September 17. 2008 PageAIO C lassifieds / B ids M ETRO \d w iiis e with diversity in | 3 o r t la u b (O h s e rlic r C all 503-288-00311 ads@portlandob serv m STAR Supplying N orthw est Cooking W oods 100% Mesquite Charcoal, Mesquite Wood, Hickory, Pecan, Wild Cherry, Oak, Maple, Plus Other Woods & Supplies Call For Appointment pay. 610 SW Alder Street Suite 1221 Portland, OR 97205 Ask for Paul $5.00 Tees City of Portland Portland State University Facilities & Planning Construction Project Manager FAMILY REUNION S c re e n P rin tin g 5 0 3 -7 6 2 -6 0 4 2 Sub-bids Requested Murase Office Renovation Portland, OR Bid Date: September 30, 2008 - 3:00 PM Bid Documents may be purchased at Clackamas Blueprint, They can be viewed at,Oregon Contractor Plan Center or BXWA They can also be borrowed from our office, 8850 SE Otty Rd Portland by contacting Sean Samples at 503-777-5531. Member of: AGC_ This proiect is targeting a 20% M/W/ESB subcontract/supplier participation rate. Please contact us directly if you are M/W/ESB that needs special consideration in order to provide a bid on this project a Facilities & Planning seeks FT Construction Project Manager to oversee the planning, design, and co n stru ctio n of sm all to large capital construction and repair projects. Salary range for th is p o s itio n is $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 - $ 7 0 ,0 0 0 p lu s E X C E L L E N T benefits package including fully paid m edical, dental & vision. Other benefits include paid sick & vacation leave & S ta ff Fee Tuition Reduction for you or a dependent. PSU is an AA/EO in s titu tio n a n d w e lc o m e s a p p lic a tio n s fro m d iv e rs e candidates and candidates who s u p p o rt d iv e rs ity . S e e fu ll announcem ent fo r qualifications requirements & to a p p ly o n lin e at w w w .h rc .p d x .e d u / o p e n in g s / u n c la s s ifie d / in d e x .h t m Ap plications will be accepted until 10/07/08. E M E R I C K C O N S T R U C T IO N S »* I « I 1 I I’ WI I K I * U tility 8.50+/hr, medical, dental, 401k w/m atch, sick & vacation (5 0 3 ) 2 5 4 -0 7 7 4 — P o rtla n d , O R PO R T L A N D , OREOON PARK Star Park is lo o k in g ‘for individuals with excellent custom er service skills and a positive attitude to join our team of parking facility operators. Positions include: Attendant, Traffic Director, Cashier, and Valet, with Opportunity for advancem ent. No experience necessary, m ust be dependable. Fast Track Marketing LANE FAMILY REUNION Medical Office Support Instructor O ur company is an equal opportunity employer and requests sub-bids from FOR NATURE AND GOLF LEARNING FACILITY AT BLUE LAKE PARK R FP 09-1335-P K S M e tro R e g io n a l Pa rks and G re e n s p a c e s D e p a rtm e n t, a m etropolitan service district organized under the laws of the State of Oregon and the Metro Charter, located at 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736, is requesting proposals for design and engineering services to develop a Nature and Golf Learning facility at Blue Lake Park located at 20500 NE Marine Drive, Troutdale, Oregon. Salary: G ro u n d s . To a cc e s s th e c o m p le te jo b a n n o u n ce m e n t and required application m aterials, visit our w e b s ite at w w w .m e tro - re g io n .o rg /jo b s or pick up a c o m p le te p a c k e t a t M e tro H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , 6 0 0 NE Grand Avenue, Portland. AA/EEO Employer C O N T R U C T IO N T R A IN E E S Over tw o dozen trades. Training on the job. Must be 17-34 years o f age. E xce lle n t s a la ry and benefits. Travel available. No e x p e rie n c e n e e d e d . Pa id relocation. Mon - Fri, 8am-4pm, (800) 914-8536 Applicants may apply by fax at 5 0 3 -6 9 5 -2 2 4 8 , e m a il M a lo v.iu n e @ io b co rp s.o rg . or m a il: S p rin g d a le Jo b C o rp C e n te r, 3 1 2 2 4 E. H is to ric Columbia River Hwy., Troutdale, OR 97060. Resum es with cover letter indicating the job posting m u st be re ce ive d by Friday, Septem ber 19, 2008. W e are an Equal Opportunity Employer! Beaverton Steel Buildings (Portland Office Sustainable Developm ent) M onthly Salary: $4,384 to $5,841 The B u s in e s s O u tre a ch and C o m p lia n c e C o o rd in a to r will o v e rs e e , im p le m e n t, and a d m in is te r th e c o m m e rc ia l p ro g ra m o f th e P o rtla n d R e c y c le s ! P la n to in c re a s e business recycling to 7 5 % o f all w aste generated by 2015 and to im p ro v e b u s in e s s w a s te - p re v e n tio n p ra c tic e s . The person in this position m ay work so m e w e e k e n d a n d e v e n in g hours Apply please go to MERLO STATION APARTMENTS Factory Deals, Can Erect Source# 16T 5 4 1 -9 9 3 -4 9 2 4 Advertise ’wWi.^veiMiy in New Inspiring