Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 12, 2009, Page 12, Image 12

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    August 12, 2009
Page AI2
Re-Grand Opening Special
Specializing in Smoked & BBQ Meats & SeatkxxJ
Rib Tip Box Sandwich 5.00
Full Service Bar
B eer and W ine
Open 11:30 AM
- 10:00 PM
Monday thru
Live! - R&BN1GHT
J jn
'7 ' ) / }
/Z (/
BLVD. in Portland
Every Thursday
Starting August 13th
9:00pm to 1:00 am - No Cover!
Plenty on street parking
- Pool Tables-
Portland’s Hip-Hop
Future Considered
An open forum d iscu ssio n
about the cu rren t and fu tu re
state o f hip-hop in Portland will
take place during a "M eeting
o f th e M in d s ,” W ednesday,
A u g .19 at 7p.m . at the A sh
Street, 225 S.W. Ash St.
Topics o f discussion will in­
clu d e th e sta te o f b u sin e ss,
unity, progression and grow th
o f the local hip-hop scene; iden­
tifying and utilizing Portland
resources; and how to im prove
C o n g o -b o rn
s in g e r,
s o n g w r ite r an d c o m p o s e r
Ricardo Lem vo will have hips
sw inging with his bold, rhyth­
m ic dance tunes W ednesday,
Aug. 19 as part o f the O regon
Z oo's sum m er concert series,
presented by NW Natural.
Using an authentic blend of
A fro-Cuban music and pan-Af-
rican sty les, L em v o an d his
band, M akina Loca, take listen-
The Original “Boogie Cat”
N orm an Sylvester:
Aug 27th - Sept 10th - Sept 24th
\ »
OCEAN 503: Aug 13th - Aug 20th
& Sept 3rd - Sept 17th
the current state of the hip-hop
F eedback from all those in
attendance will be encouraged
and appreciated.
“If you are for the betterment
o f Portland Hip-Hop, then this
is a m ust attend event, as it is
tim e for us to move forw ard as
a strong and organized unit,”
said Portland hip hop star Cool
N utz, w ho w ill host the free
Special guest speakers will
in c lu d e A n th o n y S a n c h e z ,
Trevor Solomon, Starchile, A n­
thony McNamer, Braille, Casey
Jarman, Graham Barey, Ted Wil­
lia m s, P h il B a u e r an d B ill
S p ecial p e rfo rm a n c e s are
scheduled from Exquisite Rap
Duo, Surge Severe, and M ikey
Vegaz. Theme music will be pro­
vided by DJ Fatboy.
Contact Cool Nutz for informa­
tion, at POHHopFest@gmail.com.
Ricardo Lemvo
ers around the w orld with lyr­
ic s in S p a n is h , L in g a la ,
Kikongo, Portuguese, English,
French, and Turkish.
"Lemvo's music is truly infec­
tio u s in any language," said
K rista Swan, zoo events coor­
d in ato r. "You c a n 't h elp but
stand up and dance!"
L em vo w as born and raised
in the C ongo, b u t m oved to
L os A n g eles at age 15 to p u r­
sue his stu d ies an d his p a s­
sio n fo r m u sic. In 1990, he
form ed M akina L oca and b e­
gan p ro d u cin g songs that c e l­
eb rate life and in sp ire listen ­
ers to cast asid e th e ir w orries
and dance.
Advance tickets are available
online or at the zoo for $10.50.
Remaining tickets will be avail­
able after 4 p.m. on the day o f
the show.
O u tra g e o u s L au g h s — The Mel Brooks
Com edy “The Producers,” runs through
Aug. 23 at the Lake Theatre Com pany in
Lake Osw ego.
C’Ex All Stars
at Cannon’s
(Next to New Seasons)
Sunshine, BBQ and »
free, all-ages, outdoor
show by a New Orleans'
sax legend, grammy-nom­
inated pianist, & one of
the Northwest's hottest
What could be better?
Well, you never know
what amazing, surprise
guest musician will sit in!
In d ie Folk -- Jonatha Brooke brings her
own songbook full o f haunting, poignant
m elodies, as well as some collaboration
with the late folk legend W oody Guthrie, to
the O regon Zoo, W ednesday, Aug. 12.
Battle to Vote - The Clark County Histori­
cal M useum , 1511 M ain St. in Vancouver,
hosts a free w om en’s suffrage exhibit
though the end o f the year. W ashington
was an early leader in giving w omen the
right to vote.
Sundays 5-8ppi
Rib Express
5410 NE 33rd Ave
J u n e 14
J u n e 21
J u ly 12
J u ly 19
J u ly 2 6
A ug 2
A ug 9
A u g 16
Aug 23
Aug 30
Sept 6
S e p t 13
S ep t 20
S ept 27
“r r -
Get Intim ate with Storm Large - Storm
Large brings here in-your-face sexuality,
raw musical talent and breathtaking em o­
tional honesty to Portland C enter Stage in
the autobiographical world prem ier m usi­
cal Crazy Enough, playing through Sun­
day, Aug. 16 in the Ellyn Bye Studio at the
A rm ory, downtown.
Unexpected Destiny - A white rapper, his
lost gun and the unexpected ways vio­
lence can cycle through wildly desperate
lives is the backdrop for “The Bullet Round,”
a world prem ier play at Theater! Theatre
3430 S.E. Belmont. Show s run through
Aug. 23.
Live Jazz — Every Friday and Saturday
Automobile accident injuries
Chronic headache and joint pain
Workers Compensation injuries
on the
Since 1984,
“ We like
w e have
to do 2% jazz, been playing
98% funky
the great
sounds of
jazz & blues
T o tally G o sp el II - Peninsula Open Bible
Church, 8225 N. Peninsula, hosts all styles
o f gospel, country, and contem porary
music w ith host Riny H orst each Friday
night from , 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. For more
information, call 503-335-3132.
M usic M illennium Free Show s -- The
Music M illennium, 3158 E. Bumside, hosts
in-house live perform ances. Enjoy free
music and the opportunity to m eet artists.
Call 503-231-8926 fo ra schedule.
Zoo B uck Tuesdays - On the second T ues­
day o f every month, the O regon Zoo hosts
2-Buck Tuesdays when guests can tour
the zoo for the discounted price o f $2 per
Mt. Hood Jazz Festival - A diverse line up
o f nationally recognized artists and well-
known regional talent, will take the stage
during the 28th Mt. Hood Jazz Festival,
Friday, Aug. 14 through Sunday, Aug. 16
in Gresham . For more inform ation, visit
mthoodjazz.org or call 503-661 -2700.
Your Care
Our First Priority
from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the T hird D egrees
Lounge at the Ri verPlace Hotel, 1510 S.W.
H arbor W ay. No cover or m inim um pur­
c h a se . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , v is it
Northeast Farmers Market - The new Port-
land Farmers Market in the King Neighbor­
hood at King School Park take place Sun­
day s from 10a.m . to 2 p.m. through Sept. 27.
j J u n e
M aceo
Cool Nutz addresses the future of Portland hip hop.
J for an appointment!
State Farm®
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Jew el id's II VIP Lounge
Friday, lug 7*
Juliau'sRide at**
¿ '« ra n ta , , t a f A*
¡)J Hat Jams
Friday, Aug IF*
HJ Hat Juins
«ItttafHIM NlH« tl»
Ocean 303 m»»
Saturday, lug 1.<*
k a n * « « « »UM«. MMM ««kW ««
Lena ft ( ointeition
Friday, l u g ' h l
IM I MMM »Mk « M M M » « M M M »
« 4 rrr
» rw - i r t a u t t - » f »
Jimmy the Karaoke Dude Shaw Every Thursday
Open Mie Every „ W di Sun
Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 61710
Michael E Harper
Adult Com edy - The sketch comedy group
Define N aked will celebrate its 25th anni­
versary with perform ances for m ature au ­
diences on Friday and Saturday nights
through Saturday, Aug. 15 at the Showbox,
2110 S.E. 10th Ave. For reservations, call
n n n u i \r u u w i JintUAtu
km kannat SiaaiOaw
I MuOtt s*w.' Calif* Ortaih
( ’allege Stillare M all (Gresham)
We moved to our new location at:
9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR
Fax 503-227-8757
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