Decem ber IO. 2 0 0 8 Page AIO F ood SAFEWAY O Ingredients for life.. Christmas Tree- Trimming Party Safeway is th e s m a r t w a y to shop Light the fire, stir the cocoa and sing along with the carolers: it's time to decorate the tree! Mini French dip sandw iches, little individual V« LOW PR'CES namesri on«» ° “America s healthiest at y o u buy most. cheese balls, and bacon-cheddar m ushroom s will keep your decorating crew well-fed. For the finale, set out the delicious chocolate earthquake cake and com ­ m ence with a cerem onial lighting o f the tree. Buy G ift Cards & Bacon Cheddar Stuffed Mushrooms “T h is a p p e tiz e r is a n im p re ssiv e a n d ir r e sis tib le a c c o m p a n im e n t to a n y m e a l." .„ ..h ..« '« '0” 01’ Directions Ingredients • • • • • • 3 slices bacon 8 portabella m ushroom s 1 Tbs. butter 1 Tbs. chopped onion 3/4 cup shredded C heddar cheese 1/4 cup bread crum bs 1. Place bacon in a large, deep skillet. C ook over m edium high heat until evenly brown. 2. Drain, dice and set aside. 3. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). 4. Rem ove m ushroom stems. Set aside caps. Chop the stem s. 5. In a large saucepan over m edium heat, melt the butter. Slow ly cook and stir the chopped stems and onion until the onion is soft. Rem ove from heat. 6. In a m edium bow l, stir together the m ushroom stem mixture, bacon, bread crumbs and 1 /2 cup Cheddar. Mix well and scoop the mixture into the m ushroom caps. 7. Bake, in the preheated oven 15 m inutes, or until the cheese has melted. 8. Rem ove the mushroom s from the oven, and sprinkle with the rem aining cheese. Earn DOUBLE Gas Rewards' each tim e you spend $100 on G ift Cards'. Buy G ift Cards' See weekly insert Here... fo r Your Shopping There. Individual Cheese Balls Ingredients “W ith th e ir • 1 cup shredded C heddar cheese c r e a m y , n u tty • 1 Tbs. chopped onion fla v o r , th e s e • 1 Tbs. chopped fresh parsley s m a u c h e e s e b a lls I tsp. lemon juice w o rk g r e a t f o r • 1 tsp. W orcestershire sauce e n t e r t a in in g ! " • 1 1 / 2 cups ground walnuts • 2 - (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened Directions In a small bowl, com bine the first six ingredients; mix well. Shape into 1 - 1/2-inch balls. Roll in nuts. S h o p S a fe w a y firs t! Chill thoroughly. Serve with crackers. Choos«* fro n t o v e r >00 G ift c ,»•«<* a n d ns*' th e m to b u y s tu ff to r y o u rs e lf o r g iv e as g ifts to s a w H U G E a t t h e p u m p The Night Before • Pick up roast for French dip and gather all recipe ingredients. • Add mini sandwich rolls to the shopping list to replace full size French rolls. • Round up supplies for ornam ents and garland: popcorn, cranberries, construction paper, glitter, and tape. • C ook appetizers. Place in serving dishs; cover and refrigerate. • Let kids roll mini cheese balls in nuts, chopped parsley, or poppy seeds; refrigerate. On Party Day • The best rule o f thum b for a perfect tree: lights, and m ore lights. So put up the tree and string it with plenty o f lights. (D on’t forget to check them before stringing them on the tree.) • Add roast to slow cooker around noon; put your feet up and relax. • Mid afternoon: turn on holiday m usic and start m aking ornam ents and garland. • Just before party starts, fix C andy Cane C ocoa and coffee. Keep warm in therm al carafes, in a slow cooker, o r on the stove. • Place drink toppers, and m ix-ins (w hipped cream , chocolate syrup, liqueurs) near beverages and let everyone add their ow n finishing touches. • Sip beverages, nibble on appetizers, and start decorating. As decorators finish, serve dessert. Let everyone plop on the floor or couch and adm ire their handiwork as they indulge in a chocolate reward. 12-Pack Pepsi C hocolate E arthquake C ake Ingredients Directions i-a-- ■■-» — rnoge Maies "SMa wUl vM your home Mict: 12-oz. cans. < rU JL