500 Politically Charged Art 0 1 4 / iJ of community’ service General Election Nov. 4 Last Day to Register: Oct. 14 www.oregonvotes.org 1-866-ORE- VOTES Multi-ethnic portraits mix more than color at Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center See story, page A5 City of Roses’ bserlier Established in 1970 www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity Volume XXXVIII, Number 35 Wednesday • September 3, 2008 TlW eek in The Review Verdict Finds McCain Defends VP Pick Republican John M c C a in sa id Tuesday he's sat­ isfied that Sarah P a lin 's back­ ground was prop­ erly checked out b efo re the A lask a g o v ern o r jo in ed the R epublican ticket. Workplace Racism Jury awards $19 million to auto salesmen See story, page A2. Obama Leads in New Polls A new USA T oday/G allop poll in the race for president shows Barack O bam a with a 50 percent to 43 percent lead over John M cCain am ong registered vot­ ers. A new CBS poll show s him up by 8 points, 48 percent to 40 percent. See sto ry , page A2. Evacuees Wait to Come Home G u lf Coast residents w hoevacu- i ated ahead o f Hurricane G ustav grew increasingly anxious to re­ turn home, but authorities said T uesday they w ould have to wait. Checkpoints popped up around New O rleans to keep the city em pty o f residents so work could get under way to restore pow er and other critical services. Fire Closes Oregon Capitol Tile Oregon State Capitol was closed Tuesday after a weekend fire dam aged the governor's C er­ em onial O ffice and other areas. The fire started early Saturday on th e te rra c e o u ts id e the governor's second-floor office suite, where construction sup­ plies and m aterials were stored for a renovation project. Mexican Police Held in Death Six M exican officers have been placed under house arrest on suspicion o f hom icide after an Oregon man died w hile in police custody in the resort city o f San Jose del Cabo. A state deputy prosecutor said authorities will investigate w hether the police officers played a role in the death. photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ori land O bserver Jazz °"the Mississippi H arold W illiam s Two o f th e D iversity In stitu te (from left) jo in s c o m m u n ity le a d e rs R a n c e Spruill o f th e Albina Youth O pportunity S ch o o l, DJ OGOne o f Ja m m in 1 0 7 .5 a n d Jo h n Ja c kley o f th e P ortland D e v e lo p m e n t C o m m issio n to p ro m o te th e first e v e r “J a zz o n th e M is sis sip p i" e n te r ta in m e n t e v e n t co m in g Thursday, S e p t. 1 1 to M issis sip p i A ve n u e b e tw e e n B e e c h a n d S h a v e r S tr e e ts . For m o re in form ation, s e e d isp la y a d v e r tis e m e n t o n p a g e A3. Parents Warned on Kids Drinking Warning labels added to liquor store shelves The Oregon D epartm ent o f H uman Services with the sup­ port o f Oregon Partnership and the O regon L iquor C ontrol Com m ission have kicked o ff a cam paign to educate adults about the dangers o f furnish­ ing alcohol to minors. New stickers, bottle hang­ ers and posters are being dis­ tributed at Oregon liquor stores to let parents know that allow ­ ing teens to drink at hom e is not okay. The cam paign describes how kids frequently take alcohol from hom e supplies and reinforces the m essag e that parental d isa p ­ proval is the most Important rea­ son kids d o n ’t drink. It also drives hom e the fact that it's illegal for adults to host underage drinking parties - even in your home. A re c e n t O reg o n H ealth y Teens Survey shows that about a third o f 8th graders in the state have consum ed alcohol in the past 30 days as have about half o f I Ith graders. The Survey also shows that 3 1 percent o f 8th grade drinkers and People who buy or provide alcohol for a minor could go to jail and pay a fine o f $1,000 or more. - Steve Sander, OLCC training analyst and program coordinator 37 percent of 11 th grade drink­ ers prefer hard liquor. “ People who buy or provide alcohol for a m inor could go to jail and pay a fine o f $ I .(XX) or more,” said Steve Sander, OLCC training analyst and program coordinator. “ Kids are 'shoul­ der tapping’ - asking adults to buy alcohol for them. One way to reduce underage drinking is to educate the grownups who are buying it.” The “Face it. Parents" cam ­ paign is managed by Oregon Partnership and designed to re­ duce underage drinking by tar­ geting parents. For more about “ Face It. Par­ ents," visit faceitparents.com . Tiger’s Wife Expecting Again T iger W oods said his wife Elin is expecting in late w inter without being m ore specific on a due date. W oolfs’ first child, daugh­ ter Sam, was born last year. Weapon Fired at Bus Som eone fired a w eapon at a TriM e, busjust after I a.m. as the bus drove near the intersection of N o rth A lb in a an d Killingsworth Street. N oone was seriously injured. A window on the bus was cracked and inves­ tigators think the dam age may have been caused by a paintball gun or slingshot. Missing Hikers Found Safe A party o f missing hikers made it back safely Tuesday after some o f its m em bers spent a night in the wiwxls near Horsetail Falls in the C olum bia Gorge. Rescuers said that the party o f acquain­ tances from a M ormon church in Beaverton set out M onday on a I O-mile day hike but split up be­ cause they were traveling at d if­ ferent speeds. 1 VOTE photo nv M \ rk W \ shington /T hi P ortland O bserver N e w s tic k e r s a n d b o ttle h a n g e rs e d u c a te p a r e n ts a b o u t th e pitfalls to allow ing te e n s to drink a t h o m e . P rom oting th e e d u c a tio n a l ca m p a ig n are R u d y W illiam s (left) o f th e Oregon Liquor C ontrol C o m m issio n a n d P a m ela S . E rickson o f P ublic A ction M a n a g em en t. « A federal jury in Portland has awarded $ 19 mi 11 ion to four former auto salesm en after ruling they were victim s o f racism at work. C a rlo s B a rfie ld , M a rc u s Arnold, Jahaeel Hardy and Kent Paul sued in 2006 after they said m anagers and other w orkers at the Thom ason T oyota dealership in suburban G ladstone encour­ aged racist remarks that m anage­ ment failed to stop. T h e A ug. 27 v erd ic t w as against the dealership's form er o w n er, the New' Y o rk -b ased Asbury Automotive Group, which b o u g h t a m a jo rity sta k e in Thom ason and Its nine new-car dealerships in 1998. The dealership Is under new ow nership and called T oyota of Gladstone. A sbury sold the dealership before the lawsuit was filed in 2(X)6. Keith Dozier, co-counsel for the four men, said the verdict was a trium ph o f the jury system. "You can't com e into the state o f Oregon and treat people badly and make money o ff them and expect that you're not going to get caught," Dozier said. S ev era l w itn e s s e s claimed that a s u p e rv is o r r e p e a te d ly d e s c rib e d him self as a "re d n e c k " an d th r e a t­ ened to put a bullet in the R o yJa y head o f anyone who com plained. "Am I the only redneck here?" one Thom ason em ployee report­ edly said. "All I do is lake Viagra and redneck pillsevery morning." A n o th er em p lo y ee "talked a b o u t how h is p a re n ts are rednecks and they don't like blacks and they used to burn crosses," according to w itness statem ents. A nother dealership em ployee used racist epithets, according to witness statements. A dealership em ployee inten­ tionally steered a white custom er away from one of the plaintiffs because the custom er "w as a redneck and didn't want to deal with him because he is black." according to w itness statements. The four plaintiffs, who are black, claim ed they lost car deals because o f their race. The African A merican ( ham- berofC om m erce hail been part of the com m unity horsepow er sup­ porting the lawsuit, according to Roy Jay, cham ber president and chiefexecutive officer. The cham ber gathered infor­ mation from various sources that substantiated the claim s m the lawsuit. "It is unfortunate in this day and age that African Americans andotherm inoritiesare faced w ith agrow ing level o f discriminatory and racial injustices in the w ork­ place,” Jay said. He added that the m istreat­ ment of the black em ployees is offensive to a local African Amen can population that spends mil lions o f dollars purchasing new A I continued on pane .13 t