Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 27, 2009, Page 12, Image 12

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^ O r t la ttò
f f i b s e t U e r ______________________________________ May 27, 2009
F ood
a ll t h e
is o n lin e
w spec*a’s *
and more
ingredients for life
Recipe to Boost Metabolism
Redeem your
Rtrwaids before
they expire
Japanese Pan Fried Salmon
o n 6 '2 0 '0 * i
Fried S alm on P re p e ra tlo n
tfSO N LY/
Mannate for up to 4, allow 1
fillet of salmon per person
Great Prices. Perfect Pairs!
Prices effettive 5/27 5/2
M a rrin a d e In g re d ie n ts
• 1 teaspoons Fresh Ginger
• 2 teaspoons Sherry
• 1 teaspoon Soy Sauce
• 3 teaspoons H orseradish
Chip» & 2 Soda«
D ire c tio n s
1. Mix all the ingredients for the marrinade in a bowl. Cover the outside of each fillet with
a thin coating of the marrinade and then place inside a small plastic sandwich bag. Pour
any remaining marrinade in to the bag with the salmon, seal the bag and leave the fish
for 30 minutes to take on the flavor.
2. Spray a frying pan with a little extra virgin olive oil and cook the salmon on a medium
heat, 5 minutes on each side
3. Serve with brown rice and spinach topped with a few chopped almonds.
with you* (tub Cant
Doritos Tortilla Chips mnauv« vaon««**
AND 2 Pepsi 06 ar.beiU« arija»
Tropical Fruit Salad
with Poppy Seed Dressing
Save up to $3.98
See Weekly Insert
Dressing In g red ien ts
• Vi cup fat free plain yogurt
• 2 tbsp apricot preserves or orange marmalade
• !4 tsp poppy seed
S alad In g red ien ts
• 1 small fresh pineapple
cut into wedges
• 1 mango or papaya sliced
Vi cup
• 1 medium banana sliced
• 2 kiwi fruit sliced
• */2 cup seedless grapes
• 2 tbsp coconut to ast
Save up to $1.00
with you» Club Card
Safeway Butter Top Bread 01 •> » m ... w»«
AND Bumble Bee Solid White Albacore Tuna
(5 -or *x>it<t»4*anMirs.j
D ire c tio n s
1. In small bowl mixed dress­
ing ingredients
2. Place fruit on platter or in bowl and drizzle dressing over salad
3. Sprinkle with toasted coconut
flH H H
with you» Club Cant
Safeway Sliced Bacon
AND Lucerne* Large Eggs » ,t snwui
Spices for your Health
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper is a warming herb which stimulates the system, improving circula­
tion and helping to reduce cholesterol. It also improves the digestive system. Cayenne
pepper is a good source of vitamin C and A, the complete B complex, calcium and
potassium. For those with arthritis, cayenne pepper is an anti-inflammatory herb which
can help ease pain.
Cayenne pepper also breaks up sinus congestion. At the first sign of a cold, sprinkle
some into warm lemonade. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Cayenne pep­
per is good for respiratory illnesses
Cayenne pepper can be used in chili, stews and soups, Mexican food recipes,
sprinkled on beef or chicken dishes or used in omelets. It should be purchased in small
quantities as it looses strength over time.
Saw up to 12 00
*'ih ywe Club Card
M ott's Apple Juice
« i
A N D Keebler Chips Deluxe Cookies
______ ;i< 5tail at Srtwwdvwwtws )
Cinnamon has a long history as a fragrant spice and as a medicine. In Traditional
Chinese Medicine, cinnamon is known for its warming qualities which increases circu­
lation. This enhances cognitive thinking and increases metabolism. Cinnamon con­
tains antioxidants to boost the immune system and is an anti-blood clotting and anti­
inflammatory food which helps arthritis pain and helps prevent heart disease, espe­
cially high cholesterol. Cinnamon also contains manganese, fiber, Vitamin C and cal­
Cinnamon is very easy to use in the diet. Sprinkle it on toast, add to yogurt or
Green Tea
Studies have shown that green tea boosts metabolism and fat oxidation in the body.
At first it was thought that the caffeine in green tea accounted for the increase in
metabolism. However, researchers discovered that the same amount of caffeine, taken
alone, didn't have the same affect on metabolism as green tea.
Green tea helps to build your immune system with its antioxidants. It lowers choles­
terol and blood pressure, reduces the risk of getting various types of cancer and
Green tea is also very inexpensive and easy to incorporate into the diet. If you don't
like the taste of a warm cup of green tea, blend it into a smoothie with fruit.
Use both cinnamon and green tea in this green tea smoothie
Tl’' TJortlanb (IDbsmier
Lucerne* Milk
Mon. Whole, 2%, 1%,
Siiti Supreme or Fat Free
w cnecwuno, w rem
wW «an at regular price,
second item will reflect
E ditob - in -C hibf , P ublishfk : Charles
H. Washington
EniToe Michael Leighton
D istribution M anaofr : Mark Washington
C kbativf D irf . ctor : Paul Neufeldt
CALL 503-288-0033
FAX 503-288-0015
rosi Money
Safeway SELECT
Bunches of Oats
Ultra uerergan
14.5-fB. or Fruity Pebbles
13-02. Cereal
SAVE up to 52.30 ea.
1 SO-02 Liquid or
190-02. Powder
Selected «tetes
SAVE up to $3,00
FREE48 g > to » i
Established 1970
USPS 9 5 9 -6 8 0 ________________________________
4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211
PosmAsmt: Send address changes to Portland Observer, POBox3137, Portland, 0 R 97 208
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W H O L E O R IN PA R T W IT H O U T P E R M IS S IO N IS P R O H IB IT E D The Portland Observer Oregon's Oldest M ulticultural Pub­
lication- is a member o f the N ational Newspaper A sso ciatio n -F o u n d ed in 1885. and The N ational A dvertising Representative
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