cwtts iwn$ oflered tor s» are ns a»w * » eer Jeabra or wrioesers Safes d xoduts
to tM C um Torts m e d . SOW ADVTPT1SHG ITEMS W» «T Ï AWiABf N AU
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¡atop to r n Sata» a ra ori* Caonsmeylnc .feaWbofMiisiiet«ytysRre
W W W iS lfW dk’
HabikceOrw * 4 Q l
oi Rutter Butter
n « » e n te r