Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 24, 2009, Page 12, Image 12

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    June 2 4 . 2 0 0 9
Page A I2
F ood
Ingredients for life.
Shrimp Primavera
Every tim e
you sh o p for
groceries or
selected gift
• 8 ounces angel hair pasta
• 1,1/2 lbs m edium fresh shrim p.shelled & deveined.tails rem oved
• 4 tsps m inced garlic
• 2 cups thin carrot sticks/3 in. long
• 2 cups red bell pepper.cut into thin
• 2 cups thinly sliced ripe plum to­
m atoes
• 2 cups zucchini.cut into thin strips
• 1/2 tsp crushed red pepper
• 1/2 cup skim milk
• 12 ounces fat free cream cheese w/
garlic & herbs
• 1 cup fresh basil leaves or 2 tbs
dried basil
1. C ook pasta, per directions.
Drain,keep warm.
2. Half-fill the same pot w /w ater,bring to a boil and cook shrim p until ju st pink. Toss w/
b .»wiwr,
pasta, keep warm.
3. Spray a Ig pan w. cooking spray and heat over m edium for 1 minute. A dd garlic. Saute
1 min. Stir in carrots,red peppers.tom atoes,zucchini and red pepper flakes. C ook con­
stantly for 5 min. Toss w/ pasta & shrimp. In small pan, heat milk to boil. Add cr. Cheese
until melted. Toss w/ pasta mix. Sprinkle w / basil.
See Weekly Ad
Smothered Pork Chops
• 4 pork loin chops, boneless
1 onion, coarsely chopped
10 Â 3/àC am pbellâ™ s Healthy
Request condensed cream o f m ush­
room soup
1/2 tsp. dried thym e
1/2 cup water
1. Season pork chops with salt and
pepper to taste. Spray a heavy non­
stick pan or Dutch oven with non­
stick cooking spray and place over
m edium -high heat.
2. Cook pork 2 m inutes per side, or
until browned. Transfer to a platter.
3. Add onion to drippings in pan and cook 5-7 m inutes, stirring frequently.
4. W hisk in rem aining ingredients. Bring to a boil over high heat.
5. Return pork and any accum ulated ju ices to pan. Reduce heat to m edium low, cover
pan and cook about 7 m inutes, or until pork is cooked throughout.
1 Assorted Pork
Loin Chops
Ground Beef
20% Fut
Extreme Value PacK.
SAVE tip to » 1 .0 0 » .
; Bone-In
, Extreme Value Peck.
I SAVE up to »1.0 0»
No Fat Tropical Fruit Smoothie
• 3 Cups Frozen Tropical
Fruit Mix (M ango, Papya,
• 1 Bottle W ater
• 3 Tablespoons Splenda
1. Add half o f the bottle of
water to the blender and
the S plenda. C over and
blend for 5 seconds.
2. Add the frozen fruit
Tropical Fruit Blend, about
half the bag) and the rest o f
the water. Start blender on high.
3. Lift off the lid as blender is on and mix ju st the top o f the sm oothie to keep it moving.
DON'T put the spoon into the blades!
4. Blend until smooth and then place into large glasses.
5. I like the sm oothie as there is no added sugar or fat and it's ju st fruit.
Signatare Cale*
Whole RaaatadCtadn
^^Jortlanb (Observer
Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208
s u b s c r ip tio n s a re ju s t $ 6 0 p e r y e a r
(please include check with this subscription form)
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o r e m a il s u b s c r ip t io n s @ p o r t la n d o b s e r v e r .c o m
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¡Subscribe ! 52 S S o:
USPS 959-680
Nabisco Oreo
or Honey Maid
5to 18-tt. Seeded varieties.
Out Price: $2.50 ea
SAVE up to »3 38 on 2
Safeway SELECF or
Fresh Ice Cream
4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211
Charles H. Washington
Er>irr>R:Michael L e ig h to n
D is t r ib u tio n M anauer : M a rk W a s h in g to n
C reative D ir e c to r : P a u l N e u fe ld t
E hitor - in -C h ie i , P ublisher :
18-Pack Coors,
Bud or Miller
12-tu. cans
Selected varieties
Plus deposit m Oregon.
SAVE up to $4.00
1.75-qt. Setected varieties
CU> Price: $2.50 ea
When you b u y
A N Y 10 o r m o re
* p a rtic ip a tin g
ite m s in a single
tra n s a c tio n .
M ix & M a tc h
Established 1970
C lu e PRICE
M u s t Buy 10
o r m o re
P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer,
P0BOX3137, Portland, 0R 97208
CALL 503-288-0033
FAX 503-288-0015
The easiest, perfect gift.
w e o TMua
N o w a v a ila b le a t t h e |
G ift C a rd M a ll
Prices in th is a d g o o d th ro u g h J u n e TOth
The Portland Obaerver welcome» freelance submissions Manuscripts and photograph» thould he clearly labeled and w ill be
returned i f accom panied by a » e lf addre»«ed envelo p e
A ll created de«ign d i»p lay ad» become the »ole property o f the
newspaper and canntn be u»ed in other publication» or p enonal usage without the w n tten consent o f the general manager, unless
the cl,cm ha. purchased the composition o f .u ch ad C 2«>K T H E P O R T L A N D O B S E R V E R
A L L R IG H T S R E S E R V E D .
R L P R O D t 1C T IO N IN W H O L E O R IN PA R T W IT H O U T P E R M IS S IO N IS P R O H IB IT E D The Portland O bserver-O reg o n 's
Oldest M ulticultural Publication- 1» a m em ber o f the N ational Newspaper Association- Founded in U S S . and T h e National
A dvertising'Representative Am algam ated Publishers. Inc. N ew Yorlt. N Y . and T h e Wesi Coast Black Publishers Association
A ÏM MlWewiWstoresmOregon(nr,W 1 MTnr Fiw walw ancl^..IN WMhwylnn.WeftservingWahludwni CowM7,
thru Tuesday i
' Ü í i i i S ' s w í ir iv i- l to, Mto » ' « » # • L ether
« wb.-MMton Stow o' prenne» mutomng ephertrsx pwvin«er«1r»ienr ^ w n p j n c le m r ’eiWtoed
hv ww . aniitv nnhis reserved Si A» AO1XRTISING ITO S MAV W f» AVAU Al' I A A ll SKIRL, '« n e advertised pnces p-ty, « *»e k w e t, - w e Rems On Huy One «I OneI me i BOGO I
X ñ customer m s t purctvtoe the h r* 1er 'o lecnr.x Irio x nnrt « n hen ( M i ■ " - «• ■■ ' ? p n r r soli's it ont, a svxiie ten- precrasod me regí w price . w m Man t a r iin ^ c n w n e
e m iri mil he responsive bit las a vi Pepisi» ns inquired by law re the rxirchnsed and bee Sams
may be ivsed en Purchased •ton-.siwv
not on bee items nmd one coupon 1» purchased »em Cue
1 W I Safewey toe »w«hh« IV hl items may « ry by store
Npsquomito« nescessot M gaums No lujirx sales tor resole l «gérâtes et «.«sed Safeway s
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