Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 17, 2008, Page 10, Image 10

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    September 17. 2008
C lassifieds / B
\d w iiis e with diversity in
| 3 o r t la u b (O h s e rlic r
C all 503-288-00311 ads@portlandob serv er.co m
Supplying N orthw est Cooking W oods
100% Mesquite Charcoal, Mesquite Wood,
Hickory, Pecan, Wild Cherry, Oak,
Maple, Plus Other Woods & Supplies
Call For Appointment
610 SW Alder Street Suite 1221
Portland, OR 97205
Ask for Paul
$5.00 Tees
City of Portland
Portland State University
Facilities & Planning
Construction Project Manager
S c re e n P rin tin g
5 0 3 -7 6 2 -6 0 4 2
Sub-bids Requested
Murase Office Renovation
Portland, OR
Bid Date: September 30, 2008 - 3:00 PM
Bid Documents may be purchased at Clackamas
Blueprint, They can be viewed at,Oregon Contractor
Plan Center or BXWA They can also be borrowed from
our office, 8850 SE Otty Rd Portland by contacting
Sean Samples at 503-777-5531.
Member of:
This proiect is targeting a 20% M/W/ESB subcontract/supplier
participation rate. Please contact us directly if you are
M/W/ESB that needs special consideration in order to provide
a bid on this project
Facilities & Planning seeks FT
Construction Project Manager to
oversee the planning, design,
and co n stru ctio n of sm all to
large capital construction and
repair projects. Salary range for
th is p o s itio n is $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 -
$ 7 0 ,0 0 0 p lu s E X C E L L E N T
benefits package including fully
paid m edical, dental & vision.
Other benefits include paid sick
& vacation leave & S ta ff Fee
Tuition Reduction for you or a
dependent. PSU is an AA/EO
in s titu tio n a n d w e lc o m e s
a p p lic a tio n s fro m d iv e rs e
candidates and candidates who
s u p p o rt d iv e rs ity . S e e fu ll
announcem ent
fo r
qualifications requirements & to
a p p ly
o n lin e
w w w .h rc .p d x .e d u / o p e n in g s /
u n c la s s ifie d / in d e x .h t m
Ap plications will be accepted
until 10/07/08.
S »* I « I 1 I
I’ WI I K I *
U tility
8.50+/hr, medical, dental, 401k w/m atch, sick & vacation
(5 0 3 ) 2 5 4 -0 7 7 4 — P o rtla n d , O R
Star Park is lo o k in g ‘for individuals with excellent custom er
service skills and a positive attitude to join our team of parking
facility operators. Positions include: Attendant, Traffic Director,
Cashier, and Valet, with Opportunity for advancem ent. No
experience necessary, m ust be dependable.
Fast Track Marketing
Medical Office Support Instructor
O ur company is an equal opportunity employer and requests sub-bids from
R FP 09-1335-P K S
M e tro R e g io n a l Pa rks and G re e n s p a c e s D e p a rtm e n t, a
m etropolitan service district organized under the laws of the
State of Oregon and the Metro Charter, located at 600 NE Grand
Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736, is requesting proposals for
design and engineering services to develop a Nature and Golf
Learning facility at Blue Lake Park located at 20500 NE Marine
Drive, Troutdale, Oregon.
G ro u n d s .
To a cc e s s th e c o m p le te jo b
a n n o u n ce m e n t and required
application m aterials, visit our
w e b s ite
w w w .m e tro -
re g io n .o rg /jo b s or pick up a
c o m p le te p a c k e t a t M e tro
H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , 6 0 0 NE
Grand Avenue, Portland.
AA/EEO Employer
Over tw o dozen trades. Training
on the job. Must be 17-34 years
o f age. E xce lle n t s a la ry and
benefits. Travel available. No
e x p e rie n c e n e e d e d . Pa id
relocation. Mon - Fri, 8am-4pm,
(800) 914-8536
Applicants may apply by fax at
5 0 3 -6 9 5 -2 2 4 8 ,
e m a il
M a lo v.iu n e @ io b co rp s.o rg . or
m a il: S p rin g d a le Jo b C o rp
C e n te r, 3 1 2 2 4 E. H is to ric
Columbia River Hwy., Troutdale,
OR 97060. Resum es with cover
letter indicating the job posting
m u st be re ce ive d by Friday,
Septem ber 19, 2008.
W e are an Equal Opportunity
Steel Buildings
(Portland Office Sustainable
Developm ent)
M onthly
$4,384 to $5,841
The B u s in e s s O u tre a ch and
C o m p lia n c e C o o rd in a to r will
o v e rs e e , im p le m e n t, and
a d m in is te r th e c o m m e rc ia l
p ro g ra m o f th e P o rtla n d
R e c y c le s ! P la n to in c re a s e
business recycling to 7 5 % o f all
w aste generated by 2015 and
to im p ro v e b u s in e s s w a s te -
p re v e n tio n p ra c tic e s . The
person in this position m ay work
so m e w e e k e n d a n d e v e n in g
Apply please go to
Factory Deals, Can Erect
www.scg-grp.com Source# 16T
5 4 1 -9 9 3 -4 9 2 4
Advertise ’wWi.^veiMiy in
New Inspiring
<ri’‘ ^lîortlañó OfAeruer
Apartm ent Homes, 3bdrm,
2 ba„ w/d in each hom e, two
colors schem es to choose,
activity courts, com m unity
room with m onthly activities,
pets w elcom e* footsteps to
max and bus-line - W HERE
A Absolutely New Queen Pillowtop
Mattress with Box Set. Still Sealed
C a ll 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3
Approxim ate
M onthly
$3,610 to $5,562
A s p a rt o f th e R e s id e n tia l
O u tre a c h a n d In v o lv e m e n t
team , the Event and Outreach
C o o rd in a to r w ill p ro m o te
s u s ta in a b le c h o ic e s th rou gh
p u b lic o u tre a ch e v e n ts th a t
fo c u s on e n e rg y e ffic ie n c y ;
re n e w a b le re so u rce s; w a ste
reduction and recycling; global
warming; sustainable econom ic
d e velop m en t; gree n b u ild in g
and sustainable food system s.
The person in this position will
w o rk s o m e w e e k e n d a n d
evening hours
Apply please go to
Assistance & Compliance
minority, women, disadvantaged disabled veterans or emerging small business enterprises
Approxim ate
in Plastic. Can Deliver
$200. (5 0 3 )8 2 8 -8 9 2 7
Portland Recycles! Business
( i K !»I I’
P.O, Box 66100 Portland, Oregon 97290-6100
(503) 777-5531 FAX (503) 771-2933
Oregon CCB #10723; WA Reg #EMERIC’ 379NT
(Portland Office Sustainable
Developm ent)
adst^portljH M Bler.com
City of Portland
Event and Outreach Coordinator
Portland Expo Center. $13.90 -
$18.07/hr, PT. Deadline: 9/18/
08. This opportunity is open to
First O p p o rtu n ity Target Area
residents (Colum bia Boulevard
on the north; 42nd Avenue on
the east; the Banfield Freeway
on th e s o u th , a n d N o rth
Chautauqua Boulevard on the
w e s t), w h o s e to ta l a n n u a l
in c o m e d o e s n o t e x c e e d
$25,000 as an individual, or
$ 4 0 ,0 0 0
fo r an
e n tire
h o u s e h o ld , fo r th e p a s t 12
Full-tim e instructor needed for
v o c a tio n a l tra in in g p rogra m
serving young adults ages 16 to
24. The successful candidate
will be proficient with medical
b illin g s o ftw a re , m e d ic a l
te rm in o lo g y ,
o ffic e
procedures and skills. M ust be
a self-starter able to m aintain a
high level of organization in a
fa s t-p a c e d e n v iro n m e n t, a
p ro fe s s io n a l ro le m o d e l,
d e m o n s tra te
e x c e lle n t
com m unication skills with co­
workers and students, and have
one year experience in a related
fie ld . M u s t h a v e te a c h in g
e x p e rie n c e ,
N a tio n a l
H e a lth c a re e r
A s s o c ia tio n
certification in M edical Billing
a nd C o d in g , a n d M e d ic a l
Adm inistrative Assisting or valid
S ta te o f O re g o n T e a c h in g
L ic e n s e w ith re la te d fie ld
e x p e rie n c e . S a la ry $ 1 6 .0 0 -
$19.00 per hour. Full benefits
package available.
W e're hiring. And, if you’re a high
school graduate, w e'll train you
in a great NAVY job. In addition
to training and a good paycheck,
th e N a v y w ill h e lp p a y fo r
c o lle g e . S a la ry and b e n e fits
worth over $35,000 a year to
start! How far you go is up to you.
If you are 17-34 years old, Mon-
Fri, 8am -4pm , (800) 914-8536
Aerotek Construction is currently
lo o k in g
fo r
L ic e n s e d
J o u rn e y m a n
E le c tric ia n s .
C o m m e rc ia l e x p e rie n c e is
preferred. Top pay and benefits.
A p p lic a n ts
ca n
s ta r t
imm ediately! Please contact Liz
H ollow w a at 8 6 6 -8 4 7 -2 5 6 8 .
M eadow Schools in partnership
with PPS to support academ ic
success. After-school position
works with u p to 5 MS students.
R e s p o n s ib le fo r a c a d e m ic
su p p o rt tu to rin g 2 grou p s of
s tu d e n ts 2-4 tim e s a w eek.
E x p e rie n c e w / a t-ris k y o u th
preferred. Bi lingual (English/
S p a n ish ) a plus. 6-9 hrs/wk.
$12 per hr. Em ail resum e to
jo b s @ o p e n m e a d o w .o rg . R ef
position 2008-15. EOE.
M id d le S c h o o l T u to r:
N ow
Starting at $849 -
water, sewer, garbage paid
**lncom e restriction do
apply - please call for more
inform ation
2032 SW M erlo Ct.
Beaverton OR, 97006
* restrictions apply
R e n t in g
M etro is planning to develop a new 9-hole golf course called
th e Blue Lake Nature and G olf Learning Center. Additional
im provem ents that are part of the project Include replacem ent
o f the existing Lake House Event Center, a new golf clubhouse/
park operations building, a 6-hole pitch-n-putt, a driving range,
a walking trail around the golf course, a trailhead and connection
to the 4 0-m ile Loop Trail and the construction of general
Im provem ents to the existing park.
Oregon State Hospital - Salem
Bid Package #4 - Temp Treatment Mall
Pre-Bid Meeting: September 24 at 2:00pm
Bids Due: October 7 at 2:00pm
Bid Documents - Ford Graphics (5 0 3 /2 2 7 -3 4 2 4 ) or www.bxwa.com
Hoffman Construction
Proposals will be due no later than 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, October 15,
2008, in M etro's business offices at 600 NE Grand Avenue,
Portland, OR 97232-2736. All questions relating to this RFP
should be addressed to Lydia Neill at (503) 797-1830, or
Lydia.Neill@oregonmetro.gov. Any questions that, in the opinion
of Metro, w arrant a written reply or RFP addendum will be
furnished to all parties receivingthis RFP and posted on M etro’s
website. M etro will not respond to questions received after
W ednesday, October 8, 2008.
Company of Oregon
Phone: (5 0 3 ) 221-8 811 - Bid Fax: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 1-8 888
805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - CCB LIC# 28417
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including
disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises.
Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hotfmancorp.com
Portland Development Commission
P atton P ark A partments
A REACH Community Development Property
The Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Portland, Oregon
A pre-proposal conference will be held at Metro Regional Center,
Fanno Creek Room, 600 NE Grand, Portland, OR 97232, Friday,
October 3,2008. from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Portland is internationally recognized for its quality of life,
distinctive neighborhoods, and robust transit system. Playinga
key role in keeping Portland, Oregon, one of Am erica's most
livable citie s is th e Portland D e velop m e n t C o m m iss io n 's
mission. PDC is the C ity's urban renewal agency, charged with
bringing together resources to achieve Portland's vision. W e re
currently looking for qualified individuals to com plem ent our
w orkforce for the follow ing positions:
Potential proposers may obtain RFP docum ents by visiting our
w e b s ite at w w w .o re g o n m e tro .g o v and clic k in g on “ D oing
B usiness”.
M etro m ay accept or reject any or all proposals, in whole or in
part, or w aive irregularities not affecting substantial rights if
such action is deem ed in the public interest.
Financial InvestmentTeam Division Manager
Business and Industry Division Manager
M etro and its contractors shall not discrim inate against any
person(s) based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, age, religion, physical handicap, political affiliation
o r marital status.
Associate IT Technician-Student
M etro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically
e n co u ra g e s m in ority, w om en -ow n e d , and e m e rg in g sm all
businesses to access and participate in this and all M etro
projects, program s and services.
W e offer a generous host of benefits as part of our efforts to
keep PDC a positive, healthy and productive place to work. PDC
values diversity in its work force and is com m itted to
Equal Em ploym ent Opportunity and Affirm ative Action.
Lawson Systems Administrator
Trim Systems Administrator
Business Systems Analyst II
Apply online at w w w .pdc.us/jobs
Portland Developm ent Com m ission, 222 NW 5th Ave.,
Portland, OR 97209
Jobline: 503.823.3463
Darin M atthews. CPPO, C.P.M.
M etro Procurem ent Officer
600 NE Grand Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97232
This brand new apartment community
is now accepting applications.
N e x t to Max line & Patton Square Park
Sm oke-Free Building
Professional M gm nt & Resident Srvcs
Secured Parking
Free In te rn et access & com m unity rooms
1 Bedroom a t............................ *527
2 Bedrooms a t .......................... *650
Income restrictions apply.
Opening January 2009.
w w w .reachcdc.org
S204 N. I nterstate A ve .