Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 26, 2009, Page 12, Image 12

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    August 26. 2009
L ocally
F ood
Ingredients for life..
Redeem your
Power Pump
before they
expire on
you» rtaoucx nœ ■
Only w ith your
Cranberry Dijon Chicken
i 1 SAtftep
* * *°* *r
1 family pack leg quarters
1 can w hole berry cranberry sauce
1 packet onion soup mix
1 bottle French dressing
2 tablespoons Dijon m ustard
1. Preheat oven to 35O°F.
2. Mix all ingredients except chicken in m edium -large glass baking dish.
3. Add chicken and spoon m ixture over top of chicken m aking sure to cover
4. Bake uncovered for 35-60 m inutes (depending on choice o f chicken cuts
- about 60 minutes for leg quarters) occasionally spoon-basting with mixture.
5. Chicken is done when liquid runs clear or meat flakes with the tw istof a fork.
6. G reat served over m ashed potatoes w ith side o f green beans.
SAtfF J«» »« 4»-°’ •*
Pear Loaf Cake
Streusel Ingredients
2 m edium pears, peeled and cored, chopped
1 teaspoon lem onjuice
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup light brow n sugar, packed
4 ounces butter, cold, cut in small pieces
2 teaspoons ground cinnam on
1/3 cup chopped pecans.
995“ 1*
Cake Ingredients
Pork Loin Half Sliced Rib
2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup granulated sugar
2 teaspoons baking pow der
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 large eggs
1/2 cup m ilk, whole or low fat
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
4 ounces butter, m elted
Bene» I M . 0(
SAK ie to »2 00».
I H it!
bawway uwckwi i nigns,
.T "
. Drumsticks or Log Quarters
Ertane Mtoa Pee*. Or Top Round Root
GnPeA.Frah OrHweySiKMeorZadiyFjnM
Frozen Boto-ln Turhey Brasi
SAK I» te JO t lb
1. G rease and flour a 9x5x3-inch loaf pan. Preheat oven to 350°.
2. Toss chopped pears with lem onjuice in a bow l; set aside.
3. In another bowl, com bine streusel ingredients, except pecans, with a fork
until crum bly, or pulse with food processor. Stir in pecans, if using.
4. In a mixing bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt; stirto blend.
5. W hisk eggs in a mixing bowl until blended; stir in milk, vanilla, and butter.
Add to flour m ixture and fold with a w ooden spoon or spatula ju st until dry
ingredients are m oistened. Spoon half o f the batter into prepared loaf pan;
spread out to cover the bottom. Sprinkle batter with half o f the pears and half
o f the streusel. Spoon rem aining batter evenly over streusel, spreading
carefully to cover. Sprinkle with half o f the rem aining streusel, the rem aining
chopped pears and then the rem aining streusel.
6. Bake for 1 hour 10 m inutes to 1 hour 20 m inutes, or until a w ooden pick
inserted into center o f cake com es out clean. Cool in pan on a w ire rack for
10 minutes. Run a knife carefully around sides; invert the cake onto plate. T urn
the cake, streusel side up, onto a rack and let cool on a rack com pletely.
Fred? Exf*« S»**«
•¿E s»
SfWt H 7« *
1.5 -qt. Selected varieties
CM) Price: $2.50 ea
SAVE in to $7.98on 2
Tomato Salsa
I cup chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, crushed and m inced
1 cup diced tom atoes
1 c a n (4 o u n c e s)m ild g re e n c h ile s, chopped
1/2 teaspoon salt
I tablespoon ground red chile
The easiest, perfect g ift.
N o w awallabl» a t th e
G ift C ard M a ll "
•to» •B i t o
Sim m er all ingredients; add salt to taste. Let stand for 1 Oto 15 m inutes before
M* to BUM M M . !««WtoX»!Ur? H»«*«»«>», w . /mw mtoli«.«
m d
rwun m
mom tom
Prices in this ad good through S e p t e m b e r 1st
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S w WaWnqtrin nor« wrvn« wanmeur.
C o w Cl«* SAamme »*1 KNKiW Court»? rams oilonxl tor sale are not evn*Me » tolw Mkirs nr w?omtoen Saw? <1 prndurto rooUrnng ephator» pwtoes*.u|nm or rrrnyiprnrernion..»
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