August 12, 2009 Page AI2 Re-Grand Opening Special U-LicioUS V and SMOKEHOUSE Grill Specializing in Smoked & BBQ Meats & SeatkxxJ Rib Tip Box Sandwich 5.00 Full Service Bar B eer and W ine Available Open 11:30 AM - 10:00 PM Monday thru Saturday 503-993-4326 Live! - R&BN1GHT @ J jn '7 ' ) / } /Z (/ 7 2 0 S.E.HAWTHORNE BLVD. in Portland Every Thursday Starting August 13th 9:00pm to 1:00 am - No Cover! Plenty on street parking - Pool Tables- 503-234-7738 Portland’s Hip-Hop Future Considered Feedback encouraged An open forum d iscu ssio n about the cu rren t and fu tu re state o f hip-hop in Portland will take place during a "M eeting o f th e M in d s ,” W ednesday, A u g .19 at 7p.m . at the A sh Street, 225 S.W. Ash St. Topics o f discussion will in­ clu d e th e sta te o f b u sin e ss, unity, progression and grow th o f the local hip-hop scene; iden­ tifying and utilizing Portland resources; and how to im prove C o n g o -b o rn s in g e r, s o n g w r ite r an d c o m p o s e r Ricardo Lem vo will have hips sw inging with his bold, rhyth­ m ic dance tunes W ednesday, Aug. 19 as part o f the O regon Z oo's sum m er concert series, presented by NW Natural. Using an authentic blend of A fro-Cuban music and pan-Af- rican sty les, L em v o an d his band, M akina Loca, take listen- The Original “Boogie Cat” N orm an Sylvester: Aug 27th - Sept 10th - Sept 24th \ » W E E K L Y S P E C IA L S OCEAN 503: Aug 13th - Aug 20th & Sept 3rd - Sept 17th the current state of the hip-hop scene. F eedback from all those in attendance will be encouraged and appreciated. “If you are for the betterment o f Portland Hip-Hop, then this is a m ust attend event, as it is tim e for us to move forw ard as a strong and organized unit,” said Portland hip hop star Cool N utz, w ho w ill host the free event. Special guest speakers will in c lu d e A n th o n y S a n c h e z , Trevor Solomon, Starchile, A n­ thony McNamer, Braille, Casey Jarman, Graham Barey, Ted Wil­ lia m s, P h il B a u e r an d B ill McNally. S p ecial p e rfo rm a n c e s are scheduled from Exquisite Rap Duo, Surge Severe, and M ikey Vegaz. Theme music will be pro­ vided by DJ Fatboy. Contact Cool Nutz for informa­ tion, at Ricardo Lemvo ers around the w orld with lyr­ ic s in S p a n is h , L in g a la , Kikongo, Portuguese, English, French, and Turkish. "Lemvo's music is truly infec­ tio u s in any language," said K rista Swan, zoo events coor­ d in ato r. "You c a n 't h elp but stand up and dance!" L em vo w as born and raised in the C ongo, b u t m oved to L os A n g eles at age 15 to p u r­ sue his stu d ies an d his p a s­ sio n fo r m u sic. In 1990, he form ed M akina L oca and b e­ gan p ro d u cin g songs that c e l­ eb rate life and in sp ire listen ­ ers to cast asid e th e ir w orries and dance. Advance tickets are available online or at the zoo for $10.50. Remaining tickets will be avail­ able after 4 p.m. on the day o f the show. O u tra g e o u s L au g h s — The Mel Brooks Com edy “The Producers,” runs through Aug. 23 at the Lake Theatre Com pany in Lake Osw ego. REGGIE HOUSTON’S C’Ex All Stars . at Cannon’s (Next to New Seasons) Sunshine, BBQ and » free, all-ages, outdoor show by a New Orleans' sax legend, grammy-nom­ inated pianist, & one of the Northwest's hottest drummers... What could be better? Well, you never know what amazing, surprise guest musician will sit in! In d ie Folk -- Jonatha Brooke brings her own songbook full o f haunting, poignant m elodies, as well as some collaboration with the late folk legend W oody Guthrie, to the O regon Zoo, W ednesday, Aug. 12. Battle to Vote - The Clark County Histori­ cal M useum , 1511 M ain St. in Vancouver, hosts a free w om en’s suffrage exhibit though the end o f the year. W ashington was an early leader in giving w omen the right to vote. ’ Sundays 5-8ppi Rib Express 5410 NE 33rd Ave 7 J u n e 14 J u n e 21 J u ly 12 J u ly 19 J u ly 2 6 A ug 2 A ug 9 A u g 16 Aug 23 Aug 30 Sept 6 S e p t 13 S ep t 20 S ept 27 “r r - « Get Intim ate with Storm Large - Storm Large brings here in-your-face sexuality, raw musical talent and breathtaking em o­ tional honesty to Portland C enter Stage in the autobiographical world prem ier m usi­ cal Crazy Enough, playing through Sun­ day, Aug. 16 in the Ellyn Bye Studio at the A rm ory, downtown. Unexpected Destiny - A white rapper, his lost gun and the unexpected ways vio­ lence can cycle through wildly desperate lives is the backdrop for “The Bullet Round,” a world prem ier play at Theater! Theatre 3430 S.E. Belmont. Show s run through Aug. 23. Live Jazz — Every Friday and Saturday Automobile accident injuries Chronic headache and joint pain Workers Compensation injuries 25 years on the Since 1984, “ We like w e have to do 2% jazz, been playing 98% funky the great stuff.” sounds of jazz & blues music! T o tally G o sp el II - Peninsula Open Bible Church, 8225 N. Peninsula, hosts all styles o f gospel, country, and contem porary music w ith host Riny H orst each Friday night from , 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. For more information, call 503-335-3132. M usic M illennium Free Show s -- The Music M illennium, 3158 E. Bumside, hosts in-house live perform ances. Enjoy free music and the opportunity to m eet artists. Call 503-231-8926 fo ra schedule. Zoo B uck Tuesdays - On the second T ues­ day o f every month, the O regon Zoo hosts 2-Buck Tuesdays when guests can tour the zoo for the discounted price o f $2 per person. Mt. Hood Jazz Festival - A diverse line up o f nationally recognized artists and well- known regional talent, will take the stage during the 28th Mt. Hood Jazz Festival, Friday, Aug. 14 through Sunday, Aug. 16 in Gresham . For more inform ation, visit or call 503-661 -2700. Your Care Our First Priority air... from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the T hird D egrees Lounge at the Ri verPlace Hotel, 1510 S.W. H arbor W ay. No cover or m inim um pur­ c h a se . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , v is it Northeast Farmers Market - The new Port- land Farmers Market in the King Neighbor­ hood at King School Park take place Sun­ day s from 10a.m . to 2 p.m. through Sept. 27. j J u n e M aceo Parker Cool Nutz addresses the future of Portland hip hop. J for an appointment! z “ State Farm® (503)228-6140 • Providing Insurance and Financial Services Jew el id's II VIP Lounge AUGUST E tT N T CALENDAR Friday, lug 7* Juliau'sRide at** ¿ '« ra n ta , , t a f A* ¡)J Hat Jams Friday, Aug IF* HJ Hat Juins MMHMM « «MMT* MC« «ItttafHIM NlH« tl» Ocean 303 m»» Saturday, lug 1.<* k a n * « « « »UM«. MMM ««kW «« Lena ft ( ointeition lit** Friday, l u g ' h l IM I MMM »Mk « M M M » « M M M » « 4 rrr » rw - i r t a u t t - » f » Jimmy the Karaoke Dude Shaw Every Thursday Open Mie Every „ W di Sun Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper Adult Com edy - The sketch comedy group Define N aked will celebrate its 25th anni­ versary with perform ances for m ature au ­ diences on Friday and Saturday nights through Saturday, Aug. 15 at the Showbox, 2110 S.E. 10th Ave. For reservations, call 503-734-5649. SEPTEMBER U SE F P n n n u i \r u u w i JintUAtu km kannat SiaaiOaw I MuOtt s*w.' Calif* Ortaih ( ’allege Stillare M all (Gresham) We moved to our new location at: 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 Vfi/rA \ / j •' I* *• i \ I t : •f i *