Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 10, 2009, Page 10, Image 10

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    lune IO, 2009
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H ealth matters
Mixed-Race Patients Lack Donors
Finding a
match proves
(AP) -- If Nick Glasgow were
white, he would have a nearly
90 percent chance o f finding a
m atching bone marrow donor
who could cure his leukemia.
But because the 28-year-old
b o d y b u ild e r is o n e -q u a rte r
Japanese, his d o cto r w arned
him th e o u tlo o k w as g rim .
G lasgow 's background would
Northwest Voice For Christ Ministries
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New Prices Effective May 1,2007
Nick Glasgow, who has Leukemia, is comforted by his mother Carole Wiegand at the Kaiser
Permanente Medical Center in Hayward, Calif. Glasgow's multicultural backgound makes it
almost impossible to find a bone marrow match to treat the leukemia. (AP Photo)
make it almost impossible to find
a match, w hich usually com es
from a p a tie n t's ow n eth n ic
The doctor "didn't say it was
slim -to-none. He didn't say it
w ould be hard. He said 'zero
chance,"' G lasg o w 's m other,
Carole W iegand, recalled with
tears in her eyes. "W hen Nick
heard that, it sent him plum m et­
At a time when the num ber
o f multiracial Am ericans is ris­
ing, only a tiny fraction o f do-
Martin Cleaning Service
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
nors on the national bone-m ar­
row registry are o f m ixed race.
The N ational M arrow D onor
Program is trying to change that
by seeking more diverse donors
for patients suffering from leu­
kem ia, ly m p h o m a and oth er
blood diseases.
"The truth is, w hen people
of different backgrounds marry
and produce offspring, it cre­
ates more types that are harder
to m a tc h ," sa id M ic h e lle
Setterholm, the program's direc-
t o r o f s c i e n t i f i c services. "The
p r o b a b ility ju s t g e ts lo w e r
when you have people of mixed
ancestral DNA."
The num ber of people who
identify them selves as m ultira­
cial in the U nited States has
grown from 3.9 million in 2000,
the first y ear the ce n su s in ­
cluded the category, to 5.2 m il­
lion in 2008. M ixed-race people
account for 1.6 percent o f the
U.S. population.
T he donor program has been
p u sh in g fo r y ea rs to re c ru it
moreracial minorities and mixed
race donors. So far, multiracial
volunteers make up ju st 3 per­
cent of the 7 m illion people on
the registry.
That is higher than the per­
centage of mixed-race people in
the U.S. But there are so many
possible racial and ethnic com ­
binations that finding a match
can still be extrem ely difficult.
The reason that m ixed-heri­
ta g e p atien ts are so h ard to
m atch can be found in the im ­
m une system.
Populations in different parts
o f the world developed certain
proteins, or m arkers, that are
part o f the body's natural d e­
fenses. These m arkers help the
im m u n e s y s te m d e te rm in e
w hich c e lls are fo reig n and
should be rejected.
A match between two people
w ho share many m arkers will
reduce the risk o f the donor and
recipient cells attacking each
other. Because certain m arkers
tend to cluster in particular eth­
nic groups, m atches are most
often found am ong people o f
shared backgrounds. M ultira­
cial patients often have uncom ­
mon profiles and a much harder
tim e finding a donor.
About 6,000 patients in the
U.S. are aw aiting a bone m ar­
row match.
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Tessie Taylor o f northeast Port­
land graciously accepted her sash
and crown as she was nam ed the
2009 Rose Q ueen for M arquis
Com panies, a provider o f skilled
nursing, long-term care and as­
sisted living services.
The recent event celebrates the
lives o f senior ladies w ho cu r­
rently make their hom e in a M ar­
quis facility. T w enty-three re ­
m arkable senior ladies from vari­
ous M arquis facilities were rec­
ognized for their volunteer and
com munity service contributions.
Tessie was chosen because of
her dedication to children and her
com m unity. D octors call her a
“miracle patient" after medically
dying three tim es last year from
heart failure and having to be re­
suscitated; persevering through
with no brain dam age.
However, Tessie is accustomed
to hard circum stances. On May
9, 1921 Tessie was bom , o f all
places, in a boxcar where she lived
for three m onths w hile her father
w orked with the railway.
T essie now m ak es her r e s i­
dence at Vintage Suites at Pied­
m ont in northeast Portland where
she gives any child w ho visits a
new ted d y b ea r w rap p ed in a
hom em ade blanket. She says, “ It
m akes me happy to make others
The 2002 Miss America and Or­
egon native Katie Harman hosted
the event.
The 2 0 0 2 Miss America and Oregon native Katie
Harmon crowns Tessie Taylor o f northeast Portland
the 20 0 9 Rose Queen for Marquis Companies, a
skilled nursing and assisted living provider.
OHSU Targets West Nile Virus
R e s e a r c h e r s at O re g o n
H ealth & S cience U niversity
have received federal funding
to develop a vaccine for West
Nile Virus that will likely be ready
Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church
4009 N. Missouri Avenue, Portland, OR
Dr. Johnny Pack, IV Pastor/Founder
“Women Revival June 24-26, 2009 7pm !”
Theme. Women Under Fire ..Yet Still on the Wall!
to enter clinical trials within the
next 3 years.
To date, there is no ex istin g
hum an vaccine for W est Nile.
F u n d in g f o r th e r e s e a r c h
H ea lth W
co m es from the N ational In ­
stitu te o f A llergy and In fe c­
tio u s D iseases, a co m p o n en t
o f th e N atio n al In stitu tes o f
P a re n tin g W o rk sh o p - Are you struggling
with parenting a “challenging” child? Kaiser
hosts a parenting w orkshop on Tuesday, June
23 at 6:30 p.m. at the North Interstate Building,
7201 N. Interstate Ave. Fee is $20 for Kaiser
m em ber co uples and $25 for nonm em ber
Treating Carpel Tunnel -- A free presentation on
Carpel Tunnel and other nerve disorders is pre­
sented by the Providence Brain Institute on Thurs­
day, June 25 at 7 p.m. at Providence St. Vincent
Medical Center, Souther Auditorium. Registeronline
at providence.org/classes or call 503-574-6595.
Red C ross C ontinuing E ducation --The Oregon
Trail Chapter Red Cross now offers credits to
helps professionals maintain licensing or certifi­
cation. For a cumulative list, visit pdxinfo.net.
Cardiac-Rehab Exercises -- A medically super-
visedexercise program for people dealing with heart
conditions. For information, call 503-251 -6260.
T erry F amily
F uneralj
H om e .
"T his g ran t show s the solid
com m itm ent of the N1H to im ­
p r o v in g
hum an
h e a lth
th ro u g h the d ev e lo p m e n t o f
new and im proved vaccines,"
said M ark S lifka, an associate
scien tist at O H S U 's Vaccine
and G ene T h erap y Institute.
2337 N. Williams Ave.
Portland, Or 97227
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