PageAI2 ^ O r t la ttò f f i b s e t U e r ______________________________________ May 27, 2009 com F ood SAFEWAY« a ll t h e is o n lin e coupon» w spec*a’s * and more ingredients for life Recipe to Boost Metabolism Redeem your PowerPump Rtrwaids before they expire Japanese Pan Fried Salmon o n 6 '2 0 '0 * i Fried S alm on P re p e ra tlo n tfSO N LY/ Mannate for up to 4, allow 1 fillet of salmon per person Great Prices. Perfect Pairs! Prices effettive 5/27 5/2 M a rrin a d e In g re d ie n ts • 1 teaspoons Fresh Ginger • 2 teaspoons Sherry • 1 teaspoon Soy Sauce • 3 teaspoons H orseradish Sauce Chip» & 2 Soda« D ire c tio n s 1. Mix all the ingredients for the marrinade in a bowl. Cover the outside of each fillet with a thin coating of the marrinade and then place inside a small plastic sandwich bag. Pour any remaining marrinade in to the bag with the salmon, seal the bag and leave the fish for 30 minutes to take on the flavor. 2. Spray a frying pan with a little extra virgin olive oil and cook the salmon on a medium heat, 5 minutes on each side 3. Serve with brown rice and spinach topped with a few chopped almonds. IXIHLMl Sgl with you* (tub Cant Doritos Tortilla Chips mnauv« vaon««** AND 2 Pepsi 06 ar.beiU« arija» CLUB PRICE Tropical Fruit Salad with Poppy Seed Dressing Save up to $3.98 ■i VALUE «ÀMaSiÀM MERLOT 200J See Weekly Insert Dressing In g red ien ts • Vi cup fat free plain yogurt • 2 tbsp apricot preserves or orange marmalade • !4 tsp poppy seed S alad In g red ien ts • 1 small fresh pineapple cut into wedges • 1 mango or papaya sliced Vi cup • 1 medium banana sliced • 2 kiwi fruit sliced • */2 cup seedless grapes • 2 tbsp coconut to ast (opitional) Save up to $1.00 HB with you» Club Card Safeway Butter Top Bread 01 •> » m ... w»« AND Bumble Bee Solid White Albacore Tuna f MIMMI VALUE —•»IV* (5 -or *x>it to » i ■ » COOLER Established 1970 USPS 9 5 9 -6 8 0 ________________________________ 4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 PosmAsmt: Send address changes to Portland Observer, POBox3137, Portland, 0 R 97 208 CtUR PRICE BY MAIL WHEN YOU BUY ANY 10 PARTICIPATING GATORADE 8 PArtt 16 9 cr 2O-o? PRODUCTS areni uai id w ith clu » c*»u n r e t i » u r ti— t / j i /»» limit omc < i ) cooi ra ft« noOTcaoLD cooixn «i ixtumow ro»M M o v m i* Kt cwecwovt Mls^ponlandobsenerxom subscription@portlandobserverxom The Portland O bserver w elcom e« freelance submissions M anuscripts and photograph« should be c learly labeled and w ill be returned if accompanied by a «elf addressed envelope A ll created de«ign display ad« become the «ole property o f the newspaper and cannot be u«ed in other publication« or personal u«age without the written consent o f the general manager, unle«« the client ha.« purchased the composition o f such ad G 2 « W T H E P O R T L A N D O B S E R V E R A U . R IG H T S R E S E R V E D , R E P R O D U C T IO N IN W H O L E O R IN PA R T W IT H O U T P E R M IS S IO N IS P R O H IB IT E D The Portland Observer Oregon's Oldest M ulticultural Pub­ lication- is a member o f the N ational Newspaper A sso ciatio n -F o u n d ed in 1885. and The N ational A dvertising Representative Am algam ated Publishers. Inc, N ew York. N Y . and The West ( oast Black Publishers Association Advertise with diversity in ^ .ln r tla itb ( O b s e r v e r Call 503-28X-O033 ads^portlandohsci \ may M tlH W iltw d w w flm M only ,ni «1(1«,limns «rii on« c a » m pat «. «nummi «am C u jo m » « * No “OXIN t t t - « r a » a W amo r No « W sums l a reama t oxx nt «consmlSntwmr * x m mu» O 2009 Samwar he A rm **-y ot items nar r»r< » store PO 0B 1