Page 20 'rin jJortlanb (Obstruer R e c ip e s b y March 17, 2010 SAFEWAY S o u th e rn fo o d s .c o m REDELIVER gi tn vnur H om e Ingredients fo r life.® Spicy Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Panini G e t FREE d e liv e ry on y o u r V ’ o rd e r! „to Safeway- com «» Ingredients • 1 andouille sausage link (5-inch length) 2 large eggs • 1 tablespoon milk [MIX & MATCH! • 1/8 teaspoon salt • dash freshly ground black pepper • dash C ajun or C reole se a s o n in g • 2 to 3 teaspoons un- • ***' * I Jj ^^41 R anch er’s R es e rv e * Boneless Beef Chuck Pot or Cross Rib Roast Cooked or Raw Shrimp Assorted Loin Pork Chops SAVt up to S3.9»on 2 IB« Bon* m 0» C«rt*r Cut Chop« Extreme Value-Path S2 49fc SAW up to S2 7 9 on? Ihn EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE Club Price C/ub Price MM 51 Io 60 ct C