August 26. 2009 PageAI2 L ocally grwn SAFEWAY 0. F ood Ingredients for life.. Save Redeem your Power Pump Rewards before they expire on 9/12/09. UEEVNO TOUT». »»ONÍ* you» rtaoucx nœ ■ hemjce Only w ith your J Cranberry Dijon Chicken i 1 SAtftep CW * * *°* *r Ingredients • • • • • 1 family pack leg quarters 1 can w hole berry cranberry sauce 1 packet onion soup mix 1 bottle French dressing 2 tablespoons Dijon m ustard Directions 1. Preheat oven to 35O°F. 2. Mix all ingredients except chicken in m edium -large glass baking dish. 3. Add chicken and spoon m ixture over top of chicken m aking sure to cover completeley. 4. Bake uncovered for 35-60 m inutes (depending on choice o f chicken cuts - about 60 minutes for leg quarters) occasionally spoon-basting with mixture. 5. Chicken is done when liquid runs clear or meat flakes with the tw istof a fork. 6. G reat served over m ashed potatoes w ith side o f green beans. SAtfF J«» »« 4»-°’ •* », w . /mw mtoli«.« E3E2E3E0EDII m d rwun m ear sub mom tom Prices in this ad good through S e p t e m b e r 1st Paces n !hx »1 arc ?ilecn»i P AW A»(lncsrfcnr Au(|u?f ftiru Tneaany SernwAw 1 TOO» « * Safeway toon» ic Oregon mpi Mean r i r o S w WaWnqtrin nor« wrvn« wanmeur. C o w Cl«* SAamme »*1 KNKiW Court»? rams oilonxl tor sale are not evn*Me » tolw Mkirs nr w?omtoen Saw? <1 prndurto rooUrnng ephator» pwtoes*.u|nm or rrrnyiprnrernion..» •mind by aw 0 anmy rami reenntod SOMt IW W SW G ITTMS WAV NOTIX AVAK ABI f M Al I STORFS Son» arhertwo pncee may he wee mm'm loir« skm On Buy (»a. M Ona Fra rflOGO'i ofierj artorrar muni purdw» It» (IrB tom la rnowd 1» sorand Hero ’roe B000 oNoro are mt V? pnee « * » » arty a s o * tor? purrluand. It» co*» pace a p n MnnuMcliaars raiaiona may he naalm neriiaaan *wee nr* not or tree cams I amt onn coupon par (xxetween dam Ciemmet « * he hr ta> and Oepcadeas mqiwed 0» <■» m <» IMChanert and free toes No Mum M W » ecaes 0» Martom No Mum «ton tor resale I ouor MBs » liceeeed Satoway store« onto 6 JWS Salnwev Inc H items mm ur, b» store PO-OB I a u g - s e p t I