Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 03, 2008, Image 1

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Politically Charged Art
0 1 4 / iJ
community’ service
General Election Nov. 4
Last Day to Register:
Oct. 14
1-866-ORE- VOTES
Multi-ethnic portraits mix
more than color at Interstate
Firehouse Cultural Center
See story, page A5
City of Roses’
Established in 1970
Committed to Cultural Diversity
Volume XXXVIII, Number 35
Wednesday • September 3, 2008
TlW eek in
The Review
McCain Defends VP Pick
Republican John
M c C a in
sa id
Tuesday he's sat­
isfied that Sarah
P a lin 's
ground was prop­
erly checked out
b efo re the A lask a g o v ern o r
jo in ed the R epublican ticket.
Jury awards
$19 million to
auto salesmen
See story, page A2.
Obama Leads in New Polls
A new USA T oday/G allop poll
in the race for president shows
Barack O bam a with a 50 percent
to 43 percent lead over John
M cCain am ong registered vot­
ers. A new CBS poll show s him
up by 8 points, 48 percent to 40
percent. See sto ry , page A2.
Evacuees Wait to
Come Home
G u lf Coast residents w hoevacu- i
ated ahead o f Hurricane G ustav
grew increasingly anxious to re­
turn home, but authorities said
T uesday they w ould have to
wait. Checkpoints popped up
around New O rleans to keep the
city em pty o f residents so work
could get under way to restore
pow er and other critical services.
Fire Closes Oregon Capitol
Tile Oregon State Capitol was
closed Tuesday after a weekend
fire dam aged the governor's C er­
em onial O ffice and other areas.
The fire started early Saturday
on th e te rra c e o u ts id e the
governor's second-floor office
suite, where construction sup­
plies and m aterials were stored
for a renovation project.
Mexican Police
Held in Death
Six M exican officers have been
placed under house arrest on
suspicion o f hom icide after an
Oregon man died w hile in police
custody in the resort city o f San
Jose del Cabo. A state deputy
prosecutor said authorities will
investigate w hether the police
officers played a role in the death.
photo by
M ark W ashington /T he P ori land O bserver
Jazz °"the Mississippi
H arold W illiam s Two o f th e D iversity In stitu te (from left) jo in s c o m m u n ity le a d e rs R a n c e Spruill o f th e Albina Youth
O pportunity S ch o o l, DJ OGOne o f Ja m m in 1 0 7 .5 a n d Jo h n Ja c kley o f th e P ortland D e v e lo p m e n t C o m m issio n to p ro m o te
th e first e v e r “J a zz o n th e M is sis sip p i" e n te r ta in m e n t e v e n t co m in g Thursday, S e p t. 1 1 to M issis sip p i A ve n u e b e tw e e n
B e e c h a n d S h a v e r S tr e e ts . For m o re in form ation, s e e d isp la y a d v e r tis e m e n t o n p a g e A3.
Parents Warned on Kids Drinking
labels added
to liquor
store shelves
The Oregon D epartm ent o f
H uman Services with the sup­
port o f Oregon Partnership and
the O regon L iquor C ontrol
Com m ission have kicked o ff a
cam paign to educate adults
about the dangers o f furnish­
ing alcohol to minors.
New stickers, bottle hang­
ers and posters are being dis­
tributed at Oregon liquor stores
to let parents know that allow ­
ing teens to drink at hom e is not
The cam paign describes how
kids frequently take alcohol from
hom e supplies and reinforces the
m essag e that parental d isa p ­
proval is the most Important rea­
son kids d o n ’t drink.
It also drives hom e the fact
that it's illegal for adults to host
underage drinking parties - even
in your home.
A re c e n t O reg o n H ealth y
Teens Survey shows that about a
third o f 8th graders in the state
have consum ed alcohol in the
past 30 days as have about half o f
I Ith graders.
The Survey also shows that 3 1
percent o f 8th grade drinkers and
People who buy or provide
alcohol for a minor could go
to jail and pay a fine o f $1,000
or more.
- Steve Sander, OLCC training analyst and program coordinator
37 percent of 11 th grade drink­
ers prefer hard liquor.
“ People who buy or provide
alcohol for a m inor could go to
jail and pay a fine o f $ I .(XX) or
more,” said Steve Sander, OLCC
training analyst and program
coordinator. “ Kids are 'shoul­
der tapping’ - asking adults to
buy alcohol for them. One way
to reduce underage drinking is
to educate the grownups who
are buying it.”
The “Face it. Parents" cam ­
paign is managed by Oregon
Partnership and designed to re­
duce underage drinking by tar­
geting parents.
For more about “ Face It. Par­
ents," visit faceitparents.com .
Tiger’s Wife
Expecting Again
T iger W oods said his wife Elin is
expecting in late w inter without
being m ore specific on a due
date. W oolfs’ first child, daugh­
ter Sam, was born last year.
Weapon Fired at Bus
Som eone fired a w eapon at a
TriM e, busjust after I a.m. as the
bus drove near the intersection
N o rth
A lb in a
an d
Killingsworth Street. N oone was
seriously injured. A window on
the bus was cracked and inves­
tigators think the dam age may
have been caused by a paintball
gun or slingshot.
Missing Hikers Found Safe
A party o f missing hikers made it
back safely Tuesday after some
o f its m em bers spent a night in
the wiwxls near Horsetail Falls in
the C olum bia Gorge. Rescuers
said that the party o f acquain­
tances from a M ormon church in
Beaverton set out M onday on a
I O-mile day hike but split up be­
cause they were traveling at d if­
ferent speeds.
photo nv M \ rk W \ shington /T hi P ortland O bserver
N e w s tic k e r s a n d b o ttle h a n g e rs e d u c a te p a r e n ts a b o u t th e pitfalls to allow ing te e n s to drink a t h o m e . P rom oting th e
e d u c a tio n a l ca m p a ig n are R u d y W illiam s (left) o f th e Oregon Liquor C ontrol C o m m issio n a n d P a m ela S . E rickson o f
P ublic A ction M a n a g em en t.
A federal jury in Portland has
awarded $ 19 mi 11 ion to four former
auto salesm en after ruling they
were victim s o f racism at work.
C a rlo s B a rfie ld , M a rc u s
Arnold, Jahaeel Hardy and Kent
Paul sued in 2006 after they said
m anagers and other w orkers at
the Thom ason T oyota dealership
in suburban G ladstone encour­
aged racist remarks that m anage­
ment failed to stop.
T h e A ug. 27 v erd ic t w as
against the dealership's form er
o w n er, the New' Y o rk -b ased
Asbury Automotive Group, which
b o u g h t a m a jo rity sta k e in
Thom ason and Its nine new-car
dealerships in 1998.
The dealership Is under new
ow nership and called T oyota of
A sbury sold the dealership
before the lawsuit was filed in 2(X)6.
Keith Dozier, co-counsel for
the four men, said the verdict was
a trium ph o f the jury system.
"You can't com e into the state
o f Oregon and treat people badly
and make money o ff them and
expect that you're not going to
get caught," Dozier said.
S ev era l
w itn e s s e s
claimed that a
s u p e rv is o r
r e p e a te d ly
d e s c rib e d
him self as a
"re d n e c k "
an d th r e a t­
ened to put a
bullet in the R o yJa y
head o f anyone who com plained.
"Am I the only redneck here?"
one Thom ason em ployee report­
edly said. "All I do is lake Viagra
and redneck pillsevery morning."
A n o th er em p lo y ee "talked
a b o u t how h is p a re n ts are
rednecks and they don't like
blacks and they used to burn
crosses," according to w itness
statem ents.
A nother dealership em ployee
used racist epithets, according to
witness statements.
A dealership em ployee inten­
tionally steered a white custom er
away from one of the plaintiffs
because the custom er "w as a
redneck and didn't want to deal
with him because he is black."
according to w itness statements.
The four plaintiffs, who are
black, claim ed they lost car deals
because o f their race.
The African A merican ( ham-
berofC om m erce hail been part of
the com m unity horsepow er sup­
porting the lawsuit, according to
Roy Jay, cham ber president and
chiefexecutive officer.
The cham ber gathered infor­
mation from various sources that
substantiated the claim s m the
"It is unfortunate in this day
and age that African Americans
andotherm inoritiesare faced w ith
agrow ing level o f discriminatory
and racial injustices in the w ork­
place,” Jay said.
He added that the m istreat­
ment of the black em ployees is
offensive to a local African Amen
can population that spends mil
lions o f dollars purchasing new
on pane .13