Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 17, 2008, Page 3, Image 3

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September 17, 2008
^Jortlanb ©bscruer
Page A3
Westside Max
Turns 10
Portland Mall next
P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
The Rose City Vaudeville players brought stilts, acrobats, musicians, jugglers and more to the delight o f thousands of spectators for
Saturday's annual Alberta Street Fair parade in northeast Portland.
Dear Deanna!
Dear Deanna!
Dear Deanna!
I made the mistake and m ar­
ried a man that was a virgin.
Everything in the relation­
ship has always been w on­
derful until our w edding
night. I was disappointed
because I’ve been with oth­
ers and had experiences that
were 10 times better. I’m not
sure I w ant to stay in the
marriage because I can’tdeal
with this. W hat do I do? --
Tw o o f my friends have been m aking me
suspicious about my husband because
he com es hom e late from work. They
have been filling up my head with stuff
and have successfully led me to think
h e’s having an affair. 1 follow ed him in a
different car, pushed re-dial on the tele­
phone and checked his pockets for phone
numbers. His behavior h asn 't changed
but my friends keep trying to convince
me h e’s m essing around. I c a n 't find
anything. Am I losing it? —Paranoid;
When my husband and I were together he took
excellent care o f our kids. Now that w e're divorced he
has amnesia and forgot he has obligations of child
support and health care. D on’t get me wrong, I still care
for him but now 1 have to go through so much stress
to get him to help me. I have legal documents outlining
his responsibilities. How long do I wait before taking
him through the court system? -Allison Kramer;
Ask Deanna1.
Real People,
Real Advice
An advice column known for
reality based subjects !
Misha Tyler; Fort Hood,
Bronx, N. Y.
Dear Paranoid,
Dear Misha:
Be glad you m arried a man that avoided sexual
im m orality. Y our virgin elim inated your exposure
to A ID S , diseases and baby m om m a dram a. A p­
p aren tly there w ere things oth er than sex that
m ade you love him and accept his hand in m ar­
riage. If you w ere sm art, y o u ’d realize y o u 're the
teach er w ith a perm anent student w hose skills are
g o in g to get b e tte r and im p ro v e w ith each
le s s o n ...if you know w hat I m ean.
G row up and stop doing childish things like playing
Inspector Gadget. If your spouse d o esn 't display
signs o f infidelity d o n 't look for any. If your man
com es hom e late, and he says he was w orking— trust
him. You are borrow ing trouble and setting your
m arriage up for a dow nfall by listening to your
friends. W hen your girlfriends start trying to cause
dram a, stop them dead in their tracks. If they keep at
it, tel I them to get lost so you can keep your marriage
happy and healthy.
Omaha, Neb.
Dear Allison:
Daycare bills, tight clothes, and hungry stomachs
don’t have time to wait for daddy to grow up. At this
rate, your kids will be senior citizens collecting a
pension before your ex-husband steps up to the plate.
The court order that he violated gives you front row
seating with a judge. If he has no sympathy or concern
for hischildren's welfare, then you need to handle your
business and take him to court at lightning speed. Rest
assured that G od is going to fiercely deal with him for
neglecting and rejecting thecareof his flesh and bkxid.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask
Deanna! Email; askdeanna I @yahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Bird. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills, CA
90211. Website: www,askdeanna. < om
The 18-mile W estside MAX Blue Line
turned 10 years old last week and has
totaled 105 million rides since opening on
Sept. 12, 1998. T h at's more than 200 rides
for every person living in W ashington
Transit trips along the W estside corri­
dor have tripled since opening. In July
2008, W estside MAX weekday ridership
was 42,400, a 94 percent increase in 10
"There has been trem endous transfor­
m a tio n alo n g
th e
W e stsid e M A X line
sin ce o p en in g ," said
TriM et General M an­
ager Fred Hansen. "It
has helped serve as a
catalyst for more than
$2 billion in develop­
ment near the M AX I ine,
helping to create new Fred Hansen
n e ig h b o rh o o d s an d
strengthen existing ones. It's really exciting
to see the change and see riders be able to
make more connections throughout the
region as the MAX system continues to
TriM et's fifth light rail line is under con­
struction. The 8.3-mile l-205/Portland Mall
MAX Light Rail Project will add light rail to
Fifth and Sixth avenues in downtown Port­
land between Union Station and Portland
State University, and between Gateway Tran­
sit Center and Clackamas Town Center.
It is the first light rail extension into
Clackam as County and it will serve the
.heart o f downtown Portland. When it pens
in September 2009, it will help revitalize the
Portland Mall and poise the region for
future rail extensions.
Smith Rejects
Portland Debate
U.S. Sen. Gordon Smith o f Oregon has
declined an invitation to participate in a
Portland City Club Forum debate with his
opponent, Oregon State Rep. Jeff Merkley.
The City C lub extended an invitation to
both candidates to debate the issues over
a month ago, offering the option of multiple
dates, but received word Tuesday that
Smith has chosen not to appear.
O fficials from the organization called
Sm ith’s decision disappointing and regret­
The fact that Rep. Merkley has accepted
the club's invitation entitles him to appear
at a Friday Forum debate on Oct. 17, City
Club officials said.
-Barack Obama
For m ore in fo rm a tio n on
Barack Obama visit:
w w w .voteforchange.com