Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 22, 2009, Page 6, Image 6

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Page A6
April 22.2009
S ports
PAL Keeps Youth
Active, Safe
Offers summer leagues
R e g istra tio n is now o p e n fo r the P o lic e A c tiv itie s
L eague o f G reater P ortland youth sum m er cam ps and pro­
gram s. R egistration m aterials are available at palk.ids.org
o r at any PAL C enter. S everal form s have been tran slated
into Spanish.
“We an ticip ate w ith the d istre ssed eco n o m y w e w ill
have m ore fam ilies than e v e r w an tin g to access o u r lo w ­
cost p ro g ram s,” said PAL P resid en t M aura W hite. “We
are doing ev ery th in g we can to raise en o u g h funds to
m eet the increased d em an d .”
A G reater P ortland PAL S po rts C am p w ill be held at
D avid D ouglas H igh School, June 22-26 for youth 8 - 14.
Youth choose a sport for th e w eek w ith o ffe rin g s o f b a s­
ketball, golf, archery, b aseb all, soccer, boxing, racq u et-
ball, m artial arts, bow ling, softball, fishing, cheerleading,
te n n is, and fo o tb all. T he c a m p s are co a c h e d by h ig h
school coaches, police o ffic ers and com m u n ity v o lu n ­
teers. F or m ore inform ation, call S arah B ennett at 503-
T he G reater Portland PAL Youth C enter, 424 N.E. 172nd
Ave., will host sum m er activities from June 29 -A ug 21 for
ages 8 - 1 8 . T h e re ’s also d ro p -in ac tiv itie s, in clu d in g
sports, educational enrichm ent, field trips, arts and crafts,
com puter gam es, teen program s, b illiards, ping pong, and
m ore. P re -reg istratio n is req u ired fo r classe s, p ro jects
and field trips. F or m ore info rm atio n , call M ike Jezew ski
at 503-256-3479.
PAL’s N ational Youth S ports P rogram , July 6 - 31, will
be held on the P ortland S tate U n iv ersity cam pus.
T he spo rts and en ric h m en t p ro g ra m u ses sp o rts in ­
struction and co m petition to rein fo rce th e im p o rtan ce o f
education, enhance self-esteem , and prom ote self respect,
and active and h ealthy life sty le s. B ask etb all, b ow ling,
tennis, golf, hip hop dance, sw im m ing, so ccer and fo o t­
ball are held in add itio n to n u tritio n e d u c atio n and c o n ­
flict reso lu tio n skills. C o n tac t D am on M iller or S arah
B ennett at 503-823-0250.
PAL Youth F ootball tak es to the field from A ug. 1 to
Nov. 11 for youth 8-14. T he p ro g ram fo r kids in the P o rt­
land and R eynolds S chool D istricts g en e rate s m ore than
20 team s and provides a league w ith 4th- 8th grade p ro ­
gram s. P ractices are held on w eekdays, and m ost gam es
are held on S aturdays. C h e erle ad in g is also offered. F or
m ore inform ation, or to v o lu n te er as a coach, call D am on
M iller at 503-823-5785.
F or assistance o r to pick up reg istra tio n fbrm s, drop
by the PAL M ain O ffice at 42 4 N .E. K illin g sw o rth St. or
call 503-823-0250. D iscounted registration fees are av a il­
able to those w ho m eet free and reduced lunch req u ire­
m ents.
Track Star Picks Illinois
Kayla Smith, the reigning 6A
state cham pion in the 100 meter
and 200 m eter dashes, has an ­
n o u n ced p lan s to atten d the
U niversity o f Illinois.
The Benson High School stu­
dent has distinguished herself as
one of the greatest sprinters in
O regon history. She currently
holds the state record in the 200
meter dash at 24.18 seconds.
Thursday, she joined her par­
ents at a press conference to
announce that she would join
the Fighting Illini as her college
o f choice.
Blazers Stumble
in Opening Game
T h e 7 - fo o t- 6 c e n te r Y ao
M ing scored nine o f H ouston's
first 11 points and finished with
24 in the Rockets' 108-81 vic­
tory over the Trail Blazers on
Rockets center
Yao Ming (left)
backs in Portland
Trail Blazers center
Joel Przybilla during
game 1 o f a first-
round NBA basket­
ball playoff game in
Portland. (AP photo)
Saturday night in Portland.
P o rtla n d
c e n te rs
Jo e l
Przybilla and Greg Oden had no
answ er for the seven-tim e All-
Star from China.
The Rockets led by as many
as 31 points in the second half
and there was sim ply no way
the young Blazers could catch
The tw o team s were sched­
uled to m eet again in Portland
Tuesday night before traveling
to H ouston for gam es 3 and 4
on Friday and Sunday. G am e 5
o f the best o f seven series, if
necessary, will be next Tuesday
in Portland.
Sixteen team s from around
the nation hit the court T hurs­
day, April 30 at 7 p.m. and will
continue playing ball until Sun­
day, May 3 at 6:30 p.m.
This y ea r’s tournam ent will
include a BBQ dinner, turkey
dinner, a snack bar, door prizes
and lots o f fun and entertain­
m ent for the w hole family. The
com m unity is invited to attend
and cheer on their favorite play-
ers and teams.
For m ore inform ation, con­
ta c t
T im
or call M oore Street at 503-493-
Candidate Looks to Correct Deficiencies
New Prices Effective May 1,2007
Martin Cleaning Service
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
Residential & Commercial Services
co n tin u ed j ^ f r o m A 3
m inority adolescents.
"The cultural thing is a big
piece o f it,” he said.
A good way to deal with the
problem, according to Bailey, is
to streamline the hiring process
so that PPS can diversify its
teaching pool.
He also said that better con­
necting parents to schools is vi­
tal to better serving minorities.
Recently, two charter schools
in Oregon have been under fire.
The Leadership and E ntrepre­
n eu rsh ip H igh S chool m ight
have to close its doors due to
budget constraints and the O r­
egon Connections A cadem y is
being targeted by a bill in the Leg­
Bailey said he's not too enthu­
siastic about charter schools, but
admits they serve some students
"By god, if someone is doing
a good jo b with kids, what can
we do to not pull the plug on
them?" he said of charters.
Bailey graduated from Grant
High School in 1971. He works
as a reg io n a l e c o n o m ist for
so u th w e st W a sh in g to n . H is
wife, Nancy Abens, teaches art
at Lincoln High School. He has
been involved in a num ber of
volunteer and non-profit initia­
tives to partner with PPS to bet­
ter connect it with parents, stu­
dents and the community.
He will face Pam Knowles in
next m onth’s school board elec­
C arpet Cleaning
2 Cleaning Areas or m ore $30.00 Each Area
Pre-Spray Traffic A reas (Includes: I small Hallway)
1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00
(Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra)
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Heavily Soiled Area: Additional $10.00
Benson High School's Kayla Smith, a state recorder holder in the 100 meter and 200 meter dashes, joins her parents
to announce that she has signed a letter o f intent to attend the University o f Illinois.
T h e 12th a n n u a l D o ris
Verbout Salvationist Basketball
Tournament opens next w eek at
th e S a lv a tio n A rm y M o o re
Street Worship & C om m unity
Center, 5325 N. Williams Ave.
Callîiraifappointment! (503) 228-6140
M inimum Service CHG.
M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
Moore Street Basketball Tourney
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Open to the Public!!
Bethel AME Economic
Development Corporation
Technology Program in
Lego Robotics Technology
Presents a
Robotics Demonstration
Sunday: April 26,2009
From 1-3 PM
Philadelphia CMB Church
238 NE Mason St
For information
contact Pastor Clay
at 503-309-6320
“N O M O R E
Friday N ight-Live
Pastor Roy E. Clay Sr.
<4 wife, Lottie M. Clay
At: Bethel AME Church Social Hall
5828 NE 8th Ave Portland O R 97211
503-288-5429 • w w w .bethelam echurchportland.com
April 24,2009 at 7:00PM
Guest Speaker: Apostle Matt Schreiber
Com e C elebrate the Lego R obotics Program.
See dem onstrations o f projects subm itted in last y ea r's
com petition. Learn m ore on how to get YO UR CH ILD R EN
and other involved in this free science and math program.
April 26,2009
53rd Church Anniversary
Guest Speaker: Bishop H.B. Daniels Jr.
Also, you will be able to register for
the Lego-Robotics Fall Program.
Food • Fellow ship • Fun
Sponsored By: The Bethel A M E Econom ic
D evelopm ent C orporation
Advertise with diversity
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