Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 10, 2008, Page 10, Image 10

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F ood
Ingredients for life..
Christmas Tree-
Trimming Party
Safeway is th e s m a r t w a y to shop
Light the fire, stir the cocoa and sing along
with the carolers: it's time to decorate the
tree! Mini French dip sandw iches, little individual
namesri on«» °
“America s
at y o u buy most.
cheese balls, and bacon-cheddar m ushroom s will keep
your decorating crew well-fed. For the finale, set out
the delicious chocolate earthquake cake and com ­
m ence with a cerem onial lighting o f the tree.
Buy G ift Cards &
Bacon Cheddar Stuffed Mushrooms
“T h is a p p e tiz e r is a n im p re ssiv e a n d ir r e sis tib le
a c c o m p a n im e n t to a n y m e a l."
.„ ..h ..« '« '0” 01’
3 slices bacon
8 portabella m ushroom s
1 Tbs. butter
1 Tbs. chopped onion
3/4 cup shredded C heddar cheese
1/4 cup bread crum bs
1. Place bacon in a large, deep skillet. C ook over m edium
high heat until evenly brown. 2. Drain, dice and set aside.
3. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).
4. Rem ove m ushroom stems. Set aside caps. Chop the
stem s.
5. In a large saucepan over m edium heat, melt the butter.
Slow ly cook and stir the chopped stems and onion until the
onion is soft. Rem ove from heat.
6. In a m edium bow l, stir together the m ushroom stem
mixture, bacon, bread crumbs and 1 /2 cup Cheddar. Mix well
and scoop the mixture into the m ushroom caps.
7. Bake, in the preheated oven 15 m inutes, or until the
cheese has melted.
8. Rem ove the mushroom s from the oven, and sprinkle with
the rem aining cheese.
Gas Rewards'
each tim e
you spend
$100 on
G ift Cards'.
Buy G ift Cards'
See weekly insert
fo r Your Shopping
Individual Cheese Balls
“W ith th e ir
• 1 cup shredded C heddar cheese
c r e a m y , n u tty
• 1 Tbs. chopped onion
fla v o r , th e s e
• 1 Tbs. chopped fresh parsley
s m a u c h e e s e b a lls
I tsp. lemon juice
w o rk g r e a t f o r
• 1 tsp. W orcestershire sauce
e n t e r t a in in g ! "
• 1 1 / 2 cups ground walnuts
• 2 - (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
In a small bowl, com bine the first six ingredients; mix well. Shape into 1 - 1/2-inch balls. Roll in nuts.
S h o p S a fe w a y firs t!
Chill thoroughly. Serve with crackers.
Choos«* fro n t o v e r >00 G ift c ,»•«<*
a n d ns*' th e m to b u y s tu ff
to r y o u rs e lf o r g iv e as g ifts
to s a w H U G E a t t h e p u m p
The Night Before
• Pick up roast for French dip and gather all recipe
• Add mini sandwich rolls to the shopping list to
replace full size French rolls.
• Round up supplies for ornam ents and garland: popcorn, cranberries, construction paper, glitter,
and tape.
• C ook appetizers. Place in serving dishs; cover and refrigerate.
• Let kids roll mini cheese balls in nuts, chopped parsley, or poppy seeds; refrigerate.
On Party Day
• The best rule o f thum b for a perfect tree: lights, and m ore lights. So put up the tree and string
it with plenty o f lights. (D on’t forget to check them before stringing them on the tree.)
• Add roast to slow cooker around noon; put your feet up and relax.
• Mid afternoon: turn on holiday m usic and start m aking ornam ents and garland.
• Just before party starts, fix C andy Cane C ocoa and coffee. Keep warm in therm al carafes, in a slow
cooker, o r on the stove.
• Place drink toppers, and m ix-ins (w hipped cream , chocolate syrup, liqueurs) near beverages and
let everyone add their ow n finishing touches.
• Sip beverages, nibble on appetizers, and start decorating.
As decorators finish, serve dessert. Let everyone plop on the floor or couch and adm ire their
handiwork as they indulge in a chocolate reward.
12-Pack Pepsi
C hocolate E arthquake C ake
i-a-- ■■-» —
rnoge Maies
"SMa wUl vM your home Mict:
12-oz. cans.
□ * cR
lC r1
U m
V irtretin
j u s , f o r m o r e o f ,h is d e l i c t c a k e !
Plus deposit in Oregon.
1 cup chopped w al­
n u ts
• 1 (3.5 ounce) pack­
age flaked coconut
• 1 (18.25 ounce) pack­
age G erm an chocolate
cake mix
• 1/2 cup butter
• 8 o u n c e s c re a m
ch eese
• 3 cups confectioners'
su g ar
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). G rease one 9x 12 inch
SAVE up to $17.97 on 5
cake pan. C over the bottom o f the cake pan with the chopped nuts and
the flaked coconut.
2. Prepare cake mix according to package direc­
tions. Pour batter over chopped nuts a rd coconut.
3. M elt butter or m argarine; add cream cheese and
confectioner's sugar. Stir until blended. Spoon this
mixture over unbaked cake batter.
4. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 40 to
42 minutes. Please note: you cannot test for doneness, as the cake will
appear sticky even w hen it is done. The icing sinks into the batter as it
bakes, form ing the w hite ribbon inside. M akes 16 servings.
Apple Juice
TortHa Chips
9 to 13-02.
Selected varieties.
Selected varieties.
Club Price $ 2 .5 0 ee.
O ut) Price: $ 1 .5 0 ea.
Safeway SELECT*
Shredded or
Chunk Cheese
SAVE up to 9 6 ( on 2
S t o o » 1’
Crystal Geyser
3 5 -p a c k ,1 6 .9 -o z
S A V E u p to B O t
Selected varieties.
SAVE up to $ 5 .9 9 on 2
Selected varieties.
SAVE up to $ 2 .0 0
S unday S low C o o k er
Easy Slow Cooker French Dip
“T h is m a k e s a
4 pounds rum p roast
d e lic io u s F r e n c h
2 Tbs. butter
, . ,
d tp s a n d w ic h ,
1 (10.5 ounce) can beef broth
p e r fe c t f o r th e
1 (1 2 fluid ounce) can or bottle beer
b u s y h o lid a y
6 French rolls, quartered o r mini rolls
1 (10.5 ounce) can cond. French onion soup s e a s o n ! "
r Savoi'u,e
1. Trim excess fat from the rum p roast, and place in a slow cooker. A dd the b eef broth, onion
soup and beer. C ook on Low setting for 7 hours.
2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
3. Split French rolls, and spread with butter. Bake 10 m inutes, or until heated through.
4. Slice the m eat on the diagonal, and place on the rolls. Serve the sauce for dipping.
Chocolate Coffee Kiss
BP?” .
< I j l 'j r r f ^ M
G reat gifts made simple
Shop all your favorite retailers here.
In a coffee m ug, com bine coffee li­
queur, Irish cream , crèm e de cacao and
G rand M arnier. Fill mug w ith hot cof­
fee. T op with a dollop o f whipped
cream , drizzle with chocolate syrup
and garnish with a m araschino cherry.
Save $5 i
au» «ici
“This is a sweet coffee drink, fo r all you
coffee lovers who want an extra kick in
your java. ”
3/4 fluid ounce coffee liqueur
3/4 fluid ounce Irish cream liqueur
1/2 fluid ounce crèm e de cacao liqueur
1 tsp. brandy-based orange liqueur (G rand M arnier)
1 cup hot brew ed coffee
2 Tbs. w hipped cream
1 1/2 fluid ounces chocolate syrup
1 m araschino cherry
Buy any 8 participating Stouffer’s, Lean Cuisine,
Hot Pockets or Lean Pockets items in a
SINGLE Transaction w ith your Club Card and
Products m iy not be iviitable in ill stores See
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M m in the id good through
cards for dem is, terms in d conditions, which mey
, mm «1 ere effective 6 AM Wedneedev December 10 toru T.eeto,, D w -
«• Sehnvey « » « « Oregon lercew MWon Freewater] and S W Washmgtoi storw y t o g
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ftered tar setei » e noi available to other defers or w hotea ater, Sates of products contatntag ephedrine pseudoephedrine or
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