Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 24, 2010, Page 12, Image 12

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Portland Observer Black History Month
February 24. 2010
ïN ïïE T A lM tfN I
Play opens
window to
(AP) -- Race and real estate. No
shortage o f opinions about either
Intertwine the two and you get
"Clybourne Park," Bruce Norris' re­
markably perceptive, often hilari­
ous and surprisingly poignant look
at changing — and not-so-chang-
ing — views on both subjects in one
Chicago neighborhood.
Astute observers o f American
drama may recall that Clybourne
Park is the all-white area o f the city
where the black family in Lorraine
Hansberry's landmark 1959 drama,
"A Raisin in the Sun," buys a home.
And in Morris' riff on "Raisin,"
we are in that house, first in the
1950s, when the white family is pre­
paring to sell and then, 50 years
later, when a second white family
wants to move into the now black
For this off-Broadway Playwright
which opened
c Horizons
. . production,
Sunday ,nN ew York City, director
Pam MacKinnon has assembled a
crackerjack ensemble cast. All o f
them do double duty playing differ-
ent characters in the two different
eca es'
Damon Gupton (from left), Crystal A. Dickinson, Annie Parisse and Jeremy Shamos tackles issues o f gentrification in a scene from
Bruce Norris' 'Clybourne Park,' now running off-Broadway at Playwrights Horizons in New York.
And M acK innon has staged
the play with the precision o f an
orchestra conductor, giving clear
voice to a variety o f contentious
opinions, displayed m ost vocifer-
ously in the play's second h a lf
when political correctness evapo-
rates in a parade o f one-upmanship
bad jokes.
In Act I , playwright Norris pro-
vides a backstory for those origi-
nal sellers, a couple named Russ
and Bev, who are m oving to the
suburbs. And as the play opens,
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession
Part 25. Chiropractic and Fitness:
The way to wellness in the eighties
: I continue to hear that alcohol. Get plenty o f exercise. For try. F in a lly , a lw ay s keep a
diet and exercising are help­ most people it only takes an hour or healthy nervous system. Chiro-
ful in maintaining a strong body. so a week to stay fit. Walking at a practic is especially suited for
But where do I begin? There is so brisk pace with good arm swing is u n d e rsta n d in g the e ffe ct o f
much literature and when I ask my excellent. Rest is paramount. Every- stress on the nervous system
doctor he seems unconcerned. one feels better after a good nights and how to elim inate it. Total
How can 1 get started?
sleep. In Chiropractic, we will often fitness can be only a call away
: A good way to begin is recommend relaxation exercises as and worth so much more than
with the basics. Since 1895 well. Have a joyful spirit. Scien- ju st another pain prescription,
Chiropractic has been the leader tists know now that our attitudes Isn’t it tim e you stepped up to
in teaching the basics o f health to actually affect our entire chem is- safe effective Chiropractic?
our society. Good health must in­
clude proper nutrition. A general
rule o f thumb is that foods high in
2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon 97212
fiber are best for you. Limit your
P hone: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 * 5 5 0 4
meats and refined foods as well as
they banter as if stuck in a '5 0 s property values and a loss ofcom -
television sitcom , the goofy Bev
munity. "Who shall we invite next
(a deliciously funny perform ance the Red C hinese’ " he com plains’
by Christina Kirk) and the grumpy
By the second act it is the
Russ, a spot-on Frank W ood
lo n g tim e b lac k r e s id e n ts of
But their comic dialogue masks C lybourne Park (Damon Gupton
the heartbreaking reason they are and Crystal A. Dickinson) who
selling the house — to escape the are w orried about w hat 2009
m em ory o fth e ir son, a young sol- gentrification m ay do to their
dier, who killed him self upstairs, neighborhood. Especially when
The decision to sell doesn't the upw ardly m obile newcom ers
please their neighbors, particu- (Sham os again and Annie Parisse)
la rly u p tig h t K a rl ( J e re m y want to put in a koi pond. But
Shamos), whose racist opinions then, W hole Foods has already
are hidden in his concern about arrived.
Americana Music Brunch
1501 NE Fremont
Every Sunday
Steve Ulrich
& Friends
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
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