I hr Page 12 Portland Observer Black History Month February 24. 2010 ïN ïïE T A lM tfN I Race Play opens window to gentrification (AP) -- Race and real estate. No shortage o f opinions about either one. Intertwine the two and you get "Clybourne Park," Bruce Norris' re­ markably perceptive, often hilari­ ous and surprisingly poignant look at changing — and not-so-chang- ing — views on both subjects in one Chicago neighborhood. Astute observers o f American drama may recall that Clybourne Park is the all-white area o f the city where the black family in Lorraine Hansberry's landmark 1959 drama, "A Raisin in the Sun," buys a home. And in Morris' riff on "Raisin," we are in that house, first in the 1950s, when the white family is pre­ paring to sell and then, 50 years later, when a second white family wants to move into the now black neighborhood. For this off-Broadway Playwright which opened c Horizons . . production, .. w - Sunday ,nN ew York City, director Pam MacKinnon has assembled a crackerjack ensemble cast. All o f them do double duty playing differ- ent characters in the two different eca es' Damon Gupton (from left), Crystal A. Dickinson, Annie Parisse and Jeremy Shamos tackles issues o f gentrification in a scene from Bruce Norris' 'Clybourne Park,' now running off-Broadway at Playwrights Horizons in New York. And M acK innon has staged the play with the precision o f an orchestra conductor, giving clear voice to a variety o f contentious opinions, displayed m ost vocifer- ously in the play's second h a lf when political correctness evapo- rates in a parade o f one-upmanship bad jokes. In Act I , playwright Norris pro- vides a backstory for those origi- nal sellers, a couple named Russ and Bev, who are m oving to the suburbs. And as the play opens, THE SPINACOLUMN Dr. Billy R. Flowers An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession Part 25. Chiropractic and Fitness: The way to wellness in the eighties : I continue to hear that alcohol. Get plenty o f exercise. For try. F in a lly , a lw ay s keep a diet and exercising are help­ most people it only takes an hour or healthy nervous system. Chiro- ful in maintaining a strong body. so a week to stay fit. Walking at a practic is especially suited for But where do I begin? There is so brisk pace with good arm swing is u n d e rsta n d in g the e ffe ct o f much literature and when I ask my excellent. Rest is paramount. Every- stress on the nervous system doctor he seems unconcerned. one feels better after a good nights and how to elim inate it. Total How can 1 get started? sleep. In Chiropractic, we will often fitness can be only a call away : A good way to begin is recommend relaxation exercises as and worth so much more than with the basics. Since 1895 well. Have a joyful spirit. Scien- ju st another pain prescription, Chiropractic has been the leader tists know now that our attitudes Isn’t it tim e you stepped up to in teaching the basics o f health to actually affect our entire chem is- safe effective Chiropractic? our society. Good health must in­ clude proper nutrition. A general rule o f thumb is that foods high in 2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon 97212 fiber are best for you. Limit your P hone: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 * 5 5 0 4 meats and refined foods as well as they banter as if stuck in a '5 0 s property values and a loss ofcom - television sitcom , the goofy Bev munity. "Who shall we invite next (a deliciously funny perform ance the Red C hinese’ " he com plains’ by Christina Kirk) and the grumpy By the second act it is the Russ, a spot-on Frank W ood lo n g tim e b lac k r e s id e n ts of But their comic dialogue masks C lybourne Park (Damon Gupton the heartbreaking reason they are and Crystal A. Dickinson) who selling the house — to escape the are w orried about w hat 2009 m em ory o fth e ir son, a young sol- gentrification m ay do to their dier, who killed him self upstairs, neighborhood. Especially when The decision to sell doesn't the upw ardly m obile newcom ers please their neighbors, particu- (Sham os again and Annie Parisse) la rly u p tig h t K a rl ( J e re m y want to put in a koi pond. But Shamos), whose racist opinions then, W hole Foods has already are hidden in his concern about arrived. Americana Music Brunch DADDY MOJO'S 1501 NE Fremont Every Sunday 10AM-1PM Steve Ulrich & Friends Flowers' Chiropractic Office Off Table with this ad