lune IO, 2009 ^ ^ I o r t l a n b (©hseruer Page AIO H ealth matters Mixed-Race Patients Lack Donors Finding a match proves difficult (AP) -- If Nick Glasgow were white, he would have a nearly 90 percent chance o f finding a m atching bone marrow donor who could cure his leukemia. But because the 28-year-old b o d y b u ild e r is o n e -q u a rte r Japanese, his d o cto r w arned him th e o u tlo o k w as g rim . G lasgow 's background would Northwest Voice For Christ Ministries “ A Community Church” Bishop H. L. Hodge, PhD Pastor/Teacher/Revivalist "The Voice Speaks" Worship Service: Sundays- 8:00 A.M. Seminars: Bible Themes- Wednesdays- 6:00 P.M. “God, The Father": “God, The Son”; and "God, The Holy Spirit” Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite you to join us at our appointment with Jesus. We Reach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ name!!! Location: 4800 NE 30th Ave. Portland, Oregon To inquire about our Church or Ministry call 503 863-6545 or email New Prices Effective May 1,2007 a T I Nick Glasgow, who has Leukemia, is comforted by his mother Carole Wiegand at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Hayward, Calif. Glasgow's multicultural backgound makes it almost impossible to find a bone marrow match to treat the leukemia. (AP Photo) make it almost impossible to find a match, w hich usually com es from a p a tie n t's ow n eth n ic group. The doctor "didn't say it was slim -to-none. He didn't say it w ould be hard. He said 'zero chance,"' G lasg o w 's m other, Carole W iegand, recalled with tears in her eyes. "W hen Nick heard that, it sent him plum m et­ ing.'' At a time when the num ber o f multiracial Am ericans is ris­ ing, only a tiny fraction o f do- Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning nors on the national bone-m ar­ row registry are o f m ixed race. The N ational M arrow D onor Program is trying to change that by seeking more diverse donors for patients suffering from leu­ kem ia, ly m p h o m a and oth er blood diseases. "The truth is, w hen people of different backgrounds marry and produce offspring, it cre­ ates more types that are harder to m a tc h ," sa id M ic h e lle Setterholm, the program's direc- t o r o f s c i e n t i f i c services. "The p r o b a b ility ju s t g e ts lo w e r when you have people of mixed ancestral DNA." The num ber of people who identify them selves as m ultira­ cial in the U nited States has grown from 3.9 million in 2000, the first y ear the ce n su s in ­ cluded the category, to 5.2 m il­ lion in 2008. M ixed-race people account for 1.6 percent o f the U.S. population. T he donor program has been p u sh in g fo r y ea rs to re c ru it moreracial minorities and mixed race donors. So far, multiracial volunteers make up ju st 3 per­ cent of the 7 m illion people on the registry. That is higher than the per­ centage of mixed-race people in the U.S. But there are so many possible racial and ethnic com ­ binations that finding a match can still be extrem ely difficult. The reason that m ixed-heri­ ta g e p atien ts are so h ard to m atch can be found in the im ­ m une system. Populations in different parts o f the world developed certain proteins, or m arkers, that are part o f the body's natural d e­ fenses. These m arkers help the im m u n e s y s te m d e te rm in e w hich c e lls are fo reig n and should be rejected. A match between two people w ho share many m arkers will reduce the risk o f the donor and recipient cells attacking each other. Because certain m arkers tend to cluster in particular eth­ nic groups, m atches are most often found am ong people o f shared backgrounds. M ultira­ cial patients often have uncom ­ mon profiles and a much harder tim e finding a donor. About 6,000 patients in the U.S. are aw aiting a bone m ar­ row match. ' * Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG Local Senior Accepts Crown $45.00 Carpet Cleaning 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (includes: I small Hallway) 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra) Stairs (12-16 stairs) $25.00 (With Other Services) Heavily Soiled Area: Additional $10.00 • • • • • ADDITIONAL SERVICES Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment Spot & Stain Removal Service Scotchguard Protection UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa $79.00 Loveseat $59.00 Sectional $109-$139 Chair or Recliner $35 - $49 Throw Pillows $5.00 (With Other Services) See Flyers for Additional Prices Call For Appointment (503) 281-3949 Tessie Taylor o f northeast Port­ land graciously accepted her sash and crown as she was nam ed the 2009 Rose Q ueen for M arquis Com panies, a provider o f skilled nursing, long-term care and as­ sisted living services. The recent event celebrates the lives o f senior ladies w ho cu r­ rently make their hom e in a M ar­ quis facility. T w enty-three re ­ m arkable senior ladies from vari­ ous M arquis facilities were rec­ ognized for their volunteer and com munity service contributions. Tessie was chosen because of her dedication to children and her com m unity. D octors call her a “miracle patient" after medically dying three tim es last year from heart failure and having to be re­ suscitated; persevering through with no brain dam age. However, Tessie is accustomed to hard circum stances. On May 9, 1921 Tessie was bom , o f all places, in a boxcar where she lived for three m onths w hile her father w orked with the railway. T essie now m ak es her r e s i­ dence at Vintage Suites at Pied­ m ont in northeast Portland where she gives any child w ho visits a new ted d y b ea r w rap p ed in a hom em ade blanket. She says, “ It m akes me happy to make others happy.” The 2002 Miss America and Or­ egon native Katie Harman hosted the event. The 2 0 0 2 Miss America and Oregon native Katie Harmon crowns Tessie Taylor o f northeast Portland the 20 0 9 Rose Queen for Marquis Companies, a skilled nursing and assisted living provider. OHSU Targets West Nile Virus R e s e a r c h e r s at O re g o n H ealth & S cience U niversity have received federal funding to develop a vaccine for West Nile Virus that will likely be ready Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church 4009 N. Missouri Avenue, Portland, OR Dr. Johnny Pack, IV Pastor/Founder Presenting... “Women Revival June 24-26, 2009 7pm !” Theme. Women Under Fire ..Yet Still on the Wall! Psalm to enter clinical trials within the next 3 years. To date, there is no ex istin g hum an vaccine for W est Nile. F u n d in g f o r th e r e s e a r c h H ea lth W co m es from the N ational In ­ stitu te o f A llergy and In fe c­ tio u s D iseases, a co m p o n en t o f th e N atio n al In stitu tes o f Health. P a re n tin g W o rk sh o p - Are you struggling with parenting a “challenging” child? Kaiser hosts a parenting w orkshop on Tuesday, June 23 at 6:30 p.m. at the North Interstate Building, 7201 N. Interstate Ave. Fee is $20 for Kaiser m em ber co uples and $25 for nonm em ber atch Treating Carpel Tunnel -- A free presentation on Carpel Tunnel and other nerve disorders is pre­ sented by the Providence Brain Institute on Thurs­ day, June 25 at 7 p.m. at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center, Souther Auditorium. Registeronline at or call 503-574-6595. couples. Red C ross C ontinuing E ducation --The Oregon Trail Chapter Red Cross now offers credits to helps professionals maintain licensing or certifi­ cation. For a cumulative list, visit Cardiac-Rehab Exercises -- A medically super- visedexercise program for people dealing with heart conditions. For information, call 503-251 -6260. T erry F amily F uneralj H om e . "T his g ran t show s the solid com m itm ent of the N1H to im ­ p r o v in g hum an h e a lth th ro u g h the d ev e lo p m e n t o f new and im proved vaccines," said M ark S lifka, an associate scien tist at O H S U 's Vaccine and G ene T h erap y Institute. 2337 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Or 97227 503-249-1788 'v We make the service personal, You make the tribute personal. E very tim e w e a r r a n g e a p e rs o n a liz e d f u n e ra l serv ice, w e ta k e sp e cia l p rid e g o in g th e e x tra m ile W ith o u r o n lin e M e m o ria l O b itu a ry , n o w w e c a n d o e v e n m o re F rien d s a n d fam ily c a n fin d o u t se rv ic e in fo rm a tio n , v ie w p h o to s, re a d o b itu a ry . o r d e r flo w e rs a n d leave p e rs o n a l m e ssag e s o f c o n d o le n c e s fro m a n y w h e re , a n y tim e Sim ply go to o u r website. "Dedicated to providing excellent service and superior care o f your loved one Dwight A. Terry Oregon License CO-3644 Evangelist Melanie Plchon-Smith« of Heaven! Quest Revivallet Amy S. Terry Oregon License FS-0395