Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 14, 2009, Martin Luther King Jr 2009 Special Issue, Page 31, Image 31

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    M a r t in L u t h e r K in g J r .
lanuary 14, 2009
2009 sp e c ia l edition
WSU Vancouver Honors King
Taking the
Path to
W ashington State U niver­
sity V ancouver invites c o m ­
m unity m em bers to jo in stu ­
dents, staff and faculty for
the M artin L uther K ing D ay
o f Service com m em orating
the 80th anniversary o f his
The event will be held on
the M LK national holiday,
M onday, Jan 19, with regis-
Martin Luther King
Jr. announces on
April 25, 1967, that
he would not be a
candidate for the
president of the
United States.
ing trees in watershed.
All cam pus parking lots will
be available for free public
u se. T ra n s p o rta tio n to the
projects and back w ill not be
prov ided and carpooling is en ­
W SU V ancouver is located
at 14204 N .E. S alm on C reek
A ve., east o f the 134th Street
exit from eith er 1-5 o r 1-205.
tration and light refreshm ents at
9a.m ., follow ing by a presenta­
tion by Jorge Lizarraga, diver­
sity fa c u lty fe llo w in th e
Firstenburg Student Com m ons.
Service projects will include
quilting for the needy (on cam ­
pus); elem entary school beauti­
fication; landscaping with Habi­
tat for H um anity; sorting canned
goods at a food bank; and plant­
Martin Luther King Jr. Color by Numbers
James & Mytien Kent with President Barack Obama
L o r t l a n d L y e a u t y S c h o o l ,^3a lu t c s a n d
S u p p o r t s t h e L if e , L e g a c y , a n d L ^ re a m
L ) r . M a r tin L u t h e r e i n g J r -
It’s tim e to realize yo u r dream as a salon professional ! Portland B eauty School
w as founded to create the m ost successful entrepreneurs in the industry.
O u r m ission is to inspire and educate our students w ith the highest level o f training.
1 Brown
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3 Red
4 Yellow
5 Black
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Saluting Martin Luther King Jr.
“Youth Potential Realized”
Self Enhancement, Inc. salutes the life and legacy of
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.!
“We are now faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow
is today. We are confronted with the FIERCE
URGENCY OF NOW. In this unfolding conundrum of
life and history, there is such a thing as being too late.”
-Martin Luther King , Jr., 1967
“All labor that uplifts humanity has
dignity and importance and should be
undertaken with painstaking excellence. ”
• Over 50% of African American Children in Oregon
do not graduate from high school
• Over 90% of students in the SEI program graduate from
high school
— Mortin Luther King Jr.
The Future is NOW!!
5949 Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
3120 Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
Seif Enhancement, Inc.
3 9 2 0 N. KerbyAve. “ Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 2 7
www. selfenhancement. org