^ o rtla n h ©bseruer Page A6 April 22.2009 S ports PAL Keeps Youth Active, Safe Offers summer leagues R e g istra tio n is now o p e n fo r the P o lic e A c tiv itie s L eague o f G reater P ortland youth sum m er cam ps and pro­ gram s. R egistration m aterials are available at palk.ids.org o r at any PAL C enter. S everal form s have been tran slated into Spanish. “We an ticip ate w ith the d istre ssed eco n o m y w e w ill have m ore fam ilies than e v e r w an tin g to access o u r lo w ­ cost p ro g ram s,” said PAL P resid en t M aura W hite. “We are doing ev ery th in g we can to raise en o u g h funds to m eet the increased d em an d .” A G reater P ortland PAL S po rts C am p w ill be held at D avid D ouglas H igh School, June 22-26 for youth 8 - 14. Youth choose a sport for th e w eek w ith o ffe rin g s o f b a s­ ketball, golf, archery, b aseb all, soccer, boxing, racq u et- ball, m artial arts, bow ling, softball, fishing, cheerleading, te n n is, and fo o tb all. T he c a m p s are co a c h e d by h ig h school coaches, police o ffic ers and com m u n ity v o lu n ­ teers. F or m ore inform ation, call S arah B ennett at 503- 823-0250. T he G reater Portland PAL Youth C enter, 424 N.E. 172nd Ave., will host sum m er activities from June 29 -A ug 21 for ages 8 - 1 8 . T h e re ’s also d ro p -in ac tiv itie s, in clu d in g sports, educational enrichm ent, field trips, arts and crafts, com puter gam es, teen program s, b illiards, ping pong, and m ore. P re -reg istratio n is req u ired fo r classe s, p ro jects and field trips. F or m ore info rm atio n , call M ike Jezew ski at 503-256-3479. PAL’s N ational Youth S ports P rogram , July 6 - 31, will be held on the P ortland S tate U n iv ersity cam pus. T he spo rts and en ric h m en t p ro g ra m u ses sp o rts in ­ struction and co m petition to rein fo rce th e im p o rtan ce o f education, enhance self-esteem , and prom ote self respect, and active and h ealthy life sty le s. B ask etb all, b ow ling, tennis, golf, hip hop dance, sw im m ing, so ccer and fo o t­ ball are held in add itio n to n u tritio n e d u c atio n and c o n ­ flict reso lu tio n skills. C o n tac t D am on M iller or S arah B ennett at 503-823-0250. PAL Youth F ootball tak es to the field from A ug. 1 to Nov. 11 for youth 8-14. T he p ro g ram fo r kids in the P o rt­ land and R eynolds S chool D istricts g en e rate s m ore than 20 team s and provides a league w ith 4th- 8th grade p ro ­ gram s. P ractices are held on w eekdays, and m ost gam es are held on S aturdays. C h e erle ad in g is also offered. F or m ore inform ation, or to v o lu n te er as a coach, call D am on M iller at 503-823-5785. F or assistance o r to pick up reg istra tio n fbrm s, drop by the PAL M ain O ffice at 42 4 N .E. K illin g sw o rth St. or call 503-823-0250. D iscounted registration fees are av a il­ able to those w ho m eet free and reduced lunch req u ire­ m ents. Track Star Picks Illinois Kayla Smith, the reigning 6A state cham pion in the 100 meter and 200 m eter dashes, has an ­ n o u n ced p lan s to atten d the U niversity o f Illinois. The Benson High School stu­ dent has distinguished herself as one of the greatest sprinters in O regon history. She currently holds the state record in the 200 meter dash at 24.18 seconds. Thursday, she joined her par­ ents at a press conference to announce that she would join the Fighting Illini as her college o f choice. Blazers Stumble in Opening Game T h e 7 - fo o t- 6 c e n te r Y ao M ing scored nine o f H ouston's first 11 points and finished with 24 in the Rockets' 108-81 vic­ tory over the Trail Blazers on Houston Rockets center Yao Ming (left) backs in Portland Trail Blazers center Joel Przybilla during game 1 o f a first- round NBA basket­ ball playoff game in Portland. (AP photo) Saturday night in Portland. P o rtla n d c e n te rs Jo e l Przybilla and Greg Oden had no answ er for the seven-tim e All- Star from China. The Rockets led by as many as 31 points in the second half and there was sim ply no way the young Blazers could catch up. The tw o team s were sched­ uled to m eet again in Portland Tuesday night before traveling to H ouston for gam es 3 and 4 on Friday and Sunday. G am e 5 o f the best o f seven series, if necessary, will be next Tuesday in Portland. Sixteen team s from around the nation hit the court T hurs­ day, April 30 at 7 p.m. and will continue playing ball until Sun­ day, May 3 at 6:30 p.m. This y ea r’s tournam ent will include a BBQ dinner, turkey dinner, a snack bar, door prizes and lots o f fun and entertain­ m ent for the w hole family. The com m unity is invited to attend and cheer on their favorite play- ers and teams. For m ore inform ation, con­ ta c t T im Fuqua at tim.fuqua@usw.salvationarmy.org or call M oore Street at 503-493- 3925. Candidate Looks to Correct Deficiencies A " New Prices Effective May 1,2007 Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services co n tin u ed j ^ f r o m A 3 m inority adolescents. "The cultural thing is a big piece o f it,” he said. A good way to deal with the problem, according to Bailey, is to streamline the hiring process so that PPS can diversify its teaching pool. He also said that better con­ necting parents to schools is vi­ tal to better serving minorities. Recently, two charter schools in Oregon have been under fire. The Leadership and E ntrepre­ n eu rsh ip H igh S chool m ight have to close its doors due to budget constraints and the O r­ egon Connections A cadem y is being targeted by a bill in the Leg­ islature. Bailey said he's not too enthu­ siastic about charter schools, but admits they serve some students well. "By god, if someone is doing a good jo b with kids, what can we do to not pull the plug on them?" he said of charters. Bailey graduated from Grant High School in 1971. He works as a reg io n a l e c o n o m ist for so u th w e st W a sh in g to n . H is wife, Nancy Abens, teaches art at Lincoln High School. He has been involved in a num ber of volunteer and non-profit initia­ tives to partner with PPS to bet­ ter connect it with parents, stu­ dents and the community. He will face Pam Knowles in next m onth’s school board elec­ tion. $45.00 C arpet Cleaning 2 Cleaning Areas or m ore $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic A reas (Includes: I small Hallway) 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra) Stairs (12-16 stairs) $25.00 (Wii/t Other Services) Heavily Soiled Area: Additional $10.00 • • • • • Benson High School's Kayla Smith, a state recorder holder in the 100 meter and 200 meter dashes, joins her parents to announce that she has signed a letter o f intent to attend the University o f Illinois. T h e 12th a n n u a l D o ris Verbout Salvationist Basketball Tournament opens next w eek at th e S a lv a tio n A rm y M o o re Street Worship & C om m unity Center, 5325 N. Williams Ave. Callîiraifappointment! (503) 228-6140 M inimum Service CHG. M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Moore Street Basketball Tourney Your Care Our First Priority • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation photo by AD D ITIO N AL SER VIC E S Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment Spot & Stain Removal Service Scotchguard Protection U PH O LSTERY CLEANING Sofa $79.00 Loveseat $59.00 Sectional $109-$139 Chair or Recliner $35 - $49 Throw Pillows $5.00 (With Other Services) See Flyers for A dditional Prices Call For A ppointm ent (503) 281-3949 FREE Open to the Public!! Bethel AME Economic Development Corporation Technology Program in Lego Robotics Technology Presents a Robotics Demonstration Sunday: April 26,2009 From 1-3 PM Philadelphia CMB Church 238 NE Mason St For information contact Pastor Clay at 503-309-6320 Theme: “N O M O R E U N G O D LIN ESS” Friday N ight-Live Pastor Roy E. Clay Sr. <4 wife, Lottie M. Clay At: Bethel AME Church Social Hall 5828 NE 8th Ave Portland O R 97211 503-288-5429 • w w w .bethelam echurchportland.com April 24,2009 at 7:00PM Guest Speaker: Apostle Matt Schreiber Com e C elebrate the Lego R obotics Program. See dem onstrations o f projects subm itted in last y ea r's com petition. Learn m ore on how to get YO UR CH ILD R EN and other involved in this free science and math program. April 26,2009 53rd Church Anniversary Guest Speaker: Bishop H.B. Daniels Jr. Also, you will be able to register for the Lego-Robotics Fall Program. Food • Fellow ship • Fun Sponsored By: The Bethel A M E Econom ic D evelopm ent C orporation Advertise with diversity in 'rin o r Haith (©faster u e r ( all 503-288-0033 adstsportlandoH sci \ ei com