M a r t in L u t h e r K in g J r . lanuary 14, 2009 PageBI9 2009 sp e c ia l edition WSU Vancouver Honors King Taking the Humble Path to Leadership W ashington State U niver­ sity V ancouver invites c o m ­ m unity m em bers to jo in stu ­ dents, staff and faculty for the M artin L uther K ing D ay o f Service com m em orating the 80th anniversary o f his birth. The event will be held on the M LK national holiday, M onday, Jan 19, with regis- Martin Luther King Jr. announces on April 25, 1967, that he would not be a candidate for the president of the United States. ing trees in watershed. All cam pus parking lots will be available for free public u se. T ra n s p o rta tio n to the projects and back w ill not be prov ided and carpooling is en ­ couraged. W SU V ancouver is located at 14204 N .E. S alm on C reek A ve., east o f the 134th Street exit from eith er 1-5 o r 1-205. tration and light refreshm ents at 9a.m ., follow ing by a presenta­ tion by Jorge Lizarraga, diver­ sity fa c u lty fe llo w in th e Firstenburg Student Com m ons. Service projects will include quilting for the needy (on cam ­ pus); elem entary school beauti­ fication; landscaping with Habi­ tat for H um anity; sorting canned goods at a food bank; and plant­ Martin Luther King Jr. Color by Numbers James & Mytien Kent with President Barack Obama L o r t l a n d L y e a u t y S c h o o l ,^3a lu t c s a n d S u p p o r t s t h e L if e , L e g a c y , a n d L ^ re a m of L ) r . M a r tin L u t h e r e i n g J r - 5 ^ * ^ It’s tim e to realize yo u r dream as a salon professional ! Portland B eauty School w as founded to create the m ost successful entrepreneurs in the industry. O u r m ission is to inspire and educate our students w ith the highest level o f training. 1 Brown 2 Blue Hair Design - Esthetics - Nall Technology Cosmetology - Massage Therapy Day & Evening Classes - Full & Part Time Accelerated Tralnlng/Competency-Based Flexible Hours - No Minimum Hours Required Flexible Payments Plans/SLM Financing Available High School Diploma NOT Required Gift Cards Salon Services at School Prices IVe Support Diversity 3 Red 4 Yellow 5 Black OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FOR SERVICES 8 2 3 0 NE SISKIYOU ST. PORTLAND, OR 9 7 2 2 0 (On 82nd Ave. & 2 Blocks South of NE Fremont) xhooi '